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Конспект урока "Английский язык в школе. Аудирование с выборочным пониманием информации"

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Конспект урока "Английский язык в школе. Аудирование с выборочным пониманием информации" 11 класс.

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«Конспект урока "Английский язык в школе. Аудирование с выборочным пониманием информации"»

Урок в 11 классе

Тема: «Английский язык в школе. Аудирование с выборочным пониманием информации»


1. Активизировать лексику урока.

2. Продолжать развивать языковую догадку.

3. Совершенствовать навыки чтения.

4. Совершенствовать навыки аудирования с выборочным пониманием информации.

5. Совершенствовать навыки монологической речи.

6.Развивать мышление, память учащихся.

7.Воспитывать уважение к родному языку и иностранным языкам.

Оборудование: текст для чтения (разрезанный), текст для эксперта, «скелет» рыбки, «косточки» рыбки с фразами, текст аудирования (аудиозапись), карточки с послетекстовыми заданиями.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

2. Определение целей урока.

План на доске

1.To learn ….

2.To read….

3.To listen to the….

4. To tell…..

(Учащиеся вырабатывают план и определяют цели: что будут делать, для чего это надо и к концу урока, чему научатся).

3. Введение в тему урока

American, Polish, English, Russian, French, Turkish.

(Учащиеся объясняют значения слов, отвечают на вопросы учителя и называют тему урока самостоятельно «Иностранные языки»).

Учитель объясняет, что тема урока не просто «Иностранные языки», а «Should it be compulsory to learn a foreign language at school?». Над этой проблемой будут работать в течение всего урока.

4. Активизация лексики. Подготовка к чтению.

Disadvantage, advantage, rewarding, compulsory, prospect, require.

5. Заполнение пропусков в предложениях (предложения записаны на доске).

6. Чтение текста «Should it be compulsory to learn a foreign language at school?»

(Групповая работа. Класс делится на 2 группы. Группам раздается разрезанный на части текст. Один учащийся - эксперт, который проверяет правильность выполнения задания)

Did you know that there are about seven thousand languages in the world? In view of this, many people believe that all school pupils should be made to learn at least one foreign language. Others, however, argue that there are possible disadvantages to this notion.

There many reasons why forcing students to learn a language is a good idea. To start with, it could improve their future job prospects as more and more businesses these days work closely with clients in other countries. In addition, being able to communicate with people in their own language is extremely rewarding while travelling. Not only does it avoid confusion, but also shows respect and helps in understanding other cultures. Lastly, studies have shown that learning languages can improve pupils’ critical skills, and therefore help them in other subjects such as Maths.

On the other hand, some believe that there are some disadvantages to making learning a foreign language compulsory. To start with, it’s argued that many pupils should improve their reading and writing skills in their own language first instead of spending time learning another language that they may never use. Not all jobs, after all, require knowledge of a foreign language. In addition, some pupils may be put off learning a language for life if they do not enjoy learning the one taught at school.

Taking everything into consideration, I believe that while there are some disadvantages to being made to learn a language, the advantages for both individuals and society can not be ignored. After all, as the Italian film director, Federico Fellini, said, “A different language is a different vision on life”.

7. Послетекстовая работа.

Учащиеся работают над высказываниями

Should it be compulsory to learn a foreign language at school.

A different language is a different vision on life.

8. Задания для групп: найти преимущества и недостатки изучения иностранного языка в школе.

Каждая группа работает с текстом и собирает «косточки» рыбки.

9. Аудирование

Вы услышите сообщение об изучении английского языка. В заданиях 1-5 обведите букву, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


With Misterduncan

Hi, everybody! This is Misterduncan in England. How are you today? Are you ok? I hope so. Are you happy? I hope so. Welcome to the very first episode of my series of English teaching videos. Before I begin we will take a look at some of the common questions that often arise when talking about learning the English language and more importantly learning it as a second language. So, the first question must be “Why do we need to learn English?”

Of course one of the reasons why we need to be able to speak English nowadays is because the world is becoming smaller. Thanks to the Internet and all our developing global economy more and more people are using English as a common way to communicate with each other.

So now it has become unavoidable that companies and large businesses will need to employ people who can speak more than their own native language. That is where English comes in. It is now officially considered as an international language. Of course learning anything is difficult and English is no exception.

However, there are ways to make the situation easier. I have come up with my own list of general rules for learning English. Do you want to hear them? Do you want to know what they are? Ok… Let’s go! Learning English takes time and patience. It cannot be rushed. Try to relax and take it easy. The most important thing you need at the beginning is a good vocabulary. Without words you have nothing to work with. You must start with a strong foundation or base and slowly build on it, day by day!

You must view English as a part of your body just as you would an arm or a leg. It must become a part of your everyday life. Daily practice is very important. Do not worry about making mistakes. In fact the more mistakes you make the more you will learn from them. Just like learning to ride a bike. Sometimes you fall off. So what do you do? You get back on and try again. Do not look at English as just another subject. Your attitude to English and the way you view it will decide how well you progress. Just as we say in English “No pain… No gain”.

The two most important words to remember when learning English are Practice and Confidence. Practise English every day and be confident. You will find that the more you use English the better your English will become and the more confident you become then the more you will want to use it. Make it a rule to tell yourself “I can do it… I can do it… I CAN DO IT!!!”

10. Послетекстовая работа. Выполняют самостоятельно и сдают на проверку.




Why Do We Need English?

  1. One of the reasons to speak English is because

  1. learning English is easy

  2. you don’t need to learn many words

  3. English is considered to be an international language

  4. you don’t need a strong foundation

  1. Learning English takes

  1. money and time

  2. patience and cautiousness

  3. predictability and self-confidence

  4. patience and time

  1. English must become

  1. a part of your body

  2. a part of your everyday life

  3. a part of your image

  4. a part of your character

  1. “No pain… No gain” means

  1. Не вешай носа.

  2. Слова не должны расходиться с делом.

  3. Век живи – век учись.

  4. Без труда не вытащишь и рыбки из пруда.

  1. The two most important words when you learn English are

  1. confidence

  2. toughness

  3. self-reliance

  4. practice

11. Совершенствование навыков говорения.

Обсуждение поставленной проблемы. Учащиеся высказываются.

12. Подведение итогов урока.

13. Д.З.: найти пословицы и поговорки об английском языке;

написать о преимуществах изучения английского языка.



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