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Progress Check 5th form Healthy Lifestyle

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Данная проверочная работа предназначена для проведения текущего контроля уровня сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков по теме "Здоровый образ жизни" у обучающихся 5 класса. Имеет универсальный характер, ориентирован использование УМК базового уровня.

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«Progress Check 5th form Healthy Lifestyle»

1. Дополните предложения используя слова из рамки.

Healthy, fit, joyful, early

1 It is not easy to keep to a _____________ diet.

2 It is important to keep _____________ if you want to be in good healthy.

3 It was an easy thing for Mark to get up _____________ in the morning.

4 People think Sally is a happy girl because she is always _____________.

2. Выберите правильные формы слов, чтобы дополнить предложения

1 You will feel healthy if you ( take care of / keep ) fit.

2 Сhildren (should/shouldn’t) watch TV a lot.

3 Mark ( will be / is ) fit if he has a lot of exercises.

4 If Betsy ( will go / goes ) to the mountains with us, we will have a lot of fun.

5. An apple a day – keep the doctor (with/away).

6. Health is (down/above) weath.

3. Переведите на русский язык: to visit a doctor, to take an aspirin, to stay in bed, healthy lifestyle, high temperature, sore throat, strong toothache, to keep fit, to do morning exercises regular, to take cold shower.

Составьте с этими словами 2-3 предложения.

1. Дополните предложения используя слова из рамки.

Healthy, fit, joyful, early

1 It is not easy to keep to a _____________ diet.

2 It is important to keep _____________ if you want to be in good healthy.

3 It was an easy thing for Mark to get up _____________ in the morning.

4 People think Sally is a happy girl because she is always _____________.

2. Выберите правильные формы слов, чтобы дополнить предложения

1 You will feel healthy if you ( take care of / keep ) fit.

2 Сhildren (should/shouldn’t) watch TV a lot.

3 Mark ( will be / is ) fit if he has a lot of exercises.

4 If Betsy ( will go / goes ) to the mountains with us, we will have a lot of fun.

5. An apple a day – keep the doctor (with/away).

6. Health is (down/above) weath.

3. Переведите на русский язык: to visit a doctor, to take an aspirin, to stay in bed, healthy lifestyle, high temperature, sore throat, strong toothache, to keep fit, to do morning exercises regular, to take cold shower.

Составьте с этими словами 2-3 предложения.

1. Дополните предложения используя слова из рамки.

Healthy, fit, joyful, early

1 It is not easy to keep to a _____________ diet.

2 It is important to keep _____________ if you want to be in good healthy.

3 It was an easy thing for Mark to get up _____________ in the morning.

4 People think Sally is a happy girl because she is always _____________.

2. Выберите правильные формы слов, чтобы дополнить предложения

1 You will feel healthy if you ( take care of / keep ) fit.

2 Сhildren (should/shouldn’t) watch TV a lot.

3 Mark ( will be / is ) fit if he has a lot of exercises.

4 If Betsy ( will go / goes ) to the mountains with us, we will have a lot of fun.

5. An apple a day – keep the doctor (with/away).

6. Health is (down/above) weath.

3. Переведите на русский язык: to visit a doctor, to take an aspirin, to stay in bed, healthy lifestyle, high temperature, sore throat, strong toothache, to keep fit, to do morning exercises regular, to take cold shower.

Составьте с этими словами 2-3 предложения.


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