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Презентация к уроку по английскому языку в 8 классе по теме "Newspapers"

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Презентация к уроку по английскому языку в 8 классе по теме "Newspapers". Данная презентация является дополнительным материалом к УМК Биболетовой М.З. "Enjoy English 8".

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«Презентация к уроку по английскому языку в 8 классе по теме "Newspapers"»

Newspapers Irina Averkieva


Irina Averkieva

The History of the newspapers The modern newspaper is a European invention. The oldest direct ancestors of the modern newspaper were the handwritten news sheets. They circulated widely in Venice as early as 1566.

The History of the newspapers

  • The modern newspaper is a European invention. The oldest direct ancestors of the modern newspaper were the handwritten news sheets. They circulated widely in Venice as early as 1566.
The History of the newspapers . The first printed newspapers were published weekly in Germany in 1609. On 7 November 1665, The London Gazette (The Oxford Gazette ) was published.

The History of the newspapers

  • . The first printed newspapers were published weekly in Germany in 1609.
  • On 7 November 1665, The London Gazette (The Oxford Gazette ) was published.
The First Russian Newspaper Peter the Great signed a decree for the establishment of the first Russian newspaper « Ведомости». The first Russian newspaper was published in January 1703.

The First Russian Newspaper

  • Peter the Great signed a decree for the establishment of the first Russian newspaper « Ведомости».
  • The first Russian newspaper was published in January 1703.
Read the names of the newspapers

Read the names of the newspapers

British newspapers Quality papers (broadsheets) – serious newspapers Tabloids - popular newspapers

British newspapers

Quality papers (broadsheets) – serious newspapers

Tabloids - popular newspapers

Broadsheets They produce serious quality journalism. Broadsheets:  the “Times”,  the “Guardian”,  the “Independent”, “ Daily Telegraph”, “ Financial Times”


  • They produce serious quality journalism.
  • Broadsheets:

the “Times”,

the “Guardian”,

the “Independent”,

Daily Telegraph”,

Financial Times”

Tabloids Tabloids are half the size of a broadsheet. They have a more sensational reporting style. Tabloids: “ Daily Mail”, “Daily Express”, “Today”, “Daily Mirror, “’Daily Star”, “Morning Star”, “the Sun”, “Daily Sport”.


  • Tabloids are half the size of a broadsheet. They have a more sensational reporting style.
  • Tabloids:

Daily Mail”, “Daily Express”, “Today”, “Daily Mirror, “’Daily Star”, “Morning Star”, “the Sun”, “Daily Sport”.

Tell about your favourite newspaper My favourite newspaper is …(the newspaper under review is …) It’s a … (regional, local) paper. It’s published … a week. It consists of … pages. The circulation of the paper is … issues. It contains (political, industrial, cultural, national, international, financial) news.

Tell about your favourite newspaper

  • My favourite newspaper is …(the newspaper under review is …)
  • It’s a … (regional, local) paper.
  • It’s published … a week.
  • It consists of … pages.
  • The circulation of the paper is … issues.
  • It contains (political, industrial, cultural, national, international, financial) news.

My Favourite Newspaper 7. It has more pictures(writing) than writing (pictures). 8. The main headlines of the paper are … 9. It provides readers with articles about … (sport, theatre, cinema, art, gossip in the private lives of famous people, …). 10. It has/not got advertising.

My Favourite Newspaper

7. It has more pictures(writing) than writing (pictures).

8. The main headlines of the paper are …

9. It provides readers with articles about … (sport, theatre, cinema, art, gossip in the private lives of famous people, …).

10. It has/not got advertising.

Your home task

Your home task

Write a short article for a school newspaper  Sections: School news Class news Sports news Funny situations at the lessons Interesting and unusual hobbies of your classmates Amazing pupils of your class Art, cinema, theatre news

Write a short article for a school newspaper


  • School news
  • Class news
  • Sports news
  • Funny situations at the lessons
  • Interesting and unusual hobbies of your classmates
  • Amazing pupils of your class
  • Art, cinema, theatre news
Well done! Thank you!

Well done! Thank you!


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