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Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Моя любимая книга"

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Презентация  на тему  "Моя любимая книга" была разработана ученицей 8 В класса Гончаровой Дарьей МБОУ "СОШ № 41" в рамках проектной деятельности на уроках английского языка

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«Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Моя любимая книга"»

Project  My Favorite Book

Project My Favorite Book

Plot 3



little about the author of the book

little about the author of the book

My opinion about the book Overall,

My opinion about the book

  • Overall, "The Old Curiosity Shop" - a very good and interesting novel with a complex plot and different characters. But compared with other works a little lost. I do not like to retell the story, I will say briefly: it is the story of wandering girl Nell and its old, half-crazy grandfather, their encounters with different people, good assistants and vile negodyayami.Kak know, "the bench" Dickens wrote chapters and immediately published. That's true. Shared Line "lame" is very often used method "god from the machine" when the story comes to a standstill, and suddenly there is a new character who spins all over again. All the characters - grotesque. If you are kind and honest, something to holiness; If the terrible and ugly, then to the full hideousness. Such people do not exist, but rather a mask in the puppet theater. Of the main characters "human" to me just seemed Mr Sviveller from minor - Madame Jarl. Countless other heroes of some "one-line", as if they only have one character trait, and the rest of mood and motivation are absent.
Thank you for watching

Thank you for watching "


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