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Контрольная работа по английскому языку. Spotlight-5, Module 1

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку. Spotlight-5, Module 1

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку. Spotlight-5, Module 1»

Spotlight 5

Control work №1.

1. Listen and tick the correct box. Прослушай и выбери правильный ответ.

1. When is the History lesson?

2. What’s in the pencil case?

3. How old is John?

4. What school is Sam at?

5. Where is Art lesson?

2. Odd one out and translate it. Вычеркни лишнее слово и переведи его.

1.English, Mathematics, Tuesday, Art_____________________________

2.notepad, textbook, pencil, eleven______________________________

3.eighteen, twelve, subject, twenty_______________________________

4.Friday, Science, Wednesday, Saturday__________________________

5.favourite, morning, night, afternoon____________________________

3. Underline the correct item. Подчерни правильное слово.

1. It’s a/an eraser.

2. John am/is not new to the school.

3. It’s a/an notebook.

4. Bill and Tim is/are in the same class.

5. I ’re/’m in secondary school.

4. Match the words. Соотнеси слова.

1. Information


3. school

4. lunch

5. pencil

a) Education

b) break

c) Technology

d) subjects

e) case

5. Choose the correct item. Выбери правильный ответ.

1. Betty … 14 years old.

a) are b)is

2. Mark and Ann … in the same Science class.

a) are b) is

3. The … are in her pencil case.

a) pen b) pens

4. This is … orange.

a) an b) a

5. I … new to the school.

a) am b) is

6. Read the text and underline the correct words. Прочитай текст и подчеркни правильные слова.

1. David’s nine/ten years old.

2. David is at Red/Green school.

3. English/Maths is David’s favourite subject.

4. Wendy is in English/Maths class with David.

5. The PE lesson is on Friday/Monday.


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