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«Оn-Line Education» Совершенствование коммуникативных навыков

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План-конспект урока по теме «Оn-Line Education» в 9 классе


Цели урока: Совершенствование коммуникативных навыков учащихся. Совершенствование навыка владения лексикой

Расширение знаний о возможностях образования

Развитие речемыслительных умений, адаптации к иноязычной среде, взаимодействия друг с другом.

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««Оn-Line Education» Совершенствование коммуникативных навыков»

План-конспект урока по теме «Оn-Line Education» в 9 классе

Цели урока:
Совершенствование коммуникативных навыков учащихся.
Совершенствование навыка владения лексикой

Расширение знаний о возможностях образования

Развитие речемыслительных умений, адаптации к иноязычной среде, взаимодействия друг с другом.

Оборудование: видеозаписи, карточки – задания (текст, тест), презентации учащихся, ноутбук, мультимедиа

I. Организационный момент:

II. Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения (видеоролик 1)

T: watch the film get ready to tell me what it is about?

III. Целеполагание

T: what is the video about?

What do you think we will do today? Слайд (watch videos, speak about school, search the information, read, present projects)

Therefore, my aims are to promote education itself, to give you information about the possibilities of studies without attending schools. Have you got interested?

IV. Актуализация субъектного опыта учащихся (фронтальная):

  1. T: According to these aims, what vocabulary do you think we will need?

Ss: называют слова, дают определения слов по запросу

Слайд со словами под определение

to tutor, research, reason, confusion, to preserve, to spread, education, advanced, to attend, to emphasize, to consist of, to improve, to facilitate, to overcome, appreciating

  1. T: And now are ready for the next information. We are at school now but do you know the meaning of the word “school”? If interpreting from Greek

Слайд Scole - leisure, doing nothing, rest

T: What kind of amazing metamorphosis occurred with this word, how did it happened to mean educational institutions, which is associated with hard work of schoolchildren?

Слайд Once upon a time somewhere in Ancient Greece, about the I century BC.

The semi-circular benches for rest had been built in public places. People could sit on them and talk heart to heart. Those benches were chosen by the speakers, who had permanent listeners. And previously designed for the recreation benches had become a place of hot discussions. When such meetings between the "teacher" and the "pupil" became permanent, it became necessary to create permanent educational institutions with their areas. As a tribute to the tradition those institutions, were called "school"

  1. T: Now you see that “discussions” – were the beginning of schooling

Слайд Make a system of schools according to their definition, subjects, founders, main idea

Ss: (парная) сопоставляют сообщают результаты







reading, writing, arithmetic, music, dancing, gymnastics running wrestling

ancient Greece

To develop both physical and intellectual education of young men


school of philosophy and science owned by a Greek hero named Academus

philosophy, law, astronomy, biology and scientific research – primarily mathematics


senses give us imperfect knowledge reach truth by using a higher ability,
which he called reason, which called perfect knowledge,
because it tells us about ideas


school of science

science, biology, zoology, and astronomy


to find out how humans think, and how they learn
about the world describe mind and the soul




A part of the University

mathematics science, languages, profession

Modern society


The Academy was the
first University. Unity of Schools

philosophy, law, science, mathematics, languages,



permanent educational institutions

mathematics science, languages

ancient Greece

Compulsory education for all

V. Презентация проектов

T: These schools are the examples of so-called traditional education. Let us see some details

P1 Презентация проекта Traditional system of education видео 3

  1. T -Ss: после 1 проекта

Remind me what the main style of teaching in traditional school is?

Do you remember any other styles of teaching? What about ancient schools?

Слайд Dialogs lectures, debates, guesswork, observation, research

VI. Релаксационная пауза. We were writing, we were writing our fingers have been fighting we will give them peace of rest and continue the contest.

T: one more school for us to think about

P2 On-line education

T: Would you like to study in such a school?

Let’s listen to another project

P3 What education would I prefer and why?

Видео 2 Слайд

VII. Работа с текстом

T: We have heard what On-line education can give us and what should we do. It sounds perfect but the statistics shows something different.

What are strong and weak points of the new style of education? Try to spot them.

Текстовый этап

Ss: читают текст выбирают advantages and disadvantages, сообщают результаты

Послетекстовый этап

T: Another, Asian school presented us with a nice tradition of summing up use your new knowledge try to organize it into cynquain Слайд (правила)

Ss: составляют и зачитывают, сообщают результаты в форме синквейн

VIII. Рефлексия.

Слайд Socrates parable

T: Pass today’s lesson through these filters, tell us if it was worth learning it. (критического мышления)

3 filters to understand the necessity of it truthfulness, goodness, usefulness

XI. Оценка.

Your marks are…

XI. Домашнее задание. Watch the last video for today. I’ll mail it to you and prepare for the brief debates tomorrow

Online education has become a popular channel for many students to pursue their degree. The fact shows that most online students are successfully complete their degree program but 40% of them failed. Most of online students are pursuing their degree online because they are seeing many advantages of online education that can benefits them but the 40% that failed do not aware of the disadvantages of online education that cause their failure. In order to avoid you to become of one the statistic of failure in online education, you must first understand the pro and con of taking your degree online before you make up your decision to earn your degree through this online channel. Here are the major advantages and disadvantages of online education that you must know:

The Advantages of Online Education

In today's busy lifestyle, most people have no time to go back to school even they have intention to get more degrees for career advancement, job promotion or simply to learning something new. This is where one of the advantages of online education will benefit these people. Online education is able to provide you with a flexible learning environment from any location as long as you are offered with internet connection.

With a proper time management, you can easily plan your online learning sessions to fit into your busy schedule and follow your own pace of study to complete your degree program. Another key advantage of online education is you can attend the online classes from your comfort home or any location that you find convenient to you. This also means that you can enroll into any online degree program offered by any universities around the world as long as they make their degree program online. With that in mind, you do not need to worry about unable to find a degree that can't meet your career or lifestyle requirement.

In general, you can complete a degree online in shorter period of time if compare to the same courses offer in campus-based programs. Unless you purposely delay your courses due to fail to proper manage your time. In term of tuition fee, although it's not always true, but in general, online degree programs cost less then campus-based degree programs as most of learning materials are in downloadable format and the credit hours required to complete an online degree program is comparatively less. Hence, you could save some money by taking your degree online.

The Disadvantages of Online Education

The advantages of online education can become the disadvantages if you are not the right candidate for online education. The flexibility of planning your own schedule in online education could be the disadvantages for you if you are a type of person that can't manage your time probably between your work, family and study. If you are this kind of person, a pre-plan schedule may fit you well, letting yourself to study at your own pace with your own schedule may causes you fail to complete your degree program.

As most of online learning materials are in text format, if you are not comfortable with this format and prefer to listen to the lecture instead of reading it. Then, it will become the disadvantage for you and you need to reconsider your decision before you choose online education to be your degree pursuing channel.

Are you able to communicate well through chats and discussion forum? You must understand that these media are the key communication channels in online learning environment and you must be able to adapt to it else it will become a disadvantage for you.


By understanding the advantages and the disadvantages of online education, you will have a better understanding on how these factors will affect you if you choose to pursue your degree online.


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