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Конспект урока в 3 классе по теме "Writing letters to friends"

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Конспект урока и презентация по английскому языку в 3 классе по теме "Пишем письма своим друзьям", по УМК М.З.Биболетовой. 

Цель урока:практическая -  совершенствовать умения и навыки говорения и чтения; развивающая - развить мышление, память, речь и внимание; Воспитательная - учить слушать друг друга, воспитать интерес к предмету. 

Задачи урока:

закрепить умения и навыки связной речи по теме"Письма"

развивать умения и навыки чтения вслух и про себя с извлечением информации.

научить использовать в речи новую лексику.


                                          Урок английского языка в 3 классе

       Тема урока: Writing Letters to Friends

                                                                      Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент. Введение в атмосферу языка.

Teacher: Hello, dear boys and girls! How are you?

Teacher: Very well! Sit down, please! I’m glad to see you

Teacher: Ход урока

I.                   Организационный момент.

Good morning, children! I’m very glad to see you. Today at our lesson we show to our guests how we work at the topic “Writing letters to friends”. We shall train your phonetics, lexical skills, grammar and answer some questions. Try to do your best. Let’s start.

       Teacher: Who is on duty today?

Pupil: I’m on duty today.

      Teacher: What date is it today?

      Pupil: The 28th of February.

     Teacher: What day of the week is it today?

      Pupil: Today is Thursday.


  1. I have one surprise for you today! Look at the screen. Do you know who is it? It is a postman. Yes, you are right. He wants to invite you ?  Where you must guess. You must read an invitation letter, but it is in transcription. Please try to do it. Read.

              Well done, thank you.

2..Now I want you to remember the poems we have learnt. ‘Every morning …”

           Who wants to recite the poems?                 Very good!


3.    For writing a letter you need to know the words. What are they? Look at the pictures and name the         things. The pictures will help you.

  1.  Your next task is to match two parts of the words to make a new one

Post       star

Post       box

Film      man

Pen      office 

     Letter    card

     Post        friend   

  1. Look at the words, some letters from these words are lost. Let’s find them and name them.

         l…tter, p…n, p…nc…l, st…mp, p…per, p…stc…rd, …nv…lope, …ddr…ss, postm…n, pos…er.


  1. Заполните пропуски словами Do you remember how to write letters? Let’s revise.

                                         How to write and send letters

  1. You get a ……  letter



  1. You read a ….. book




  1. You take clean ….. water



  1. Then you take a …. pen 



  1. Sit down and …… a letter.





  1. Put the letter into a(n) …. book




  1. Put a …… on the envelope.





  1. Write an address on the …..  .





9.Take your letter and go to the …. .  park




  1. Find a …..  and  post a letter.




                      Well done!

  1. Let’s do exercises.      

      Hands up!

Hands down!

Hands on hips!

Please, sit down!

Stand up!

Hands to the sides!

Bend left!

Bend right!

Hands down!

One, two, three - hop!

One, two, three – stop!

  1. Задание на развитие логики и  закрепление лексики.

-And now, children, I want you to tell me how to write and send letters. Look at the screen, please. You can see some sentences there. Put them in the correct order, please.


         Take clean paper and a pen.

                     Sit down and write a letter.

                     Put the letter into an envelope.

        Put a stamp on the envelope.

       Write an address on the envelope.

                    Take your letter and go to the post office.

         Find a letterbox and post the letter.

Thank you! Now I see that you know how to write and send  letters.

  1.   Актуализация грамматических навыков

       Now we remember the possessive case.  Let’s do some exercises.

I. Choose the right variant

  1. a)  mother’s address     (адрес моей мамы)

b)  mothers’ address


  1. a)  boys’ pens         (ручки мальчиков)

b)  boy’s pens


  1. a) brother’s poster     (плакат брата)

b) brothers’ poster

4. a) the filmstar’s letters    (письма кинозвёзд)

    b) the filmstars’ letters



II.Translate from English into Russian.

-          Mother’s flower

-          Hobbit’s envelope

-          Brother’s computer

-          Sister’s address

-          Friends’  letter


Translate from Russian into English.

-          Карандаш сестры

-          Марка почтальона

-          Конверт мамы

-          Плакат кинозвезды

-          Открытка друга по переписке

  1. Итог урока.

The lesson is over. At the end of the lesson I want to say that you worked very well. Your marks are …

What did you like or didn’t like? And now answer my questions:

  1. Write down your homework: Ex.29p.28-29

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