Благодаря готовым учебным материалам для работы в классе и дистанционно

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Готовые ключевые этапы урока всегда будут у вас под рукой

Организационный момент

Проверка знаний

Объяснение материала

Закрепление изученного

Итоги урока

Модальные глаголы

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Цели и задачи:

- тренировать в применении лексический и языковой материал по теме                                                                              

              “ Школьное образование”; 

- активизировать грамматический материал по теме “ Модальные глаголы ”;

- учить работать с текстом ;

- формировать навыки разговорной  и письменной речи ;

- учить цитировать стих.

Оснащение урока:

- учебная таблица, плакаты, учебные разработки к уроку.

Ход урока

  1.  Организационный момент.

Беседа с дежурным.

  1. Речевая зарядка.

T: Children, school is fun if you are optimistic! Answer my question, please:

  1. Is it  a place where you make friends ?
  2. Is it a place which helps you to find a good job in future ?
  3. Is it a place where it is fun?
  4. Is it a place where you learn about people?
  5. Is it a place where you take exams?
  6. is it a place where you write often tests?
  1. Фонетическая зарядка 

 T: Let’s read a poem about the school.

c.71 у.45 “School days” Учебник “М.З.Биболетовой.

P1 P2 P3 P4...

  1. Развитие диалогической речи.

T: Children, let’s go to school.

Let’s act out a dialogue: у. 15 с.65

  1. Обучение переводу.

Let’s translate the propositons:

у.18 с.65.

6. Повторение модальных глаголов.

T: We are school now and we learn modal verbs:

  1. What modal verbs do you know?
  2. We will do some eversices:
    1. Плакат (чтение)
    2. Упр.2 с.69 (раб. Тетрадь 6 кл.)
    3. Упр.2 с.77 (раздаточный материал)


  1. Физкультминутка

Here is my left hand.

And here is my right.

I can clap them

Of all my mind.

  1. Работа над текстом.

T:We celebrated yesterday Saint Valentin’s Day.

The Symbole of the holiday is a red, red rose.

1)We will read the text. (чтение)

Saint Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is the time to celebrate love and friendship. It is not strange that there is a holiday devoted to love and lovers, friendship and friends. Valentine’s day is the time to tell people that we like them, love them or admire. It is the day when boys and girls, sweethearts and lovers, husbands and wives, friends and neighbours and even the office staff exchange greetings of affection, undying love or satirical comment.

There are many different stories about the origin of Saint Valentine’s Day. This is one of the legends of how Saint Valentine’s Day began. Valentine’s Day takes its name after the priest who lived in Rome long time ago. He was a very good and kind priest and many people liked him. Roman emperer Claudius II did not want young men to get married. He wanted all men to go to war instead. But marriage made men want to stay home. So one could get married without the permission of the emperor. The brave priest named Valentine married young couples secretly.

When the emperor Claudius found out, he arrested Valenine and put him into prison. He was condemned to death. But even in prison, Valentine showed his love for everyone. His jailer had a young daughter who was blind. And by miracle, Valentine’s restored her sight. Just before his death he sent her a farewell message signed “From Your Valentine”. He was killed on February, 14. Two centures later February, 14 was declared the feast day of Saint Valentine in honor of the saint who gave his live to help lovers.


2) повторение лексики

     3) перевод слов

     4) викторина

     5) любовные послания, декламация у доски.


Roses are red            Roses are red,             Roses are red.

Violets are blue,       My world is blue.        Violets are blue.

Honye’s sweet          But if you’ll love me   I don’t know the rest.

And so are you          I’ll love you too          But i know I LOVE YOU.


I dream about you     The sky is hight,                                You  stepped into my heart,

Every night.               The sea is deep.                                 Turning it from stone,

Be my Valentine        Thinking of you                                 And I will always love you,

And hold me tight.     I cannot sleep.                                    For now I’ll never be alone.

                                   If you love me like i love you

                                   Nothing but death will part us two.



    9. Завершение и итоги урока.

     1) выставление оценок

     2) домашнее задание.



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«Модальные глаголы»

Открытый урок

в 7 “а” классе по теме “ Модальные глаголы”

Цели и задачи:

- тренировать в применении лексический и языковой материал по теме

“ Школьное образование”;

- активизировать грамматический материал по теме “ Модальные глаголы ”;

- учить работать с текстом ;

- формировать навыки разговорной и письменной речи ;

- учить цитировать стих.

Оснащение урока:

- учебная таблица, плакаты, учебные разработки к уроку.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.

Беседа с дежурным.

  1. Речевая зарядка.

T: Children, school is fun if you are optimistic! Answer my question, please:

  1. Is it a place where you make friends ?

  2. Is it a place which helps you to find a good job in future ?

  3. Is it a place where it is fun?

  4. Is it a place where you learn about people?

  5. Is it a place where you take exams?

  6. is it a place where you write often tests?

  1. Фонетическая зарядка

T: Let’s read a poem about the school.

c.71 у.45 “School days” Учебник “М.З.Биболетовой.

P1 P2 P3 P4...

  1. Развитие диалогической речи.

T: Children, let’s go to school.

Let’s act out a dialogue: у. 15 с.65

  1. Обучение переводу.

Let’s translate the propositons:

у.18 с.65.

6. Повторение модальных глаголов.

T: We are school now and we learn modal verbs:

  1. What modal verbs do you know?

  2. We will do some eversices:

    1. Плакат (чтение)

    2. Упр.2 с.69 (раб. Тетрадь 6 кл.)

    3. Упр.2 с.77 (раздаточный материал)

  1. Физкультминутка

Here is my left hand.

And here is my right.

I can clap them

Of all my mind.

  1. Работа над текстом.

T:We celebrated yesterday Saint Valentin’s Day.

The Symbole of the holiday is a red, red rose.

1)We will read the text. (чтение)

Saint Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is the time to celebrate love and friendship. It is not strange that there is a holiday devoted to love and lovers, friendship and friends. Valentine’s day is the time to tell people that we like them, love them or admire. It is the day when boys and girls, sweethearts and lovers, husbands and wives, friends and neighbours and even the office staff exchange greetings of affection, undying love or satirical comment.

There are many different stories about the origin of Saint Valentine’s Day. This is one of the legends of how Saint Valentine’s Day began. Valentine’s Day takes its name after the priest who lived in Rome long time ago. He was a very good and kind priest and many people liked him. Roman emperer Claudius II did not want young men to get married. He wanted all men to go to war instead. But marriage made men want to stay home. So one could get married without the permission of the emperor. The brave priest named Valentine married young couples secretly.

When the emperor Claudius found out, he arrested Valenine and put him into prison. He was condemned to death. But even in prison, Valentine showed his love for everyone. His jailer had a young daughter who was blind. And by miracle, Valentine’s restored her sight. Just before his death he sent her a farewell message signed “From Your Valentine”. He was killed on February, 14. Two centures later February, 14 was declared the feast day of Saint Valentine in honor of the saint who gave his live to help lovers.

2) повторение лексики

3) перевод слов

4) викторина

5) любовные послания, декламация у доски.

Roses are red Roses are red, Roses are red.

Violets are blue, My world is blue. Violets are blue.

Honye’s sweet But if you’ll love me I don’t know the rest.

And so are you I’ll love you too But i know I LOVE YOU.

I dream about you The sky is hight, You stepped into my heart,

Every night. The sea is deep. Turning it from stone,

Be my Valentine Thinking of you And I will always love you,

And hold me tight. I cannot sleep. For now I’ll never be alone.

If you love me like i love you

Nothing but death will part us two.

9. Завершение и итоги урока.

1) выставление оценок

2) домашнее задание.


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