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Розробка уроку в 10 класі на тему "Music in our life"

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Тема: Музика

Мета: ознайомити учнів з лексичними одиницями і навчити оперувати ними у мовленні; вчити учнів взаємодіяти в заданій ситуації за змістом прочитаного тексту, повторити граматичний матеріал та тренувати учнів оперувати граматичними структурами у мовленні; розвивати логічне мислення і мовленнєву реакцію, розвивати навики читання; виховувати культуру спілкування, інтерес до культури країни, мова якої вивчається.

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«Розробка уроку в 10 класі на тему "Music in our life"»

Тема: Музика

Мета: ознайомити учнів з лексичними одиницями і навчити оперувати ними у мовленні; вчити учнів взаємодіяти в заданій ситуації за змістом прочитаного тексту, повторити граматичний матеріал та тренувати учнів оперувати граматичними структурами у мовленні; розвивати логічне мислення і мовленнєву реакцію, розвивати навики читання; виховувати культуру спілкування, інтерес до культури країни, мова якої вивчається.

Обладнання: плакат, слова, тексти, підручник, завдання на картках

Хід уроку:

Music can change the world because it

Can change people

І. Початок уроку.

1. Greeting

1. Організаційний момент

Good morning, pupils!

How are you?

2. Warming up

2. Мовленнєва зарядка

T: Do you like music?

3. Aims

T: The topic of the today’s lesson is “Music in our life”. Well, at the today’s lesson we’re speaking about genres of music. You’ll read the text. You’re going to revise grammar (Past Simple and Present Perfect). By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to ask and answer the questions about pop idols.

Now I suggest that you should imagine the following situation – you are in a club that unites people of various interests. So you sit here discussing your numerous problems over a cup of tea or coffee.

Do you support my idea?

Do you fell like talking today?

Have you anything against a conversation today?

All right. I am glad to see the approval in your eyes.

Well, what is the theme of our discussion? If you look at the blackboard, you will see a small crosswords puzzle. If you guess and fill in it, you will know the key-word and the theme of our lesson:

  1. a play where also sing and dance

  2. a person who stands in front of the orchestra

  3. a very popular singer or actor

  4. what is the hometown of the Beatles?

  5. a person who writes music






Key word – music

II. Основна частина.

1.Мозковий штурм. Введення лексичного матеріалу

T: Let’s do Brainstorming. What words do you associate with the word ‘music’?

Grammar practice

2. T: Let’s continue our work.

Grammar Revision

Present Perfect and Past Simple

3. T: Check your homework. Make up the sentences with these words. Use grammar Pr. Perf., Past S.

4. Look at the blackboard, read and translate quotations about music. And then give me your own definition of the word ‘music’.

  • Music is the universal language of the world/ (Longfello), слайд 3.

  • Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent (V.Hugo), слайд 4.

  • Now, children, give me your own definition of the word “music”. What is music for you?

Pupil 1: It is a reflection of our lives.

Pupil 2: It is the mirror of our lives and life problems.

Pupil 3: Music is the world of wonderful sounds.

Pupil 4: Music is the main part of people’s life.

Teacher: When do you usually listen to music?

Pupils: When I am tired, happy, unhappy, lonely, sad.

We Listen to music it everywhere: in the streets and at home, over the radio and on TV, in the shops and in the parks.

When I do my homework, clean the rooms or do nothing

  1. Vocabulary Practice

Teacher: What styles of music do you know?

Pupils: Pop music

Dance music

Chamber music



Martial военная

Classical music камерная


  1. Релаксация – как элемент здоровье - сберегающей технологии

Teacher: Listen to the piece of music and guess what styles of music is it?

(Ученики слушают отрывки музыки и определяют жанр)

  • Folk song (звучит русская народная песня)

  • Jazz (Miles Davis - Cool Jazz)

  • Rap (Eminem - "Rap God" )

  • Rock (Bon Jovi - It's My Life)

  • Classical (Four Seasons ~ Vivaldi)

7. Карточка № 1.

  • Match the type of music to the dictionary definitions.

  • Rap, opera, jazz, punk, heavy metal, blues

  • 1. ______Rock music that is played in a fast, loud, and aggressive way. It was very popular in the late 1970s.

  • 2. ____A style of music invented by black American musicians in the early part of the twentieth century. It has a strong rhythm and often involves improvisation. Famous musicians include Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday and Miles Davis.

