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Онлайн урок УМК Spotlight 5 Module 8 English in Use, Ordering food (заказ еды)

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«Онлайн урок УМК Spotlight 5 Module 8 English in Use, Ordering food (заказ еды)»

Дистанционное обучение Spotlight 5 8D page 102 МАОУ «Школа №19» Цветкова Мария Эрнестовна

Дистанционное обучение

Spotlight 5 8D page 102

МАОУ «Школа №19»

Цветкова Мария Эрнестовна

Ordering food In a restaurant order – заказ, заказывать take – взять customer cashier

Ordering food

In a restaurant

order – заказ, заказывать

take – взять



Ordering food In a restaurant customer клиент, покупатель cashier кассир order заказ, заказывать take away с собой eat in есть в ресторане Listen and repeat Enjoy your meal. приятного аппетита Here you are. Вот, пожалуйста.

Ordering food

In a restaurant


клиент, покупатель




заказ, заказывать

take away

с собой

eat in

есть в ресторане

Listen and repeat

Enjoy your meal.

приятного аппетита

Here you are.

Вот, пожалуйста.

Ordering food In a restaurant like would would I , please. ’ d like anything to eat ? a ?  ? anything to drink ? you  some ? like

Ordering food

In a restaurant





, please.

d like

anything to eat ?

a ?


anything to drink ?


some ?


Ordering food In a restaurant cashier customer Take away, please Can I take your order? I’d like a cheeseburger, please. Would you like anything to drink with it? Is that eat in or take away? Here you are. Listen and repeat An orange juice, please. Enjoy your meal. Thank you. 4

Ordering food

In a restaurant



Take away, please

Can I take your order?

I’d like a cheeseburger, please.

Would you like anything to drink with it?

Is that eat in or take away?

Here you are.

Listen and repeat

An orange juice, please.

Enjoy your meal.

Thank you.


Ordering food In a restaurant customer cashier Take away, please I’d like a cheeseburger, please. Can I take your order? Would you like anything to drink with it? An orange juice, please. Is that eat in or take away? Which sentences does the cashier say? Which sentences does the customer say? Here you are. Enjoy your meal. Thank you. 4

Ordering food

In a restaurant



Take away, please

I’d like a cheeseburger, please.

Can I take your order?

Would you like anything to drink with it?

An orange juice, please.

Is that eat in or take away?

Which sentences does the cashier say? Which sentences does the customer say?

Here you are.

Enjoy your meal.

Thank you.


- Can I take you order? - I’ d like a cheeseburger, please. - Would you like anything to drink with it? - An orange juice, please. - Is that eat in or take away ? - Take away, please Read the dialogue. - That’s £3.89, please - Here you are. - Enjoy your meal. 4

- Can I take you order?

- I’ d like a cheeseburger, please.

- Would you like anything to drink with it?

- An orange juice, please.

- Is that eat in or take away ?

- Take away, please

Read the dialogue.

- That’s £3.89, please

- Here you are.

- Enjoy your meal.


Use the menu to act out the similar dialogues. Record yourself and send the file to the teacher. 4

Use the menu to act out the similar dialogues. Record yourself and send the file to the teacher.



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