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Презентация: Reading books.

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   1. Read some information about three English women. Listen to them speaking about their favourite books. Match the people and the titles of the books. There is one title you don’t have to use.


1) Ms Chipley,63, often travels to the continent where her daughter and son-in-law live. She doesn’t read a lot and buys books mostly to entertain her-self when she travels. When she chooses a book, it is usually something light and easy, often about animals.

2) Mrs Campbell, 75, lives outside Great Britain. She has two sons living in the USA. They don’t see a lot each other but meet at Easter and Christmas. She mostly rereads the books that she loves and knows. From time to time she buys a book that her friends or sons recommended to her.

3) Maggie Kerr, 78, is a loving mother and grandmother. She does not read much but when she does, she prefers serious reading. She chooses books very carefully. There is one book she reads all the time.


























                                                                         (when filling in, you need to tick   the answer option that suits to you )


  • 1.  Do you like reading?       а) Yes, I do._____               б) No, I don’t._____
  • 2. You don’t read books because ......
  • а) it is not so interesting.  _______
  • b) I haven’t  free time.______
  • 3. You read books because.....
  • а)  like it.________                                                                   b)  want to seem smart_______
  • c)  it is recuirred by the school curriculum_____                     d)  parents demand_________
  • 4. What genres of books do you prefer to read ?
  • - scientific books____________                     - historical books_________            - educational literature_________
  • - fantastic books_______                               - detective and criminal books____     - romance novels_____
  • - adventure books____________                  - comedy books__________               - your variant_______________
  • 5.Who is your favourite author?_________________________________________________________
  • 6.What is your favourite book ?___________________________________________________________
  • 7.  How often do you read books?
  • а) 1 time per week____          b) 1 time per month ___        c) 1 time in a half-year ____             d) 1 time per year_____
  • 8.  You usually read ...      а) printed books _______              б) e-books_________
  • 9.  Where do you find information and get knowledge about modern life and about modern man?
  • −  from newspaper and magazine_______           − from Internet_______                     − from TV______
  • − from fiction literature _____                              − from communication with peers_____
  • 10. Is it possible to become successful without reading?  а) Yes, it is._____               б) No, it isn’t._____


















  Questionnaire’s results                


   9 –th “v” form

    18 pupils

   10–th “a”  and “b” forms

    17 pupils

   11 –th  form

   ( 12 pupils)

1.Do you like reading?

a) Yes, I do

b) No, I don’t


a)  6

b) 12


a)  9

b) 8


a) 12

b) -

2.You don’t read books because

а) it is not so interesting. 

b) I haven’t  free time.

a) 11

b) 7

a) 6

b) 11

a) 1

b) 7

3. You read books because.....

   а)  like it

   b)  want to seem smart

   c)  it is recuirred by the school curriculum 

   d)parents demand                              


a) 5


c) 11

d) 5


a) 5

b) 2


d) -


a) 7

b) 3

c) 2

d) -

4. You usually read ...    

  а) printed books         

  b) e-books


a)  13

b) 4


a)  13

b)  4


a)  7

b) 8

5. Is it possible to become successful without reading?  а) Yes, it is.         

b) No, it isn’t.


a)  16

b) 2


a)  15

b) 2


a)  6

b) 6

6.How often do you read books?

а) 1 time per week       

b) 1 time per month       

c) 1 time in a half-year             

d) 1 time per year


a) 5

b) 7

c) 1

d) 5


a) 9

b) 4

c) 2

d) 2


a) 6

b) 1

c) 2

d) -

7. Where do you find information and get knowledge about modern life and about modern man?

a)from newspaper and magazine

b) from Internet                   

c) from TV

d) from fiction literature                              

e) from communication with peers



a) 1

b) 15

c) 6

d) 1




a) 1

b) 17

c) 4

d) -




a) 1

b) 10

c) 2

d) 1


8. What genres of books do you prefer to read?

a) scientific books      

b) fantastic books

c) adventure books

d)historical book          

e) detective and criminal books

f) comedy books

g)educational literature

h)romance novels

i) your variant


a) 1

b) 9

c) 4

d) 2

e) 5

f) 4


h) 5



a) 4

b) 9

c) 6

d) -

e) 4

f) 6


h) 8

i) horror


a) 2

b) 9

c) 6

d) -

e) 2

f) 3


h) 4

i) cyberpunk

9. Who is your favourite author?


1) Alexander Pushkin (6 pupils)

2. Tom Green (1pupil)

1) Alexander Pushkin (7 pupils)

2)John Fowles

(1 pupil)

3) Mikhail Lomonosov

(1 pupil)

4) Sergei Yesenin

(1 pupil)

5)Leo Tolstoy

(1 pup.)

