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Разработка занятия по английскому языку для детей 6-7 лет "Let's count!"

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Цель данного занятия введение нового лексического и грамматического материала на тему «Числительные».

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«Разработка занятия по английскому языку для детей 6-7 лет "Let's count!"»

Разработка занятия по английскому языку для детей 6-7 лет

на тему:

«Let’s count!»

Цель: введение нового лексического и грамматического материала на тему «Числительные»


повторение темы «Счет от 1 до 20»

- отработка  модели «How many?»

- развитие умения сравнивать

развитие произвольного запоминания

Оборудование: аудиоматериал, карточки с буквами, цветные карандаши и ручки

Ход занятия:

Организационный момент.

Greetings. Learners stand up. Ask three learners to stand together in a group.

Teacher: Look! Tree children!

Ask one learners to sit down again. Point to the two remaining learners.

T.: Look! Two children!

Ask everyone to join in.

T.: Tree! All learners get into groups of three.

Repeat the game using different numbers between two and six.

Основная часть.

T.: Look at the numbers. Look at the example. Look at the words and write the numbers on the lines.

T.: Ann, come to the board, please. Write on the board numbers 1 and 20, adding lines for the missing numbers 2-19.

Point at the lines and ask

T.: What are these numbers?

Learners answer.

T.: Write numbers 2-19 on the lines.

Point to the picture teacher ask: which numbers between 1 and 20 are not their page (1, 3, 4, 6, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19)

Check pronunciation of the ‘teen’ syllable /ti:n/

Learners could work in pairs to try to write numbers 1-20 in words as quickly as possible. Walk round and help with numbers that are more difficult to spell, for example: eight, twelve, thirteen, fifteen.

T.: Look at the example and its line.

Point to the car teacher ask: What’s this? (a car).

Show learners that the three big letters to make the word ‘car’ are jumbled. Point to the answer and ask How do you spell car? (c-a-r).

In pairs, learners look at the words and lines and write the words for 1-5

Ask eight learners to come to the class and stand in a line. Give them the football letter cards in random order.

Learners hold up the letters. Ask learners to reorder themselves to make the word ‘football’

T.: Is that correct?

Learners write football on the line.

Teach/ revise “on’

T.: Is there a shoe on the bed? (no)

Are there cats on the bed? (yes)

Is there a sock on the bed? (yes)

Are there apples on the bed? (yes)

Are three socks, cats, apples, balls, books on your bed at home?

T.: Let’s count! How many cats are there in the picture? Let’s count the cats…one, two, three! There are three cats!

In pairs, learners read the two other ‘How many’ questions and write answers.

T.: How many balls/ shoes/ boys/ girls/ teachers/ chairs can you see?

Learners answer.

Listen! Write a name or number.

Teacher writes on the board:

What’s your name?

How old are you?

What’s your teacher’s name?

What’s your favourite number?

What’s your friend’s name?

How many books have you got?

How old is your friend?

Teacher ask different learners to read out the questions and ask How many answers are names? -3

How many answers are numbers?-4

T.: Please, copy the questions into your notebooks and write answers.

In pairs, learners interview each other by taking it in turns to ask and answer the seven questions.

T.: Well done! А сейчас скажите мне понравилось вам занятие?

Учащиеся показывают зеленый кружок, если понравилось. Желтый- так себе.

Красный – не понравилось.

T.: OK. А сейчас нам пора прощаться скажем дружно Good bye!


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