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Тести английского языка

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Тести английского языка

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«Тести английского языка»

Variant 1

1. Almost everyone fails_______ the driver's test on the first try.

A) passing B) to have passed C) to pass D) in passing

2 .If endangered species_____saved, rain must be protected the forests.

A) are B) be C) can be D) will be

3. The average spoken sentence in_____ conversational English takes 2.5 seconds.

A ) for to complete B ) completing C) to complete D) by completing

4. Only twenty years ago, most doctors agreed _____truthful with their terminally ill patients, a trend that has reversed itself in modern medical practice.

A ) don't to be B ) not to be C) we shouldn't been D) not to been

5.William Torrey Harris was one of the first educators interested ________a logical progression of topics in the school curriculum.

A ) in establishing B ) for establishing C) establishing D) to establish

6 .North American Indian tribes used sign language___ with tribes that spoke a different language or dialect.

A ) to communicating B ) for communication C) to communicate D) for communicated

7.Art tends to be___ more after the death of the artist, but most literary works tend to decrease in value when the writer dies.

A ) price B ) worthy C) worth D) value

8.Adult eagles let their off ___ spring nests near their original nesting area.

A ) build B ) builds C) building D) to build

9. Iowa, ______of flat-topped hills erected by the ancient Mound Builder people as temples and burial sites.

A) with a larger number B) has a large number C) having a large number D) a large number

10. _____the eight Ivy League schools are among the most prestigious colleges in the United States.

A) It is generally accepted that B) That it is accepted c) Accepting that it is D) That is accepted

11.______to relieve pain caused by severe burns, prevent infection, and treat for shock, immediate steps.

A) taking B) to take C) taken D) take

12. If gasoline vapor_____with air, combustion will occur.

A) mixed B)had mixed C) mixes D) mixture

13.Vermont, commonly known as the Green Mountain State, refused____until 1791.

A) to join the Union B) joining the Union C) the joining of the Union D) join the Union

14.Air constricted between the vocal chords makes them________, producing sounds.

A ) to vibrate B ) vibrating C) vibrate D) the vibration

15. On the average, a healthy heart__________to pump five tablespoons of blood with every beat.

A) must C) can

B) ought D) should

16. In general, by the second year of production, the price of a new piece of technology significantly_________.

A) will decreased B) has decreased C) will have decreased D) will has decreased

17. A cure for juvenile diabetes______until more funds are allocated to basic research

A) won't develop B) aren't developing C) don't develop D) won't be developed

18.Civil engineers had better____ steel supports in concrete structures built on unstable geophysical sites.

A) include B) including C) inclusion D) included

19.The cones of pine trees______two or three years to reach maturity.

A) to take B) taking C) may take D) takes

20.Although the scientific community had hoped that the field of transplantation,______ the shortage of organ donors has curtailed research.

A) progress B) had progressed C) would progress D ) progressing

21. Even without strong wings, the ostrich has survived because it_____at high speeds to escape predators.

A) to run B) can run C) running D) run

22. The two main_____are permanent magnets and electromagnets.

A) kinds of magnets B) kind magnets C) kind magnet D) kinds magnets

23.When water is frozen, it becomes______.

A) ice B) ices C) the ice D) an ice

24.____ can live to be more than fifteen years old.

A) That it is dogs B) That dogs C) Dogs that D) Dogs

25. In the fall, most trees lose______, which have, by then, turned from green to gold and orange.

A) their leaf B) their leaves C) the leaf D) the leafs

26.Doctors have concluded that in addition to regular exercise, a diet rich in_____ is good for the heart.

A) fruits and vegetable B) a fruit and vegetable C) the fruits and vegetables D) fruit and vegetable

27. Canada stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, and covers _____ almost four million square miles.

A) a area B) an area C) the area D) area

28. During the early nineteenth century,________ were hunted for their pelts.

A) a beaver B) beavers C) the beaver D) that beavers

29.____ designs on a wall, also called graffiti, has become associated with gang activity in many neighborhoods.

A) Spraying of B) The spraying of C) Spray the D) Sprays

30. ____ by the author John Grisham are frequently on the best seller list.

A) The novel B) Novels C) A novel D) Some novel

31. _____have made communication faster and easier through the use of e-mail and the Internet is widely recognized.

A) It is that computers B) That it is computers C) Computers that D) That computers

32. Termites can do_____homes before they are detected.

A) an extensive damage B) extensive damages C) the extensive damage D) extensive damage

33.The crime rate has begun to decline in New York City due to efforts on the part of both government and private citizens to curb_____ .

A) them B) him C) its D) it

34. Seals can___because they have a thick layer of blubber under their fur.

A) keep them warm B) keep themselves warm C) they keep warm D) keep their warm

35.In order for people who speak different languages to engage in trade they often develop a simplified languages called pidgin.

