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Презентация к уроку английского языка ученицы 11 класса МБОУ Богородицкой СШ Новиковой Кристины: "Современные профессии"

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Очень важно для выпускников   не ошибиться в выборе профессии. Презентация "Современные профессии",  подготовленная обучающейся 11 класса к уроку английского языка, в некоторой степени поможет ребятам узнать о современных профессиях  немного больше. 

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«Презентация к уроку английского языка ученицы 11 класса МБОУ Богородицкой СШ Новиковой Кристины: "Современные профессии"»

  Modern professions.  Работу выполнила ученица 11 класса МБОУ Богородицкой СШ Новикова Кристина Учитель: Панкеева Л.А.

Modern professions.

Работу выполнила ученица 11 класса

МБОУ Богородицкой СШ

Новикова Кристина

Учитель: Панкеева Л.А.

The professions of the 21st century can be divided into two categories:  traditional and new.

The professions of the 21st century can be divided into two categories: traditional and new.

Traditional professions: cook er s,salespeople,firefighters,teachers, e ngineers , doctors and so on.

Traditional professions: cook er s,salespeople,firefighters,teachers, e ngineers , doctors and so on.

 New professions :  PR manager , marketing  managers.  They are  specialists who create advertising.

New professions : PR manager , marketing managers. They are specialists who create advertising.

In modern companies there are CFOs and legal  advisers .

In modern companies there are CFOs and legal advisers .

A new profession s  appeared in the area of ​​banking services. Th e s e  are financial analysts , mortgage brokers . Th e s e profession s  exist not only in London and New York , but also in many Russian cities .  .

A new profession s appeared in the area of ​​banking services. Th e s e are financial analysts , mortgage brokers . Th e s e profession s exist not only in London and New York , but also in many Russian cities . .

Today it is difficult to find a profession more relevant than the system administrators , experts in Information Security , programmers . These  specialists are in demand nowadays as never before.

Today it is difficult to find a profession more relevant than the system administrators , experts in Information Security , programmers . These specialists are in demand nowadays as never before.

By studying trends in society , astrologers and recruitment agencies seeking to predict what specialists will be needed in the next 10-15 years .

By studying trends in society , astrologers and recruitment agencies seeking to predict what specialists will be needed in the next 10-15 years .

Th ese are the following profession s :

Th ese are the following profession s :

Logistics specialists on the organization of cargo transportation.

Logistics specialists on the organization of cargo transportation.

Environmentalists professionals to protect  the environment.

Environmentalists professionals to protect the environment.

Nanotechnology and microtechnology specialists .

Nanotechnology and microtechnology specialists .

Источники: 1. Wikipedia 2. https://www.yandex.ru/ 3. https://www.google.ru/search?q= профессии 4. http://www.proforientator.ru/


1. Wikipedia

2. https://www.yandex.ru/

3. https://www.google.ru/search?q= профессии

4. http://www.proforientator.ru/


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