1) Alexander Pushkin (1 pupil)

2) Sergei Yesenin

(1 pupil)

3)Stephen King

(1 pupil)

4)Nickholas Spaks (1 pupil)


10. What is your favourite book?

1) Aivengo

2) Taras Bulba

3) An old man and gold fish.

1) Collector

2)Robinson Krusoe


4)Straight girl trap

5) The Catcher in the Rye


7)The little Prince

1) Crime and punishment

2)Kid-E Cats

3)The silent patient

4)The Notebook

5)The Shining



Распечатка №2

I am going to tell you about my introduction with the novel "Jane Eyre" a sample of classics of English literature. The author of the book is the world-famous English writer Charlotte Bronte. The novel was written in 1847 and tells us about the life path of the main character Jane Eyre.

The orphan, left in the care of the wife of the deceased uncle, longs for affection and love, but does not receive them from selfish and cruel relatives. She is sent to school called Lowood. There she receives an education, there her moral appearance is formed under the influence of the abbess and friend. After 8 years of life in Lowood, Jane Eyre leaves school, having found a job as a governess by announcement in the newspaper - she is smart. Jane falls in love with his master - the gritty unsympathetic Mr. Rochester, he is strong, proud, surly, but kind, ardent and responsible. He fell in love with Jane Eyre for her mind, kindness, sincerity, directness, and lively character. She agreed to accept his hand and heart, but the wedding was not destined to take place -  all about the fact that Rochester is already married to a madman, and his wife secretly lives in his house in a locked room, upsets the wedding. Jane Eyre leaves the Thornfield estate at night, without money and things, she gets to the village, where three days of wandering lead her to the threshold of the house where the Rivers family lives - a brother and two sisters. They give her shelter, food, a job as a teacher at a local school. Subsequently, it turns out that Jane Eyre is the heiress of the fortune from the deceased uncle, and St. John, Diana and Mary Rivers are her cousins. St. John persuades Jane to become his wife and go with him as a wife and assistant missionary to India. She refuses, realizing that she will betray herself, having entered into a relationship with a person with whom she is not associated with love ties. She goes in search of Mr. Rochester, finds his house burned by a fire, finds out that his crazy wife set a fire and died. Rochester himself became blind due to injury. She comes to his new home, and marries him, gaining her place and love.

In general, I really liked the book, I love stories with a strong spirit of heroes with high morality, religiosity, determination and conscience. And if you like heroes with such views on life, I recommend you read it.

deceased [dɪˈsiːst] умерший                                                 

longs for-тоска, тосковать

affection [əˈfekʃn]-привязанность, ласка

abbess [ˈæbes]-настоятельница

governess- гувернантка, воспитательница

fall in love – влюбляться

master – хозяин

 mind [maind] –ум

accept [əkˈsept]- принимать,взять


surly [ˈsɜːlɪ]-угрюмый

ardent [ˈɑːdənt]-пылкий

but the wedding was not destined to take place-свадьбе не было суждено состояться


estate[ɪsˈteɪ]-усадьба, поместье, имение

threshold [ˈθreʃhəʊld]-порог


shelter-приют, убежище

subsequently [ˈsʌbsɪkwəntlɪ]-позднее, позже, в последствии

heiress [ˈeərɪs]- наследник,наследница

betray [bɪˈtreɪ]-предавать


persuade [pəˈsweɪd]- убеждать

blind [blaɪnd]- слепой, незрячий

determination and conscience-решимость и совесть           gain [geɪn]-получать



Распечатка №3


Read an article. Are these statements true or false?

      1. The author of the book is the world-famous English writer Emily Bronte.______

2.Charlotte Bronte was sent to school called Lowood_______

      3. The Rivers family give Jane shelter, food, a job as a teacher at a local school.______


      4. Rochester himself became blind due to injury._______

      5. She comes to the Thornfield, and marries him, gaining her place and love._______























Распечатка №4

Scientists a long time ago found out and proved that in order to maintain clarity of mind throughout life, a person needs to constantly develop his brain. One of the most effective ways is to read regularly and thoughtfully. Nowadays, people are too busy and do not often find time to read books. It is easiest, taking a phone with social networks, a TV console or a netbook into your hands, to immerse yourself in the virtual reality of Internet space. However, those who read books have much more opportunity to climb the career ladder, build a strong family, live longer and look younger they look younger. Here are a few more reasons why you should read:

1. Reading extends our vocabulary and increases our level of literacy, since in books we can encounter words, phraseologisms or stable expressions that we do not often use in everyday speech. Based on this, you can easily communicate with people, you will be able to clearly, clearly and clearly express your thoughts. Perhaps you will have the talent of a storyteller, and it will be interesting to talk with you. So you will feel confident and increase self-esteem.

