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Пасхальные традиции в Великобритании

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«Пасхальные традиции в Великобритании»

hot cross bun

Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and is a public holiday in the United Kingdom. It falls just before Easter Sunday.

It can seem strange that a day of death and suffering is known as 'Good' Friday. There are a

number of theories as to why the day marking the crucifixion of Jesus is known in this way. The

word 'Good' may be a different spelling or rendering of 'God' or it may have another, now lost,

meaning of 'holy'. Another theory is that the tragedy of the crucifixion of Jesus brought great

'good' to his followers.

Hot Cross Buns with their combination of spicy, sweet and fruity flavours have long been an Easter tradition. The pastry cross on top of the buns symbolizes and reminds Christians of the cross that Jesus was killed on. The buns were traditionally eaten at breakfast time, hot from the oven

There is a traditional rhyme about these buns,which is often used to teach children basic music notes. “Hot cross buns, Hot cross buns, One a penny, two a penny, Hot cross buns”.

SIMNEL CAKE (его название произошло от слова «simila» – муки особого помола.)

This classic fruit cake is traditionally baked at Easter: the eleven balls of marzipan on top represent Jesus's disciples, minus Judas. There is also a lovely layer of marzipan inside the cake.

It used to be specifically associated with Mothering Sunday. When folk were fasting during Lent, Mothering Sunday, appearing in the middle of the fast, offered a respite from 40 days of religious austerity.

Egg rolling

Another British Easter custom is egg rolling or the egg race, when competitors try to be the first to roll their egg with a wooden spoon across a course or down a hill… without breaking it!

Egg rolling does have a religious meaning: the rolling of the eggs down the hill symbolises the rolling away of the stones on Christ's tomb associated with his resurrection.

Decorate Tree Easter Egg Wreath

Easter parade

Another special Easter tradition in America is the Easter parade, which is a strolling procession held on Easter day. People participating in this parade are usually fashionably dressed and the main idea of the parade is to impress others.

Easter Lily

They're often seen decorating homes, offices, and churches at Easter.

From a religious perspective, this lily is often associated with the resurrection of Jesus Christ which is central to the Easter celebration for many people.

The Easter lily also has associations with Pagan traditions where it's associated with motherhood.

So, these blooms are a great way to showcase your love for your mother at Easter.

Maypole festival

The maypole is a symbol in Britain traditionally signifying ['sɪgnɪfaɪ] community gatherings. It is a stick highly decorated with attached hooks, attractive flowers and colourful papers. During May day, dancers circle around the pole with ribbons.

Extra, extra:

The tallest maypole in Britain stands 88 feet at North Yorkshire.


Over 200 uniquely crafted eggs, created by leading artists, designers, architects and jewellers, are also hidden across the capital at Easter. A map and app help you track down the eggs

Easter Bunny Hut

One of the most beloved traditions of Easter is the Easter egg hunt. Children and adults alike search for colorful eggs that have been hidden around the house or yard, and it is a time for fun and excitement.


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