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Методическая разработка "Косвенная речь.Согласование времен."

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В данной работе представлена таблица изменения времен при переводе из прямой речи в косвенную.

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«Методическая разработка "Косвенная речь.Согласование времен."»

Методическая разработка по теме «Косвенная речь. Согласование времен».

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

1 .She said « I have two sisters».

Present Simple

1 .She said (that) she had two sisters. Past Simple

2. They said «We had a summer cottage».

Past Simple

2 .They said they had had a summer cottage.

Past Perfect

3 .I said «He will go the park».

Future Simple

3. I said he would go to the park. Future in –the -Past

4.He said « I am reading now»

Present Continuous

4. He said he was reading then. Past Continuous

5. They said «We were working hard».

Past Continuous

5 They said they had been working hard. Past Perfect Continuous

6. « We will be writing a test at 9» , I said. Future Continuous

6. I said we would be writing a test at 9. Future Continuous in the Past

7. «We have done it» , they said.

Present Perfect

7. They said they had done it. Past Perfect

8. «We will have done it by 5», they said. Future perfect

8 .They said they would have done it by 5. Future Perfect in the past

9. «She has been studying hard», they said. Present Perfect Continuous

9 .They said she had been studying hard. Past Perfect Continuous

10. «I can do it», she said. Can

10.She said she could do it. Could

11. «We must do it”, they said. Must

11 .They said they had to/ must do it. Had to/Must

12. «You may go»,he said. May

12 .He said we might go. Might


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