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Контрольные тесты (2 модуль Spotlight 5)

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Контрольные тесты для второго модуля Spotlight 5 (первое задание - аудирование, давать классам посильнее)

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«Контрольные тесты (2 модуль Spotlight 5)»

1 вариант

1. Listening

1. What is in the blue handbag? A. Camera. B. Gloves. C. Scarf.

2. Where is Mark from? A. Canada. B. The USA. C. The UK.

3. What collection has Tim got? A. Stamps. B. CDs. C. Postcards.

4. How old is Emma's mum? A. 32 B. 31 C. 30

5. What language can Sally speak? A. French. B. Spanish. C. Italian.

6. Who is Scott's favourite cartoon character? A. Asterix. B. Batman. C. Spiderman.

2. Write the nationalities: 1. Canada - … 2. France - … 3. the UK - … 4. Japan - … 5. the USA - … 6. Australia - …

3. Write the correct number: 1) 80 2) 31 3) 45. 4) 100 5) 77 6) 13

4. Choose the correct item.

1. Sue and Mark have/has got bicycles. 2. I has/have got a skateboard. 3. Natasha have/has got a cap and gloves. 4. Peter has/have got special powers. 5. They has/have got pens and pencils. 6. We has/have got basketballs.

5. Choose the correct item.

1. Mary has got 100 stamps/stamp. 2. Amy has got a new bikes/bike. 3. Tim has got a pair of trainer/trainers. 4. Emma has got three doll/dolls. 5. Jim has got brown glove/gloves. 6. She has got a guitars/guitar.

6. Choose the correct response.

1. Are those your new trainers? 2. How old are you? 3. What colour is your bike? 4. Where is Sue from? 5. What is Tim's nationality? 6. What has Jane got in her school bag? 7. Who is your best friend?

A. He's Australian. B. She's from Canada. C. A notebook and pens. D. It's Wendy. E. I'm fourteen. F. It's red. G. Yes, they are.

7. Read the email and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

Hi Betty! How are you? I'm fine. I've got a great doll collection. I have got seventeen dolls. They are from Japan and Canada. My Japanese doll is a present from my mum. I'm proud of my collection. Doll collecting is fun and easy. It makes me happy. Love, Amy.

1. The email is about Amy's doll collection. 2. The email is from Betty. 3. Amy likes her doll collection. 4. She has got 16 dolls in her collection. 5. The doll from Japan is from her Japanese friend. 6. Amy is proud of the collection. 7. Doll collecting isn't easy.

2 вариант

1. Listening

1. What is in the blue handbag? A. Camera. B. Gloves. C. Scarf.

2. Where is Mark from? A. Canada. B. The USA. C. The UK.

3. What collection has Tim got? A. Stamps. B. CDs. C. Postcards.

4. How old is Emma's mum? A. 32 B. 31 C. 30

5. What language can Sally speak? A. French. B. Spanish. C. Italian.

6. Who is Scott's favourite cartoon character? A. Asterix. B. Batman. C. Spiderman.

2. Write the nationalities: 1. Canada - … 2, Australia - … 3. The USA - … 4. The UK - … 5. France - … 6. Japan - …

3. Write the correct number: 1) 59 2) 18 3) 99 4) 100 5) 61 6) 23

4. Choose the correct item.

1. Sue and Mark have/has got bicycles. 2. Bob has/have got a blue school bag. 3. We has/have got basketballs. 4. They has/have got pens and pencils. 5. Natasha have/has got a cap and gloves. 6. Batman has/have got special powers.

5. Choose the correct item.

1. Bob has got 100 postcard/postcards. 2. She has got a pink handbags/handbag. 3. Jim has got brown glove/gloves. 4. Amy has got a new pair of trainer/trainers. 5. Emma has got one book/books. 6. I have got three apples/apple.

6. Choose the correct response.

1. Are those your new trainers? 2. Who is your best friend? 3. What is Bill's nationality? 4. What has Masha got in her school bag? 5. How old are you? 6. Where is Anna from? 7. What colour is your skateboard?

A. A pencil case and books. B. I'm seventeen. C. It's brown. D. She's from the USA. E. It's Natasha. F. He's Japanese. G. Yes, they are.

7. Read the email and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

Hi Mark! How are you? I'm fine. I've got a great cap collection. I have got twelve caps. They are from Japan and Canada. My Australian cap is a present from my friend. I'm proud of my collection. Cap collecting is fun and easy. It makes me happy. Bye for now, Damien.

1. He has got 13 caps in his collection. 2. Damien is proud of his collection. 3. The email is from Mark. 4. The email is about Damien's cap collection. 5. Cap collecting isn't easy. 6. Damien likes his cap collection. 7. The cap from Australia is a present from his dad.


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