Reading gives a powerful impetus to the development of our memory and thinking, because reading works we reason to understand its basic meaning, in parallel we represent their characters, clothes and objects surrounding them.

2. Reading helps protect the brain from such a terrible 21st century disease as Alzheimer's (memory loss), since during reading the activity of the brain increases and improves its general state.

3. And there is also evidence that reading does not allow our brains to age and therefore it prolongs youth.

4. Reading can also be a panacea for stress relief. The content of the book text distracts from harsh realities and calms the psyche of a person. It is recommended to read preferably before bed to develop a habit and for your brain this may signal that it is time for you to sleep, and regular sleep is a guarantee that during the day you will be physically vigilant and mentally stable.

5. Reading can develop creative qualities, since in books you can find a lot of ideas for objectively solving problems.

6. Reading improves the concentration on the content of the product without being distracted by foreign objects. This skill is very useful in any other activity.








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«Презентация: Reading books.»

Reading books…

Reading books…

Without a book  the world  is night...   Victor Hugo Without a book the world is night   and the human’s mind is wretched,   Without a book peoples are meaningless  and look like detached.   There is the virtue, the duty,    the power and salt of nature in it.   It has your future and faithful   blessings pledge in it. http :// mirpps.ru

Without a book  the world  is night... Victor Hugo

Without a book the world is night  and the human’s mind is wretched,  Without a book peoples are meaningless and look like detached. There is the virtue, the duty,   the power and salt of nature in it.  It has your future and faithful  blessings pledge in it.

  • http :// mirpps.ru
Questionnaire  ( when filling in, you need to tick the answer option that suits to you )  1. Do you like reading? а) Yes, I do._____ б) No, I don’t._____ 2. You don’t read books because ...... а) it is not so interesting. _______ b) I haven’t free time.______ 3. You read books because..... а) like it.________ b) want to seem smart _______ c) it is recuirred by the school curriculum_____ d) parents demand_________ 4 . What genres of books do you prefer to read ? - scientific books____________ - historical books _________ - educational literature _________ - fantastic books_______ - detective and criminal books____  - romance novels_____ - adventure books____________  - comedy books__________  - your variant_______________ 5.Who is your favourite author? _________________________________________________________ 6.What is your favourite book ? ___________________________________________________________ 7. How often do you read books? а) 1 time per week____  b) 1 time per month ___  c) 1 time in a half-year ____  d) 1 time per year_____ 8. You usually read ...  а) printed books _______ б) e-books_________ 9.  Where do you find information and get knowledge about modern life and about modern man? − from newspaper and magazine_______ − from Internet_______ − from TV______ − from fiction literature _____ − from communication with peers_____ 10. Is it possible to become successful without reading? а) Yes, it is._____ б) No, it isn’t._____  


( when filling in, you need to tick the answer option that suits to you )

  • 1. Do you like reading? а) Yes, I do._____ б) No, I don’t._____
  • 2. You don’t read books because ......
  • а) it is not so interesting. _______
  • b) I haven’t free time.______
  • 3. You read books because.....
  • а) like it.________ b) want to seem smart _______
  • c) it is recuirred by the school curriculum_____ d) parents demand_________
  • 4 . What genres of books do you prefer to read ?
  • - scientific books____________ - historical books _________ - educational literature _________
  • - fantastic books_______ - detective and criminal books____ - romance novels_____
  • - adventure books____________ - comedy books__________ - your variant_______________
  • 5.Who is your favourite author? _________________________________________________________
  • 6.What is your favourite book ? ___________________________________________________________
  • 7. How often do you read books?
  • а) 1 time per week____ b) 1 time per month ___ c) 1 time in a half-year ____ d) 1 time per year_____
  • 8. You usually read ... а) printed books _______ б) e-books_________
  • 9. Where do you find information and get knowledge about modern life and about modern man?
  • − from newspaper and magazine_______ − from Internet_______ − from TV______
  • − from fiction literature _____ − from communication with peers_____
  • 10. Is it possible to become successful without reading? а) Yes, it is._____ б) No, it isn’t._____


 Do you like reading?

