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Проверочная работа по 3 модулю

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Проверочная работа разработана к УМК Афанасьева О.В. Михеева И.В. "Английский язык" 7 класс

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«Проверочная работа по 3 модулю»

Проверочная работа 3 Модуль 7 класс.

Цель: проверить уровень остаточных коммуникативных умений в основных видах речевой деятельности: аудировании, чтении, письме за 3 четверть 7 класс.

Особенности формата проверочной работы:

- говорение- монологическое высказывание по теме «My favorite book»

- раздел I. аудирование предполагает прослушивание текста и выполнение тестовых заданий со множественным выбором

-раздел II. чтение предполагает чтение отрывка текста с полным пониманием и умение сформулировать полный или краткий ответ на вопросы по тексту.

- раздел IV. использование языковых средств предполагает проверку навыка использовать артикли , проверку знания, умения и навыков задать вопрос с целью получения дополнительной информации ; умение правильно написать краткий ответ на личное письмо в рамках изученного материала, соблюдая правила оформления такого рода корреспонденции.

Время проведения: Март 10 -17

Оценивание проверочной работы

-Оценка говорения- 15баллов




Pronunciation =3

Creativity = 3

Оценка аудированияmax =5баллов.

Оценка чтения max = 6 баллов

Оценка умения использовать языковые средства= 11+8=19 баллов

Оценка умения оформить личное письмо = 10 баллов

Max итоговый результат-55 баллов

Текст аудирования

I have read a lot of interesting books,/// but my favorite book is «The adventures of Tom Sawyer» by Mark Twain, ///very talented American writer.///I have read the book for my Literature lesson./// The main character of the book is Tom Sawyer, who lives in a small town in the USA. /// He is a trouble maker who is always looking for a new adventure. ///He plays tricks and always does risky things. /// He runs away with his two friends, to an island in the middle of the Mississippi River for several days./// With Huckleberry Finn he goes looking for treasure,///with his young love Becky Thatcher he gets lost in a cave,///and finally,///they find a box of gold.///I couldn’t help laughing ///when I read how Tom was painting a fence//// and all boys wanted to do that too. ////To cut a long story short, the book is about children growing up./// It is worth reading.////Mark Twain wrote the story in 1876,but it's still read and loved by people all over the world today./// Twain wrote it in the everyday American English. ///The plot is fast moving and enjoyable. /// In my opinion it is one of the greatest books in American literature./// If you like reading adventure stories I recommend you to read this book.

Speaking( 15)

Time/plan=3, Gr=3, Lex=3, Pronunciation =3, Creativity = 3


  1. -B

  2. -C

  3. -A

  4. -D

  5. -C


  1. The Oompa-Loompas agreed to come and to live in Mr. Wonka’s chocolate factory because they lived on a little swampy and humid island.;…because the climate in their country was bad.

  2. The country where the Oompa-Loompas lived was terrible because many terrible creatures lived there;

  3. The Oompa-Loompas spent every moment of their days climbing the trees when they lived in Loompaland because they wanted to find food :… because they were afraid of terrible creatures that lived in jungles .

Use of English 1 (11)

  1. The

  2. -

  3. -

  4. The,-

  5. -, the

  6. -

  7. The,- , the

UseofEnglish 2( 8)

Writing( 10)

Проверочная работа по 3 модулю 7 класс ______________________________________


  1. Speaking ______/15

  2. Listening. Sofia tells about her favorite book. Listen and chose the right ending of the sentence, circle the answer______/5:

3) The narrator( = speaker) couldn’t help laughing when read …

  1. … how Tom was painting a fence.

  2. … howTom and got lost in a cave.

  3. … how they found a box of gold

  4. … the end of the book

  1. I have read the book …

  1. …when my sister advised it to me.

  2. …for my lessons.

  3. …as some extra- reading.

  4. … after the recommendation of my friend.

4) Mark Twain wrote the story

  1. … in the 20th century.

  2. … nowadays.

  3. … in the 18th century.

  4. …in the 19th century.

  1. Tom Sawyer lived…

  1. … in the town on the Missouri river.

  2. …in the town in the mountains.

  3. … in the town on the Mississippi river.

  4. …in the town near the Great lakes

5) The book is written …

  1. … in king’s English.

  2. … in every day English.

  3. … in every day American English.

  4. … in modern American English

II. Reading:Read the extract from the book «Сharlie and the Сhocolate Factory» by Roald Dahl and explain why:____/6.

1/the Oompa-Loompas agreed to come and to live in Mr. Wonka’s chocolate factory;

2/the country where the Oompa-Loompas lived was terrible;

3/ the Oompa-Loompas spent every moment of their days climbing the trees when they lived in Loompaland.

Of course, they’re real people,” - Mr. Wonka answered. They’re Oompa-Loompas. They came from Loompaland. It is in the southern hemisphere. The country occupies a small island. The territory is rather swampy*. The air is humid and very hot. What a terrible country! Nothing but thick jungles there. When I went out there, I found little Oompa- Loompas living in the tree houses. They had to live in the tree houses because they were afraid of dangerous creatures** who lived in the jungles. Poor Oompa- Loompas! They spent every moment of their days climbing the trees and through the trees. And they were living on green caterpillars*** and caterpillars tasted terrible, and the one food they wanted to get was the cacao bean. But they couldn’t get it. An Oompa- Loompa was lucky if he found three or four cacao beans****a year.

* swampy-болотистый

** creatures= monsters


****cacao bean=


  1. Use of English.Fill in the gaps with a/an, the if necessary.____/11

1)…artist is a person who paints pictures.2) There is some… mineral water in the glass. 3) What ...tender song! 4) I’ve bought some magazines. ... magazines are …entertaining. 5) After … 5 o’clock tea we went to …concert. 6) Ten …sausages, please! 7)…largest river of… Russia is … Volga.

  1. Use of English. We have some information but not enough. Ask four questions._____/8

…speak …





have bought…





  1. Writing.Answer John’s letter.Remember the rules of letter - writing___/10

London, The UK


Dear friend,

My name is John. I want to have a friend from Russia. I am14. I have recently read an interesting book. It was written by a well-known British writer. His name is C. S. Lewis. The title of the book is The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The main characters are Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie. The plot of the book is enjoyable. The scene is laid in a magic land called Narnia. I couldn’t help feeling sad when I read how the White Witch killed Aslan, the great lion and the king of Narnia.The book is worth reading. If you like fantasy novels I advise you to read it. And what about you? What book you’ve recently read? Tell me about it.

Write me back as soon as you can.

Best wishes,




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