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School is not only learning

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Английский язык: учеб.пособие для 8-го кл. oбщеобразоват. yчреждений с рус. яз. обучения: (с электронным приложением) / Л.М. Лапицкая. – Минск: Выш. шк., 2016. – 270 с. : ил.+1 электрон. опт. диск (CD)

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«School is not only learning»

8th form

Unit 2 School is not only learning


  1. Complete the sentences with the missing words. Guess the words by the first letter.

  1. Our school aims at e… enthusiasm both during and after classes.

  2. Our e… English teachers will help you to e… your vocabulary and get a good c… of a fl

  3. For your self-study and projects you can use r… books or s… for the information on the Internet in the school l

  4. If you want to study the structure of plants, you can c… some e… in Biology in our science laboratory. This can help you when you take p… in the Biology O

  5. It was very interesting for our class to co… a project on recycling wastes.

  6. Unfortunately, we haven’t got such f… as a tennis c… and a hockey p… on our school c

  1. Use the words in brackets at the end of the sentences in their right form.

  1. It is very pleasant to study in the atmosphere of …. (FRIEND)

  2. Does your school help students to achieve … in learning? (EXCEL)

  3. We are usually very excited to come to school after summer holidays on the Day of …. (KNOW)

  4. Our science laboratory is … with all the necessary things for experiments. (EQUIP)

  5. When I learnt that she had helped our classmate who was ill to understand the new topic, I was really surprised by her … (KIND)

  6. Now that I joined a drama club I can take part in many of our school …. (PERFORM)

  1. Complete the sentences with different information about yourself.

  1. I’m interested….

  2. I’m fond …

  3. I really enjoy …

  4. I think I’m good …

  1. Choose the right form of the verb:

  1. He is not afraid … in public.

    1. to speak

    1. of speaking

    1. speak

    1. at speaking

  2. We like … in our school garden in autumn.

    1. working

    1. to work

    1. worked

    1. to working

  3. By all means you ought … the World Dances Club.

    1. to joining

    1. join

    1. joining

    1. to join

  4. Can you teach me … a project?

    1. how do

    1. doing

    1. to do

    1. do

  5. She enjoyed … at the concert last Saturday.

    1. to sing

    1. singing

    1. sing

    1. of singing

  6. You … brave to act on the stage.

    1. need to be

    1. needed to be

    1. needn’t be

    1. need be

  7. As we have no school on Sunday we … early in the morning.

    1. need to get up

    1. needn’t getting up

    1. needn’t get up

    1. don’t need get up

  8. … learn this poem by heart?

  1. Need we

  1. Need we to

  1. Do we need

  1. We need

  1. Write in English:

Our school has a широкий спектр of out-of-class занятий. There are several clubs and обществ to meet the interests of each pupil. They usually start after a двадцатиминутный перерыв after the seventh lesson. They предлагают возможности to развивать students’ умения, навыки и таланты and test them in different school мероприятиях. If you’d like to make your own web page, присоединяйся к Web Design and More. Ничего не нужно приносить кроме самих себя!

8th form

Unit 2 School is not only learning Test KEY

  1. 1x18=18 points

  1. encouraging

  2. experienced, enrich / enlarge, command, foreign, language

  3. reference, search, library

  4. conduct, experiments, part, Olympiad(s)

  5. carry out

  6. facilities, court, pitch, campus

  1. 1x6=6points

  1. friendliness

  2. excellence

  3. Knowledge

  4. (fully-)equipped

  5. kindness

  6. performances

  1. 2x4=8 points

  1. I’m interested in …ing

  2. I’m fond of …ing

  3. I really enjoy …ing

  4. I think I’m good at …ing

  1. 1x8=8 points

  1. b

  2. a

  3. d

  4. c

  5. b

  6. a

  7. c

  8. a

  1. 20 points

Our school has a wide range (2) of out-of-class activities (1). There are several clubs and societies (1) to meet the interests of each pupil. They usually start after a twenty-minute break (2) after the seventh lesson. They offer opportunities (2) to develop (1) students’ abilities, skills and talents (3) and test them in different school events (1). If you’d like to make your own web page, join (2) Web Design and More. You needn’t bring anything but yourselves! (5)























Total: 60


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