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Тест для проверочной работы в 6-м классе по теме "Взаимоотношения в семье и с друзьями"

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Тест включает задания на знание лексики по теме (времена года, месяцы, дни недели, порядковые числительные, предлоги места, названия комнат, обстановки в комнатах), умения называть время, употреблять слова some/any, а также предлогов at/on/in для обозначения времени действия или события.

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«Тест для проверочной работы в 6-м классе по теме "Взаимоотношения в семье и с друзьями"»


1. What time is it?

1. 6:00…………………………………

2. 3:20………………………………….

3. 8:15………………………………….

2. Circle the odd word out.

1. Armchair – sofa – cooker – fireplace

2. Spring – June – March – October

3.Loock at the picture and complete the sentences prepositions of place.

  1. The coffee table is ………………. the sofa.

  2. There’s a fireplace .………………. the window .

4.Underline the correct word.

1. There are any/some books on the shelf.

2. Is there any/some libraries on this street?

5.Fill in: at, in, on.

…………………..the evening

……………….. Friday


……………… winter

……………… 1975


1. What time is it?

1. 8:15…………………………………

2. 4:00………………………………….

3. 2:05………………………………….

2. Circle the odd word out.

1. Ball – library – pet shop – baker’s

2. Fifth – tenth – one – second

3.Loock at the picture and complete the sentences prepositions of place.

  1. The window is …………………….. the sofa.

  2. There’s fireplace …………………. the window.

4.Underline the correct word.

1. Is there a/some sports shop?

2. There aren’t some/any pet shops here.

5.Fill in: at, in, on.

………………….. Friday.



……………… the afternoon

……………… 2016


1. What time is it?

1. 6:30…………………………………

2. 7:50………………………………….

3. 9:45………………………………….

2. Circle the odd word out.

  1. Armchair – sofa – cooker – fireplace

  2. Spring – June – March – October

3.Loock at the picture and complete the sentences prepositions of place.

  1. The vase is ………………. the coffee table.

  1. There’s a picture .………………. the fireplace.

4.Underline the correct word.

1. There are any/some books on the shelf.

2. Is there any/some libraries on this street?

5.Fill in: at, in, on.

…………………..the morning

………………..17th July


……………… winter

……………… January


1. What time is it?

1. 7:45…………………………………

2. 9:30………………………………….

3. 8:35………………………………….

2. Circle the odd word out.

  1. Ball – library – pet shop – baker’s

  2. Fifth – tenth – one – second

3.Loock at the picture and complete the sentences prepositions of place.

  1. The window is …………………….. the sofa.

  2. There’s an armchair …………………. the fireplace.

4.Underline the correct word.

1. Is there a/some sports shop?

2. There aren’t some/any pet shops here.

5.Fill in: at, in, on.

…………………..5th February.



……………… the afternoon

……………… May


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