Do you like reading?

Where do you find information and get knowledge about modern life and about modern man?

Where do you find information and get knowledge about modern life and about modern man?

“ Twelve chairs”  by Il’aIl’f and Yevgenii Petrov

Twelve chairs” by Il’aIl’f and Yevgenii Petrov

Who are the authors of these books?  Alexander Pushkin is the author of The Captain’s Daughter.  Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is the author of The Sherlock Holmes Book. Joanne Rowling is the author of The Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone.  Nickolay Gogol is the author of Dead Souls.  Clive Staples Lewis is the author of The Chronicles of Narnia.  William Shakespeare is the author of Romeo and Juliet.  Roald Dahl is the author of Matilda.

Who are the authors of these books?

Alexander Pushkin is the author of The Captain’s Daughter.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is the author of The Sherlock Holmes Book.

Joanne Rowling is the author of The Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone.

Nickolay Gogol is the author of Dead Souls.

Clive Staples Lewis is the author of The Chronicles of Narnia.

William Shakespeare is the author of Romeo and Juliet.

Roald Dahl is the author of Matilda.

 Let’s check your homework. unable really fascinating interesting usually  cheerful, active information wonderful Ex.11 pg.63  I am … to understand people who often visit libraries. In my opinion, it is … strange. I don’t think libraries are …. places and librarians are ….. people They are … not very young ladies who tell you what you must or mustn’t do. You can’t be …. or … in the library. I prefer to find the …. I need at home, using my … computer.

Let’s check your homework.

  • unable
  • really
  • fascinating
  • interesting
  • usually

  • cheerful, active
  • information
  • wonderful
  • Ex.11 pg.63

I am … to understand people who often visit libraries. In my opinion, it is … strange. I don’t think libraries are …. places and librarians are ….. people

They are … not very young ladies who tell you what you must or mustn’t do. You can’t be …. or … in the library. I prefer to find the …. I need at home,

using my … computer.

 Listening.  Ex.1pg.63-64   Task: Read some information about three English women. Listen to them speaking about their favourite books. Match the people and the titles of the books. There is one title you don’t have to use. 1) Ms Chipley,63, often travels to the continent where her daughter and son-in-law live. She doesn’t read a lot and buys books mostly to entertain her-self when she travels. When she chooses a book, it is usually something light and easy, often about animals. 2) Mrs Campbell, 75, lives outside Great Britain. She has two sons living in the USA. They don’t see a lot each other but meet at Easter and Christmas. She mostly rereads the books that she loves and knows. From time to time she buys a book that her friends or sons recommended to her. 3) Maggie Kerr, 78, is a loving mother and grandmother. She does not read much but when she does, she prefers serious reading. She chooses books very carefully. There is one book she reads all the time.  Answers:  1________________  2________________  3________________

Listening. Ex.1pg.63-64

Task: Read some information about three English women. Listen to them speaking about their favourite books. Match the people and the titles of the books. There is one title you don’t have to use.

  • 1) Ms Chipley,63, often travels to the continent where her daughter and son-in-law live. She doesn’t read a lot and buys books mostly to entertain her-self when she travels. When she chooses a book, it is usually something light and easy, often about animals.
  • 2) Mrs Campbell, 75, lives outside Great Britain. She has two sons living in the USA. They don’t see a lot each other but meet at Easter and Christmas. She mostly rereads the books that she loves and knows. From time to time she buys a book that her friends or sons recommended to her.
  • 3) Maggie Kerr, 78, is a loving mother and grandmother. She does not read much but when she does, she prefers serious reading. She chooses books very carefully. There is one book she reads all the time.
  • Answers:
  • 1________________
  • 2________________
  • 3________________

 Check your  classmate’s work. Assess yourselves. «5» - score 3 «4» - score 2 «3» - score 1 Keys: 1- d 2- a 3- b

Check your classmate’s work.

