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Сценарий на английском языке к 8 марта Friends of the Sun

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Сценарная разработка внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке к 8 Марта

Friends of the Sun

(По мотивам австралийской народной сказки)

Возраст: 3 класс

Примечание: музыкальное оформление и танец учитель подбирает сам в зависимости от  подготовки учащихся и предпочтений в музыке.


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«Сценарий на английском языке к 8 марта Friends of the Sun»

Сценарная разработка внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке к 8 Марта

Friends of the Sun

(По мотивам австралийской народной сказки)

Действующие лица: Возраст: 3 класс

Sun Примечание: музыкальное оформление

Moon и танец учитель подбирает сам в зависи

Stars мости от подготовки учащихся и пред-

Spring почтений в музыке


Sun: I am the Sun. I shine in the sky. Every day my rays warm you.

Moon: I am the Moon. Every night I shine in the sky too. (turning to the Sun) Hello, Sun! You are bright. You are brighter than I am. But you are alone in the sky. I am not alone. There are many stars in the sky:(pointing to them) this one and this one and that one…

Stars: We are the Moon’s little friends. We twinkle and smile at night. We love the Moon and the Moon loves us very much!

(they dance to a merry music)

Spring: I am Spring. I’m the Sun’s friend. Why are you so sad, Sun?

Sun: I am bright. But I am alone in the sky. The Moon has many friends. The Stars are the Moon’s friends. But what shall I do?

Spring: Well, I can help you. Don’t worry! Be happy! You will have many friends and they will love you very much! Their names are Dandelions!

Dandelions: We are Dandelions. We are bright flowers everywere. We grow in the yards, we grow in the parks and in the gardens. We love the Sun. And we open when the Sun shines!

(everybody enjoys a happy dance)

Sun: I love Spring. And my favourite month is March. I always shine on the 8th of March, because it is our mothers’ day!

Spring: Our dear dear mothers! We love you very much! We want you to be happy on the 8th of March!

Son: We want your lives to be happy, bright and full of flowers. This song is for you!

(“My Dear Dear Mummy” song is performed for all mothers who are present at the party)


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