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Сценарий сказки на английском языке Репка на новый лад

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Сценарий сказки на английском языке Репка на новый лад

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«Сценарий сказки на английском языке Репка на новый лад»

На сцене стоит стол, а на нём- компьютер.

На сцену выходит автор, после его слов – дед, бабка, внучка и внук MUSIC

Автор: Once upon a time, there lived a grandfather, a grandmother and their granddaughter. They were loving and friendly. 

Grandfather: I am a grandfather.

I am strict and strong.

I play computer all day long.

Grandmother: I am a grandmother.

I am kind and wise.

I cook cakes, soup and rice.

Grandson: I am a grandson.

For my granddad like the sun.

I am computer-wise

And I like our granny`s rice.

Granddaughter: I am a granddaughter

Beautiful and merry

My eyes are blue like water

My lips are red like a cherry. Убегают

Автор: One day the family decided to plant a tasty turnip to make a tasty dinner. (выводят репку, которой не видно, идёт на корточках, потом расти будет вставая)

Grandfather: I want a turnip big and round.

I put the turnip in the ground.

Turnip: I am growing bigger and bigger. (с корточек садится на стул)

Soon I will be very sweet and very big.

I’m deep in the ground.

Don’t try me to dig.

Grandfather: Turnip! Do your best!

And we… let`s have a rest! (садится за компьютер, надевает наушники) MUSIC

Репа начинает вянуть, опускает листья

Grandmother: Hey, Granddaughter, Grandson, come and water it!

Выходит внучка и внук с лейками. Поливают. Репка растёт (встаёт со стула).

Granddaughter: Let`s pull it.

Grandson: Let`s pull it.

Тянут репку

Grandmother: We pull it but we can’t pull it out. Hey, Grandad, come and help us!

Grandmother, Granddaughter: Grandad!!!

Grandmother: Look, my dear! Again! Let`s pull him out first!

Grandmother, Granddaughter: Тянут дедушку втроём: (вместе) ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t!

ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t! (утирают пот)

ONE! TWO! THREE! Падают на пол вместе и внучка пальцем показывает в сторону репки

Granddaughter: Look! The turnip is so big! Let`s pull it out together!

Grandfather:  Дед протирает глаза. Oh, my Turnip! Скачет возле репки. Okay, we pull it out.

ВСЕ: ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t!

ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t! (утирают пот)

Granddaughter: Hey, Doggy, come and help us.

Dog: I’m Doggy, bow-wow.

All day I run

I’m full of fun.

ВСЕ:  ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t!

ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t! (утирают пот)

Dog: Hey, Kitty, come and help us.

CAT: I am Kitty, mew-mew-mew.

I’m not lazy and not fat

I’m a pretty fluffy cat

I like fish and meat to eat

And don’t worry about my fit.

Okay, I will help you.

ВСЕ: ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t!

ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t! (утирают пот)

CAT: Hey, Mouse, come and help us.

Mouse: I am a poor grey mouse.

I live in your house.

I go everywhere.

I am here and there.

Okay, I will help you.

(вместе) ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t!

ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t! (утирают пот)

ONE! TWO! THREE! (репка встаёт со стула и все радуются)

Oh, yes! We did it!

Turnip: Thank you very much!

(вместе) You are welcome!

Все по очереди хвалят репку.

Granddad: It`s great!

Grandmother: It`s very tasty!

Grandson: It`s OK!

Granddaughter: It`s super!

Dog: It`s fantastic!

Cat: It`s marvelous!

Mouse: It`s lovely!

(вместе) Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!


The more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
The more we learn (work) together
Together, together
The more we learn (work) together
The happier we'll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we learn (work) together 
The happier we'll be
The more we play (sing) together
Together, together
The more we play (sing) together
The happier we'll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we play (sing)together
The happier we'll be.


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