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Контрольная работа, 10 класс. УМК Кузовлев В.П. (1 ЧЕТВЕРТЬ)

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Раздел 1. Социокультурные знания. Say if the sentence is true or false:

  1. Canada is situated in the south of the North American continent.
  2. Canada is the second largest country in the world.
  3. It is bordered by two oceans: the Atlantic and the Arctic.
  4. The population of Canada is over thirty million people.
  5. The capital of the country is Ottawa.
  6. There are two official languages in Canada.
  7. The most part of the country is a vast plain.
  8. The Great Lakes don't belong to Canada.
  9. Winters are usually cold and long in Canada.

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«Контрольная работа, 10 класс. УМК Кузовлев В.П. (1 ЧЕТВЕРТЬ)»


Раздел 1. Социокультурные знания. Say if the sentence is true or false:

  1. Canada is situated in the south of the North American continent.

  2. Canada is the second largest country in the world.

  3. It is bordered by two oceans: the Atlantic and the Arctic.

  4. The population of Canada is over thirty million people.

  5. The capital of the country is Ottawa.

  6. There are two official languages in Canada.

  7. The most part of the country is a vast plain.

  8. The Great Lakes don't belong to Canada.

  9. Winters are usually cold and long in Canada.

  10. Summer is warm and lasts from four to five months.

Раздел 2. Чтение.

II. Прочитайте вопросы 1-4 и тексты, обозначенные буквами A-E. Установите, в каких текстах можно найти ответ на эти вопросы. Ответ на каждый вопрос можно найти только в одном тексте. С номером вопроса впишите соответствующую букву. В задании один текст лишний.

Where can tourists….

1. learn more about extreme sports?

2. see a country which is as large as America?

3. enjoy the most splendid view of the Niagara Falls?

4. have lunch at a sand dune?


Canada has an area of nearly ten million square kilometers. It is a country of lakes. Since the building of the St. Lawrence Seaway the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River form a great water way from the Atlantic to the heart of the country. The Niagara Falls on the Niagara River between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario are one of the most splendid sights in the world.


New Zealand is famous for its geysers, thermal springs, its national past time rugby and extreme sports. It is a mountainous country. Most of North Island and the south-west of South island have good forests of evergreen trees and large areas are rich grasslands. Tourists are offered such extreme amusements as tramping through virgin forest, rafting on rushing mountain rivers, jumping from helicopters and bridges into precipices and water.


Australia is massive and very sparsely peopled: in size in rivals the USA, yet it’s population is just over eighteen million. This is an ancient land, and often looks it. In contrast, its cities – most of which were founded as recently as the mid nineteenth century – express a youthful energy.


Indian people are very friendly and hospitable. I continued to travel in India at a snail’s pace. The longer we were out in the desert, the more beautiful it grew, so peaceful and romantic as the land shifted from scrub bush to sand dunes to rocky hills and back to sand dunes. Each day we could stop at a new sand dune for lunch.


Dubai (a land of sunrise) was once a part of a large desert. But now it is a green island of everlasting summer, a centre of world entertainment, and a civilized city in the United Arab Emirates. There are wonderful buildings of glass, skyscrapers, peaceful fountains in the middle of flower gardens, and meadows with colorful plants.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика.

Present Simple. Раскройте скобки. Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.

1) My mother (wake) me up in the morning.

2) They (live) in Kursk.

3) I (like) music.

4) She (leave) home at 8.30 every morning.

5) My sister (be) ten.


2 B C A D



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