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My daily routine. Распорядок дня. (презентация)

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Цель урока: - осваивают во всех видах речевой деятельности новые лексические единицы по теме «Распорядок дня»;

- учатся рассказывать о распорядке дня (с указанием точного времени), профессиях, занятиях в выходные дни;

- учатся вносить предложения о совместной деятельности и отвечать на них;

- осваивают формообразование и использование в связной речи глаголов в Present Continuous, употребление предлогов at, in для обозначения времени и наречий частотности (adverbs of frequency);

- учатся писать связный текст о распорядке дня;

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«My daily routine. Распорядок дня. (презентация)»

Work at our phonetics Earl y to bed, Earl y to r i se. [ai] [i], Makes a man h ea l th y , [e]- [i] W ea l th y and w i se. [e] -[i] -[Ө]- [ai] rise – вставать do = make healthy – здоровый wealthy – богатый wise – мудрый, благоразумный r i se , w i se [ai] –  [e] –  [i] –  [Ө] – h ea lthy, w ea lthy earl y , health y , wealth y heal th y , weal th y

Work at our phonetics

Earl y to bed,

Earl y to r i se. [ai] [i],

Makes a man h ea l th y , [e]- [i]

W ea l th y and w i se. [e] -[i] -[Ө]- [ai]

rise – вставать

do = make

healthy – здоровый

wealthy – богатый

wise – мудрый, благоразумный

r i se , w i se





h ea lthy, w ea lthy

earl y , health y , wealth y

heal th y , weal th y

  Early to bed,  Early to rise.  Makes a man healthy,  Wealthy and wise.

Early to bed, Early to rise. Makes a man healthy, Wealthy and wise.

Кто рано ложится И рано встает, Богатство, здоровье  И ум наживет.

Кто рано ложится

И рано встает,

Богатство, здоровье

И ум наживет.

We will talking about …. New words “My day” Time Present Simple a story “My day”

We will talking about ….

  • New words “My day”
  • Time
  • Present Simple
  • a story “My day”

Wake up!  ( daily routine)

Wake up! ( daily routine)

Sally’s daily routine What does Sally do…..? In the morning Sally In the afternoon V s / es In the evening  What do you do…..? In the morning In the afternoon I   V. In the evening

Sally’s daily routine

What does Sally do…..?

In the morning Sally

In the afternoon V s / es

In the evening

What do you do…..?

In the morning

In the afternoon I V.

In the evening

https://quizlet.com/4899380/daily-routine-flash-cards /

https://quizlet.com/4899380/daily-routine-flash-cards /

Asking about/Telling the time What time is it? It’s 12 o’clock. It’s half past six . It’s a quarter past five . It’s a quarter to seven .

Asking about/Telling the time

What time is it?

It’s 12 o’clock.

It’s half past six .

It’s a quarter past five .

It’s a quarter to seven .

P1 - What time is it? P2 – It’s seven o’clock. P1 – What do you do at seven o clock? P2 – I get up at seven o’ clock.

P1 - What time is it?

P2 It’s seven o’clock.

P1 – What do you do at seven o clock?

P2 I get up at seven o’ clock.

 My day

My day

Now I know … Now I can … Tell the time Ask questions about the time Hear the new words (in the video) Read the new words Speak about my day Time New words  and phrases  on the topic  “ My daily routine”

Now I know

Now I can

  • Tell the time
  • Ask questions about the time
  • Hear the new words (in the video)
  • Read the new words
  • Speak about my day
  • Time
  • New words

and phrases

on the topic

“ My daily routine”

 I worked fine / well / not very well Lesson - Interesting /  boring

I worked fine / well / not very well

Lesson - Interesting / boring


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