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Сценарий праздника "Halloween" для начальной школы.

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Сценарий праздника "Halloween" для начальной школы. ( Конкурсы, сценка, песни, стихотворения).

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«Сценарий праздника "Halloween" для начальной школы.»


Dear guests! Welcome to our Halloween party!

Ведущие: On the 31st of October in Great Britain there is a nice holiday for children - Halloween.

People put pumpkins on the windowsills. They draw eyes, noses and mouths on the pumpkins and put candles into them. So the pumpkins looks like a face.

Children dress up in funny clothes. They go from house to house and say “Trick or treat”

People give them sweets, fruit, cakes, cookies or money. This is a nice funny and tasty holyday, isn’t it.

P1 Chost and witches, ghost and witches!

Gather here! Gather here!

Halloween is coming! Halloween is coming!

Can’t you here? Can’t you here?

P2 Bats and rats and witches’ cats,

Skeletons in bowler hats.

Don’t be scared! It’s Halloween -

Spooks and spirits can be seen!

Ведущие: Now we shal see the play wich tells us about this funny and at the same time horror holiday.

Ученики разыгрывают пьесу Rodrigo from Brazil”.

В конце всем предлагается сыграть в игры.

- Let’s play games now.

Дети делятся на 2 команды.

1 Find the Halloween words.

Три ученика получают карточки с заданием: найти и обвести слова по теме праздника.

2 “Pumpkin Bean Bag

Дети должны попасть мячиком в тыкву, за каждое попадание получают сладкий приз.

3 “Who stole my Broomstick?”

Дети выстраиваются полукругом. Водящий берёт метлу и, держа её за спиной, отворачивается. Один из играющих забирает метлу. Остальные тоже прячут руки за спину и хором кричат “We stole your broomstick!” Водящий с двух попыток пытается угадать у кого метла.

4 “Pin the Tail on the Donkey.

P1 What is this poster for?

P2 It’s a donkey.

It’s for the game: “Pin the Tail on the Donkey.”

P1 How do you play it?
P2 First, you must put the poster on the wall. Then everybody has a chance to pin the tail on the donkey. The person who puts the tail nearest to its place is the winner.

5 “Pass the Parcel”

P1 What is the parcel for?

P2 That’s for the game “Pass the Parcel”. You warp a small toy or bar of chocolate in a lot of paper. We all stand in a circle and pass the parcel to the person next to us. There is music playing. When the music stops you take off one piece of paper. The person who takes last piece of paper off wins the prize.

6 How to make a Jack o Lantern. (Предложения перепутаны) Step 1: Preparing for Carving. Cover your working surface with the newspaper.

Step 2: Cutting Out the Stem. ...

Step 3: Scooping Out the Pumpkin. ...

Step 4: Sketching the Face. ...

Step 5: Carving the Pumpkin. ...

Step 6: Lighting the Pumpkin. ...

Step 7: Displaying the Jack-o-lantern.

7-Дерево предсказаний.

P1 I've made a fortune tree for the party. I wrote fortunes on the pieces of paper and put them on the tree.

P2 What have you written?

P1 Have a look.

P2 How interesting!

8 Дети рассказывают стихотворение о празднике

On October’s last night

It’s very dark and dreary.

As you know at midnight

There is a ball for devilry.

With no sun and no lights

And only jack-o-lanterns,

One can watch some creatures’ fight:

Devils, witches and goblins.

9-Выбрать лучшую тыкву.

10 Our party has finished. We hope you have enjoyed our party today.

Let’s sing a song together!

Say, goodbay”


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