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Метод " Кейс-технология"

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Метод «Кейс – технология» актуализирует определённый комплекс знаний, который необходимо усвоить при разрешении данной проблемы реальной ситуации.

Использование метода «Кейс – технология» на уроках иностранного языка

позволяет оптимизировать учебный процесс, сочетать теоретическую подготовку учащихся и организацию познавательной творческой деятельности. Метод позволяет развивать самостоятельный творческий поиск у учащихся.

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«Метод " Кейс-технология"»

Севастополь 2016

Фир Татьяна Михайловна

Учитель английского языка

Метод «Кейс – технология»

В связи с реформами образования, в нашей стране происходит поиск эффективных методов обучения.

Одним из них является метод «Кейс – технология» Этот метод представляет собой описание конкретной реальной ситуации, подготовленное по определенному формату и предназначенное для обучения учащихся анализу разных видов информации, ее обобщению, навыкам формулирования проблемы и выработки возможных вариантов ее решения в соответствии с установленными критериями

Метод «Кейс – технология» актуализирует определённый комплекс знаний, который необходимо усвоить при разрешении данной проблемы реальной ситуации.

Использование метода «Кейс – технология» на уроках иностранного языка

позволяет оптимизировать учебный процесс, сочетать теоретическую подготовку учащихся и организацию познавательной творческой деятельности. Метод позволяет развивать самостоятельный творческий поиск у учащихся.

Метод «Кейс – технология» объединяет в себе одновременно и ролевые игры и метод проектов и ситуативный анализ.

Данный метод помогает повысить мотивацию учащихся к изучаемому предмету, развивает у школьников такие качества, как социальная активность, коммуникабельность, умение слушать и грамотно излагать свои мысли. Цель метода - развитие способностей учащихся к принятию

решений в ситуации неопределённости, что в свою очередь требует

организации обучения как процесса поиска и принятия решений.

Предлагаю Вашему вниманию текст о взаимоотношениях подростков

В ходе обсуждения текста учащимся предлагается проанализировать ситуацию, в которой оказалась героиня текста, и выработать возможные варианты

её разрешения.

Unforgettable Day

(From a schoolgirl’s letter to one of the journals)

The letter is addressed to pupils wishing to entertain friendly relations with their schoolmates.

I. Word List

1. To forget (forgot-forgotten) - забыть

An unforgettable day – незабываемый день

2. To move – переехать

When I was a sixth-former, my family moved to another town.

3. To receive – принимать, воспринимать, получать

They received me coldly.

4. Together –вместе

They did everything together

5. Motto – девиз

6. To hear – слышать

They have never heard of the motto “One for all and all for one”

7. To take (took, taken) – брать, взять, принимать

8. Seriously – серьёзно

They didn’t take me seriously.

9. To wear (wore, worn) – носить

10. Spectacles, (specs) – очки

I was a short girl wearing large spectacles

11. To realize - представлять себе, осознавать, понимать

12. To look for – искать

Then I realized that the best thing for me to do was to look for some friends myself.

13. To fight (fought, fought) – сражаться, драться, бороться

I began to fight openly.

14. To be surprised - быть удивлённым

Then they were very surprised.

16. To take part (took part, taken part) – принимать участие

I took part in concerts.

17. To be afraid – бояться

I was not afraid any more.

18. To enter – поступать

I entered a secondary music school

19. To decide – решать

20. To invite – приглашать

And at last, I decided to invite my form, 10a, to my birthday party.

21. Whole – весь, целый

22. To gather – собираться

The whole class, all twenty-six people who had never gathered together for ten years, came to my place.

23. To wait – ждать

I had waited for that day for a long time.

II. Reading for discussion

I was a sixth – former, my family moved to another town.

I found the situation in the new school very difficult. The other pupils were strange people, I couldn’t understand them. They received me coldly and they disliked everything about me. In my old school we did everything together, but here everybody went his own way. It was a badly organized collective. They had never heard of the motto «One for all and all for one».

I was all against it, but what could I do in a strange class? Besides, they didn’t take me seriously because I was a short girl wearing large spectacles. And how I wanted to be liked by someone! I even stopped wearing my specs.

All this went on for a very long time. Then I realized that the best thing for me to do was to look for some friends myself. I had to show my character.

I began to fight openly with what was wrong around me. At first they did not understand me. Then they were surprised. Some time later they began to listen to my opinion, I became more and more active. I organized excursions, I took part in concerts, recited poems, sang songs, danced. I was really good at English and I helped everybody who needed help. And the most important thing was to learn to look into people’s eyes. I was not afraid any more.