  • 3. _______A type of music in which singers don’t sing but speak the words quickly, in a rhythmic way.

  • 4. _ ______It’s like a play in the theatre, but people sing the words.

  • 5. _______A type of very loud rock music, with lots of guitars and a strong beat.

  • 6._______A type of music developed by black American musicians in the southern United States. It is slow, often sad, and with a strong rhythm.

  1. Reading

Читання тексту

  1. Pre-reading activity

T: Now, we’re going to read the text ‘Pop styles’



Blues traditional black American music. "Blue" means "sad", and many blues songs are about how hard life was for black people.

Gospel religious music sung in churches in the southern USA.

Rhythm and Blues black workers in the USA moved from the farms to the Cities. They played the blues with electric guitars — this became "rhythm and blues".

Country and Western the music of poor white Americans in the 1930 and 1940s. It is still the most popular music in the southern USA.

Rock'n'Roll many radio stations in the USA in the 1950s would not play "black" music. Elvis Presley was one of the first white singers to mix "rhythm and blues" and "country and western". The result was rock'n'roll.

Soul a mixture of "gospel" and "rhythm and blues". The most successful soul singers are probably Stevie Wonder and Michael Jackson.

Heavy Metal a style based on "rhythm and blues", but with the instru­ments amplified so that they are extremely loud. Led Zeppelin was one of the first group to do this.

Reggae this started in Jamaica. It is a mixture of American styles "rhythm and blues". Bob Marley made it popular.

Rap in the 1980s, disc-jockeys in dance clubs began half singing and half talking over instrumental music — and "rap" music was born.

House 1990s dance music based on very fast rhythms and modern elec­tronic sounds. There are now various sub-styles of "house music", such as "techno pop", "trance" and "jungle".

  1. After-reading activity

T: And now let’s complete the words and equivalents.

  1. Гра “Noughts and Crosses

На дошці – основа для гри

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

Учні поділяються на команди «хрестиків» і «нуликів». Кожна з них по черзі обирає цифру, а вчитель читає відповідне запитання. Якщо гравці відповідають правильно, то вчитель замість цифри ставить їхній значок. Перемагає команда, яка має 3 хрестики або 3 нулики підряд.

  1. What kind of music is gospel music?

  2. Who starts rhythm and blue music?

  3. When did the country and western music start?

  4. Which two styles of music influences rock'n'roll?

  5. Which styles of music did Led Zeppelin develop?

  6. Who made reggae music popular?

  7. When did rap music originate?

  8. What are the various sub-styles of "house music"?

  9. What kind of music is soul music?

  1. Бліц – опитування (резервне завдання)

Pop Music Quiz!

I’m going to read you some questions, you should put up your hands if you know the answer! If you are right – put a ball to your team! Let’s start.

  1. Who was the King of Rock and Roll from the 30s to the 70s?

  1. Which city in England did the Beatles come from?

a/ London b/ Manchester c/ Liverpool

  1. Can you put these first names and surnames together to make the names of four Beatles?

1) John a) Starr

2) Ringo b) Harrison

3) George c) McCartney

4) Paul d) Lennon

  1. What is rap? Do you know the rap singer of the USA who won five of the most important music prizes?

  2. What is “reggae”? What singer do you know whose favourite kinds of music are jazz and reggae?

  3. Finally, you can’t have a pop quiz without this band these days. If you don’t know the answer to this question, you are not a pop expert. Which band recorded these songs: “Handsome”, “Sunshine”.


  1. Elvis Presley.

  2. Liverpool.

  3. 1d, 2a, 3b, 4c

  4. Rap is a musical style in which the singer speaks or shouts the words in a strong rhythm. It was M.C. Hammer

  5. Reggae is west Indian popular music and dance with strong rhythms. Mick Hucknall.

  6. Ottavan

You are so smart! Brilliant!

Подведение итогов

Ok! Very good! To sum up our discussion about the role of music in our life, I would like to stress the fact that our life is full of ups and downs and we are supposed to cope with all these difficulties with a sense of humor and music. Without them our life would be intolerable.

Thank you for your participation. It was really interesting to find out your personal opinions on the problem which was to be discussed.

It’s time to count your point!

Your home work will be ……


Write 7-10 sentences about your favorite style of music.

Answer the main questions: What is your favorite style of music and why?


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