A) with each the other B) with each to the other C) with each another D) with each other

36.Domestic cats often show loyalality owners by leaving freshly killed as birds for________ to find.

A) they B) he C) them D) their

37. The United States and Canada have many trade agreements that benefit______.

A) one the other B) other C) other one D) each other

38. Wolves, which are known to travel in packs, both provide for and defend_____through group cooperation.

A) himself B) themselves C) itself D) theirselves

39. Although orchids give the appearance of being very fragile, they are actually very hardy plants___indoors during the winter months.

A) which may be grown B) what may grow C) who may be grow D) where may be growing

40. The constellation Orion is easily recognized by_____three vertical stars.

A) your B) its C) their D) her

41. Hyperactivity in children may result from____some food additives.

A) their eating B) they eat C) to eat D) them eating

42. Hawkeye was a character_____James Fenimore Cooper created for The Last of the Mohicans.

A) who B) whom C) which D) whose

43.Although both are mammals, the early stages of development on the part of placentas differ from .

A) marsupials B) that of marsupials C) those of marsupials D) those marsupials

44.Eli Whitney's cotton gin enabled the cotton producers of the early nineteenth century to increase their production by___times the amount produced prior to the invention.

A) more fifty B) more as fifty C) more than fifty D) most than fifty

45.______250,000 species of fossils have been discovered in both organized, scientific searches and by sheer accident.

A) As much as B) As many as C) As many D) Many as

46.The North's abundance of industry and commercial wealth proved to be a greater advantage____in determining the outcome of the Civil War.

A) than originally thought B) that originally thought C) as originally thought D) originally thought

47.The Woodstock Music and Art Fair of 1969 captured the essence of the counterculture movement of the 1960s_____.

A) most than any of other events B) best that any other event

C) that any other events D) better than any other events

48.It is not clear how much students learn___ television classes without supervision and monitoring.

A) for watching B) from watching C) by watch D) to watch

49.In spite of the fact that 85 percent of all societies allow the men to take more than one wife, most prefer monogamy___polygamy.

A) than B) to C) for D) that

50. Stained glass becomes even more beautiful when it____because the corrosion diffuses light.

A) will age B) ages C) are aging D) aged

Variant 2

1. All of the senses____smell must pass through intermediate gateways to be processed before they are registered in the brain.

A) until B) but C) to D) for

2. More murders are reported ____December in the United States than during any other month.

A) on B) in C) at D) for

3. The tendency to develop cancer, even in high-risk individuals, can be decreased____ the amount of fruit and vegetables in the diet.

A) to increase B) for increase C) for increasing D) by increasing

4.Neptune is an extremely cold planet, and_______.

A) so does Uranus B) so has Uranus C) so is Uranus D) so Uranus

5.There are many beautifully preserved historic buildings___ .

A) in Beacon Street in Boston B) in Beacon Street at Boston

C) on Beacon Street in Boston D) at Beacon Street at Boston

6. Desert are often formed ___they are cut off from rain-bearing winds by the surrounding mountain ranges.

A) because B) in spite of C) so D) due of

7. _____the original document, the U.S.Constitution contains ten amendments called the Bill of Rights.

A) Beside B) Besides C) In addition D) Also

8. Cooking oil made from corn does not become saturated when heated, and_____.

A) neither oil made from soy B) oil made from soy does either C) oil made from soy either

9. Some ancient units such as the day, the foot, and the pound ,____today.

A) are still in use B) that are still in us C) which are in use still D) still in use

10. Paper money____by the Continental Congress in order to finance the American Revolution.

A) which was issued B) was issuing C) issued D) was issued

11. The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)____by high school student as a requirement for admission to many colleges.

A) which is taken B) is taken C) taken D) is taking

12. Camp David___the official country home of the U.S. presedents.

A) that is B) that it is C) it is D) is

13._____considered strong and reliable, and is favored by investors who are interested in security

A) That blue chip stock B) Blue chip stock is C) It is blue chip stock D) Which is blue chip stock

14. Most botanists have observed _____a period of dormancy, even when conditions may be favorable for growth.

A) That seeds exhibiting B) That seeds exhibit C) seeds that exhibiting D) seeds that they exhibit

15. La Guardia Airport in New York City____for Fiorello La Guardia, one of New York’s most popular mayors.

A) which is named B) named C) which named D) is named

16. In intelligence and ability_____ more than social position or wealth.

A) which value B) that are valued C) valuing D) are valued

17. Of all the lawsuits in the world _____in U.S. courts.

A) filed 95 percent of them B) 95 percent of them are filed C) that filed are 95 percent of them

18. “Chicago” is a poem _____in praise of one of the busiest industrial centers in the U.S.

A) which by Carl Sandburg B) which was written by Carl Sandburg

C) was written by Carl Sandburg D) Carl Sandburg who wrote it

19. ______are kept as pets in almost every country in the world.

