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Самостоятельная работа в 10 классе по теме "Parliamentary democracy"

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Самостоятельная работа в 10 классе по теме раздела 2 "Политическая система Великобритании" УМК Кузовлев

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«Самостоятельная работа в 10 классе по теме "Parliamentary democracy"»

Parliamentary Democracy Test

  1. Answer the questions

  1. Who is the head of the British Government?

  2. How many ministers are there in the Cabinet?

  3. Who chooses Non-Cabinet ministers?

  4. How many houses does Parliament consist of?

  5. What are they?

  6. Who is in the House of Commons?

  7. Who elects them?

  8. How many MPs are there?

  9. Who forms the House of Lords?

  10. Are they elected?

  1. Match the words with their definitions.

  1. Monarchy a) a set of laws guaranteed to the citizens

  2. Democracy b) when people have a lot of freedoms

  3. Parliament c) when there`s a monarch and Parliament at the same time

  4. Parliamentary monarchy d) elected head of the state

  5. President e) when a king or a queen rule the country alone

  6. Constitution f) a group of elected people who discuss problems and make

  7. laws

  1. Match to make proper word combinations:

  1. The head a) political problems

  2. To discuss b) party

  3. To revise c) members

  4. An opposition d) of the government

  5. Permanent e) branch

  6. The legislative f) bills

  1. Fill in the gaps

  1. _______ is the head of government.

  2. ________ is the official head of state.

  3. The Cabinet is about ____ ministers.

  4. The monarch officially appoints the ______.

  5. The people elect _______.

  6. The house of ______ can delay bills for one year.

  7. The government is responsible to _____.

  8. The Official Opposition forms the _____ Cabinet.

  9. Parliament represents the ______ branch of power.

  10. _____ signs the bills.

  1. Put the words in correct order.

  1. a constitutional monarch/ is/ a/ democracy/ Britain /with/ parliamentary.

  2. departments/ the Cabinet/ of/ coordinates/ the/ government/ the/ work.

  3. branch/ the/ executive/ of/ represents/ power/ the/ government.

  4. Prime/ the/ not/ people/ directly/ do/ elect/ Minister/ the.

  5. control/ branch/ and/ they/ problems/ the/ most/ legislative/ political/ discuss/ important.

  1. Keys:

  1. 1. The Prime Minister

  1. 2. 20

  2. 3. The Prime Minister

  3. 4. 2

  4. 5. The House of Commons and the House of Lords

  5. 6. MPs

  6. 7. The people

  7. 8. About 650

  8. 9. The monarch/ the queen

  9. 10. No

  1. 1e; 2b; 3f; 4c; 5d; 6a.

  1. 1d; 2a; 3f; 4b; 5c; 6e

  1. 1. The Prime Minister

  1. 2. The monarch/ the queen

  2. 3. 20

  3. 4. The Prime Minister

  4. 5. Parliament

  5. 6. Lords

  6. 7. Parliament

  7. 8. Shadow

  8. 9. Legislative

  9. 10. The queen

  1. 1. Britain is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch.

  1. 2. The Cabinet coordinates the work of the government departments.

  2. 3. The government represents the executive branch of power.

  3. 4. The people do not elect the Prime Minister directly.

  4. 5. They control the legislative branch and discuss most important political problems.


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