When I finished the ninth form, I entered a secondary music school and moved to another town. But as soon as I came home to visit my parents, I would run to school to see my schoolmates. And last May I decided to invite my form, 10a, to my birthday party.

The whole class, all twenty-six people who had never gathered together for ten years, came to my place. We had a very good time. Everybody was so wonderful and I realized that there was real friendship.

When everybody went home, I couldn’t go to sleep. I had waited for that day for a long time and it had come at last. I shall never forget it.

III Checking your understanding

Some questions to answer:

1. What was the situation like in the new school?

a) It was difficult

b) It was easy

2. How did the other pupils receive the girl?

a) They received her warmly

b) They received her coldly

3. What did she think about her new class-mates?

a) She was all against it

b) She was very glad to be in such situation

4. How long did all this last?

a) All this for went on for a very long time

b) All this finished very quickly

5. What did the girl realize at last?

a) She realized that the best thing for her to do was to look for some friends herself

b) She decided to stay alone

6. Which thing did she begin to fight with?

a) The girl decided to fight openly with what was wrong about her

b) She decided to step aside and to wait

7. When did the girl’s class-mates begin to listen to her opinion?

a) They began to listen to her opinion when the girl became more and more active

b) They began to listen to her opinion when the girl was quiet and kept silence

8. Where did she enter after the ninth form?

a) She entered a secondary music school and moved to another town

b) She entered the tenth form

9. How often did she visit her old class-mates?

a) She visited her old classmates as soon as she came home to visit her parents

b) She visited her classmates very seldom

10. Whom did she celebrate her last birthday with?

a) She celebrated her last birthday with her old classmates

b) She celebrated her last birthday with her new friends from music school

IV. Which of these sentences are true?

1. The girl’s classmates received her warmly.

2. It was a well organized collective.

3. Her classmates took her seriously.

4. The girl realized that the best thing for her to do was to look for some friends herself.

5. The girl decided to fight openly with what was wrong around her.

6. Her classmates understood her at once.

7. The girl did nothing to attract her classmates’ attention.

8. After finishing the ninth form the girl stayed in the same school.

9. The whole class all 26 people came to her birthday party.

10. The girl realized that there was real friendship among her classmates at her birthday party

V. Answer WHY questions

1. Why did the girl find the situation in the new school difficult?

2. Why couldn’t she understand pupils of her new form?

3. Why did she compare class-mates of her old school with the pupils of the new school?

4. Why didn’t her new class- mates take her seriously?

5. Why did she begin to fight openly with what was wrong around her?

6. Why were her new class-mates surprised?

7. Why wasn’t she afraid of her class-mates any more?

8. Why did she decide to invite her schoolmates to her birthday party?

9. Why did all twenty-six people who had never gathered together for ten years, come to her place?

10. Why couldn’t she go to sleep that night?

VI. Discussing the reading.

1. The girl wrote in her letter: “It was a badly organized collective”. What did she want to say? Is your class organized badly? What can you personally do to improve the situation for the best?

2. Have you ever heard the motto “One for all and all for one” How do you understand it? What do you think about friendship?

3. The girl who told this story seems to be happy. How can you explain her happiness?

4. Why did the pupils of form 10a change so much? How did the new girl help them? What would you do if you were in her place?

5. What can you say about the character of a pupil who says, “I’m really good at English and it’s so nice to be able to help somebody who needs help? Are you always ready to help your friends?

6. Sometimes class-mates discuss the behavior of one of the students. Explain why such a discussion is sometimes necessary. What do you usually do if you don’t like the behavior of your class-mates?

VII. Subject to talk about

1. Exchange your opinions about the text “An Unforgettable Day”

2. Ask your partner what kind of collectives he (she) prefers. How does he (she) organize mutual assistance in his (her) class. Tell him (her) whether you agree or disagree with him (her).

3. Ask and tell each other how often you call your class-mates and invite them to your place. Do you help each other in difficult situations? Do you have a lot of fun together?

4. Now tell each other what you think about your social work assignment, whether you have chosen it yourself because it’s interesting or whether it has been assigned to you and you agreed to carry it out.

5. Ask your partner if he (she) is proud of his (her) class and his (her) form teacher.

VIII. A letter to a pen- friend

You have received a letter from Mary, your English-speaking pen-friend who writes.

...My parents and I have moved to another town, but we haven’t yet decided what school to choose. In my old school we did everything together. I am afraid to meet strange people in my new school. Is the situation in your school easy? Do you your classmates understand you? Do you fight openly with what is wrong around you? Are you active in school life?

Write back to Mary. In your letter

- answer her questions

- ask her 3 questions about her school and her classmates

Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


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