A) Cats and Dogs which B) Which cats and dogs C) Cats and dogs D) That cats and dogs

20. The PTA _____parents and teachers who support the school by fund-raising and other activities.

A) It is a group of B) that is a group of C) which group of D) is a group of

21. The jet stream _____usually occurs at about 35 to 60 degrees latitude.

A) a narrow band of wind that B) is a narrow band of wind that

C) a narrow band of wind D) it is a narrow band of wind that

22. Before the 1800s, when William Young made different shoes for right and left feet, shoes ___on either foot.

A) can wear B) are wearing C) could be worn D) worn

23. In the Middle Ages, the word “masterpiece” referred to a work that_____by a journeyman in order to quality as a master artisan.

A) completed B) is completed C) was completed D) complete

24. Before his death in 1943, in an effort to encourage less dependence on one crop by the South, George Washington Carver____for developing hundreds of industrial uses for peanuts and sweet potatoes.

A) has responsibility B) were responsibility C) is responsible D) was responsible

25. The Greek historian Herodotus reported that one hundred thousand men______ for twenty years to build the Great Pyramid at Gizeh.

A) employ B) employed C) are employed D) were employed

26. Evolutionary changes in the speech organs probably_____the development of language in humanoids.

A) to contribute B) contribute to C) contribution to D) contributed to

27. Before he died, Armand Hammer_____an extraordinarily diverse business empire, including interests in oil, livestock, cattle, grain and art.

A) established B) establishing C) establishes D) establish

28. People under thirty years old cannot remember when____without a computer terminal.

A) they have to work B) they had to work C) their work D) working

29. Most of the Cajun French who live in Louisiana can neither read____the French variety that they speak fluently.

A) nor they B) nor write C) or writing D) neither write

30. Microwaves are used for cooking, telecommunications, and______.

A) to diagnose medically B) medical diagnosing C) diagnosed medically D) medical diagnosis

31. A vacuum will neither conduct heat nor________.

A) transmit sound waves B) transmitting sound waves

C) sound waves are transmitted D) the transmission of sound waves

32. The color of a star depend on the heat and_______.

A) how much energy produced B) the energy it produces

C) production of the energy D) producing energy

33. The Cabinet consists of secretaries of departments who report to the president, give him advice, and______decisions.

A) helping him making B) helping him make C) help him making D) help him make

34. How many musical notes of the 11.000 tones that the human ear can distinguish_____in the musical scale?

A) it is B) is it C) there are D) are there

35. Nine of every ten people in the world_____in the country in which they were born.

A) living B) they are living C) lives D) live

36. In the ocean,____more salt in the deeper water.

A) is there B) it may be C) there is D) it is

37. The average temperature of rocks on the surface of the earth____55 degrees F.

A) be B) are C) is D) been

38. A mature grove of Aspen trees often___ that supports numerous trunks.

A) have a single system of roots B) has a single root system

C) make a single system from roots D) making a single roots system

39. The smallest flying dinosaurs ______of a robin.

A) about the size B) was about the size C) were about the size D) have been about the size

40. Where as a gas expands ____in all directions, a vapor remains somewhat more concentrated.

A) in a uniform manner B) uniformly C) uniformly in manner D) uniform

41. That witches cause disasters and misfortunes ______among the colonists in Salem, Massachusetts.

A) it was widely believed B) was widely believed

C) was believed in a wide way D) they widely believed

42. Found in and near the Mohave Desert,______has a limited habitat.

A) is the Joshua tree that it B) it is the Joshua tree C) the Joshua tree D) the Joshua tree it

43. Digital clocks, however precise ____because the earth’s rotation changes slightly over the year.

A) they cannot be perfectly accurate B) cannot be perfectly accurate

C) not perfectly accurate D) not be perfectly accurate

44. _____mammals, once weaned, do not routinely drink milk.

A) as a whole B) as whole C) wholly D) on a whole

45. In cold weather, growers place wind machines _____the groves to keep the air circulate and to warm up the citrus crops.

A) near to B) Near of C) next to D) nearly

46.In simple animals _______reflex movement or involuntary response to stimuli.

A) behavior mostly B) most is behavior C) most behavior is D) the most behavior

47. The Ford Theatre where Lincoln was shot____.

A) must restore B) must be restoring C) must have been restored D) must restored

48. Fast-food restaurants have become popular because many working people want____.

A) to eat quickly and cheaply B) eating quickly and cheaply

C) eat quickly and cheaply D) the eat quickly and cheaply

49. After seeing the movie Centennial _____.

A) the book was read by many people B) the book made many people want to read it

C) many people wanted to read the book D) the reading of the book interested people

50. ______, Carl Sandburg is also well-known for his multivolume biography of Lincoln.

A) an eminent American poet B) he is an eminent American poet

C) an eminent American poet who is D) despite an eminent American poet



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