  • Assess yourselves.
  • «5» - score 3
  • «4» - score 2
  • «3» - score 1
  • Keys:
  • 1- d
  • 2- a
  • 3- b
Charlotte Bronte Charlotte Bronte was born on April 21-st 1816 at Thornton, Bradford in Yorkshire. Charlotte was raised in a strict Anglican home by her clergyman father and a religious aunt after her mother’s and two eldest siblings died. She and her sister Emily attended the Clergy Daughter’s School at Cowan Bridge Bridge, but were largely educated at home. She tried to work as a teacher and a governess. Charlotte missed her sisters and returned home. She published her first novel Jane Eyre, in 1847 under the manly pseudonym Currer Bell.Though controversy in its criticism of society’s treatment of impoverished women. She followed the success with Shirley in 1848 and Villette in 1853. In 1854 Charlotte married Arthur Bell Nicolls. She died in 1855.  The cause of her death has not been determined

Charlotte Bronte

  • Charlotte Bronte was born on April 21-st 1816 at Thornton, Bradford in Yorkshire. Charlotte was raised in a strict Anglican home by her clergyman father and a religious aunt after her mother’s and two eldest siblings died. She and her sister Emily attended the Clergy Daughter’s School at Cowan Bridge Bridge, but were largely educated at home. She tried to work as a teacher and a governess. Charlotte missed her sisters and returned home. She published her first novel Jane Eyre, in 1847 under the manly pseudonym Currer Bell.Though controversy in its criticism of society’s treatment of impoverished women. She followed the success with Shirley in 1848 and Villette in 1853. In 1854 Charlotte married Arthur Bell Nicolls. She died in 1855. The cause of her death has not been determined
 Reading  Read an article. Are these statements true or false? 1. The author of the book is the world-famous English writer Emily Bronte. 2.Charlotte Bronte was sent to school called Lowood  3. The Rivers family give Jane shelter, food, a job as a teacher at a local school.  4. Rochester himself became blind due to injury.  5. She comes to the Thornfield, and marries him, gaining her place and love.


  • Read an article. Are these statements true or false?
  • 1. The author of the book is the world-famous English writer Emily Bronte.
  • 2.Charlotte Bronte was sent to school called Lowood
  • 3. The Rivers family give Jane shelter, food, a job as a teacher at a local school.
  • 4. Rochester himself became blind due to injury.
  • 5. She comes to the Thornfield, and marries him, gaining her place and love.
 Check your work ! Assess yourselves. «5» - score 5 «4» - score 4 «3» - score 3 Keys: 1-F 2-F 3-T 4-T 5-F

Check your work !

  • Assess yourselves.
  • «5» - score 5
  • «4» - score 4
  • «3» - score 3
  • Keys:
  • 1-F
  • 2-F
  • 3-T
  • 4-T
  • 5-F
 Work in pairs Ex.4pg.65

Work in pairs

  • Ex.4pg.65
  • Scientists a long time ago found out and proved that in order to maintain clarity of mind throughout life, a person needs to constantly develop his brain. One of the most effective ways is to read regularly and thoughtfully. Nowadays, people are too busy and do not often find time to read books. It is easiest, taking a phone with social networks, a TV console or a netbook into your hands, to immerse yourself in the virtual reality of Internet space. However, those who read books have much more opportunity to climb the career ladder, build a strong family, live longer and look younger they look younger. Here are a few more reasons why you should read:
  • 1. Reading extends our vocabulary and increases our level of literacy, since in books we can encounter words, phraseologisms or stable expressions that we do not often use in everyday speech. Based on this, you can easily communicate with people, you will be able to clearly, clearly and clearly express your thoughts. Perhaps you will have the talent of a storyteller, and it will be interesting to talk with you. So you will feel confident and increase self-esteem.
  • 2.Reading gives a powerful impetus to the development of our memory and thinking, because reading works we reason to understand its basic meaning, in parallel we represent their characters, clothes and objects surrounding them.
  • 3. Reading helps protect the brain from such a terrible 21st century disease as Alzheimer's (memory loss), since during reading the activity of the brain increases and improves its general state.
  • 4. And there is also evidence that reading does not allow our brains to age and therefore it prolongs youth.
  • 5. Reading can also be a panacea for stress relief. The content of the book text distracts from harsh realities and calms the psyche of a person. It is recommended to read preferably before bed to develop a habit and for your brain this may signal that it is time for you to sleep, and regular sleep is a guarantee that during the day you will be physically vigilant and mentally stable.
  • 6. Reading can develop creative qualities, since in books you can find a lot of ideas for objectively solving problems.
  • 7. Reading improves the concentration on the content of the product without being distracted by foreign objects. This skill is very useful in any other activity.
Homework:   1) Ex.3pg.65 2) write a review about your  favourite book.


  • 1) Ex.3pg.65
  • 2) write a review about your

favourite book.

 Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention


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