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Тема "Medicine and Health" ("Медицина и здоровье").

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Устная тема "Medicine and Health" ("Медицина и здоровье") для 11 класса.

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«Тема "Medicine and Health" ("Медицина и здоровье").»


Good health is better than the best medicine. And if your health is good, you are always in a good mood. You have "A sound mind in a sound body," as the old Latin saying goes. Taking medicines is an unpleasant thing, of course, and if you want to avoid it, you should go in for sports and keep yourself fit.

But if something is wrong with our health and we are rather run down, we must consult a doctor and have a thorough exam­ination. He will listen to our heart and chest, feel the pulse, take the temperature and measure our blood pressure. But if the illness is serious or an operation is a big one, he will advise us to get a specialist in a hospital where they have all the necessary equipment.

If our teeth need attention, stopping, filling, or if we need false teeth (dentures), then we have to go to the dentist. If our eyes need attention, we go to the oculist who will test our sight to see whether we are suffering from short-sight or long-sight and will write out a prescription for glasses.

The common illnesses are: a cough, a cold, influenza ("the flue"), sore throat. Children often get measles, mumps, scarlet fever and whooping-cough. Often people suffer from indigestion, rheuma­tism, heart troubles and blood-pressure. Some diseases are infec­tious and contagious, and great care must be taken by people who have these illnesses so that they don't pass them on to other people. You may also have toothache, earache, headache, stomach-ache. Then you may get a burn, a scald, blood-poisoning or break a bone.

Some of the commonest things used to prevent or cure illnesses are: medicine, pills, powders, ointment, sleeping-draughts, in­jections, bandages, massage, antiseptics, tablets.

denture [ˈden(t)ʃə] зубной протез

cough [kɒf] кашель

influenza [ɪnflʊˈenzə] грипп

whooping-cough [ˈhuːpɪŋkɔf] коклюш

rheumatism [ˈruːmətɪz(ə)m]  ревматизм

scald [skɔːld] ожог

sleeping-draught [`sliːpɪŋdrɑːft] снотворное средство

bandage [ˈbændɪʤ] повязка, бандаж, бинт

massage [ˈmæsɑːʒ] массаж


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