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Презентация на тему "Английсике пословицы о здоровье"

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«Презентация на тему "Английсике пословицы о здоровье"»

English Proverbs

English Proverbs

A good health is better than wealth

A good health is better than wealth

Without health no one is rich

Without health no one is rich

Health is not valued till sickness comes

Health is not valued till sickness comes

Study sickness while you are well

Study sickness while you are well

Prevention the sickness is better than cure

Prevention the sickness is better than cure

Today we are going to: Speak about RSI and its prevention Do some exercisers on the topic Listen a short audio-track and watch short video Also we’ll remember the rule of using some modal verbs expressing the advice or strong recommendation Repeat the words on the topic
  • Today we are going to:
  • Speak about RSI and its prevention
  • Do some exercisers on the topic
  • Listen a short audio-track and watch short video
  • Also we’ll remember the rule of using some modal verbs expressing the advice or strong recommendation
  • Repeat the words on the topic


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