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Pollution. Village Balahonovskoe.

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Презентация выполнена ученицей 8 класса Фалько Татьяной по теме "Загрязнение окружающей среды". Свою презентацию она создала на основе фотографий, сделанных в нашем селе. Отобразила тему"Чем я могу помочь родному селу", чтобы предотвратить загрязнение окружающей его среды.

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«Pollution. Village Balahonovskoe.»

Pollution. village Balahonovskoe Falko Tatiana Form 8 «B»

Pollution. village Balahonovskoe

Falko Tatiana

Form 8 «B»

Nowadays, pollution is a big and serious problem. And my village is no exception. We have a lot of garbage in the village, and most importantly, He is everywhere .

Nowadays, pollution is a big and serious problem. And my village is no exception. We have a lot of garbage in the village, and most importantly, He is everywhere .

Roodsides, river, woods, sidewalks and a street. Wherever just will not pass, it is garbage. Balahonovskoe The village is located along the Kuban River and if we arrive on its shores, we will see the garbage. Paper, bottles, cigarettes, all that remains after the rest, and human entertainment .

Roodsides, river, woods, sidewalks and a street. Wherever just will not pass, it is garbage. Balahonovskoe The village is located along the Kuban River and if we arrive on its shores, we will see the garbage. Paper, bottles, cigarettes, all that remains after the rest, and human entertainment .

The forest is a place where people often have a rest, go on a picnic. With long-forest species is seems nice and clean, but is we go into the forest we see a sad picture, it will be garbage again. People after his rest just leave trash on the ground.

The forest is a place where people often have a rest, go on a picnic. With long-forest species is seems nice and clean, but is we go into the forest we see a sad picture, it will be garbage again. People after his rest just leave trash on the ground.

How to deal with the garbage? In our village every Wednesday morning a special service staff goes througt the village and take the garbage people gathered for a week.

How to deal with the garbage? In our village every Wednesday morning a special service staff goes througt the village and take the garbage people gathered for a week.

Just 2 times a year the village Balahonovskoe company RusHydro carries out the action «protects». Where children are students removed shore Kuban, and do contridute to the purification of the native village.

Just 2 times a year the village Balahonovskoe company RusHydro carries out the action «protects». Where children are students removed shore Kuban, and do contridute to the purification of the native village.

Let us love their homes, towns, village. After all if you look closely they are beautiful, and we humans can kill or save this beauty, everyone make their choice. Watch out for yourself !

Let us love their homes, towns, village. After all if you look closely they are beautiful, and we humans can kill or save this beauty, everyone make their choice. Watch out for yourself !

Thank you for attention! ;)

Thank you for attention! ;)


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