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Интеллектуальная игра "Я люблю английский" (7 класс)

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Интеллектуальная игра "Я люблю английский" (7 класс)

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«Интеллектуальная игра "Я люблю английский" (7 класс)»

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Интеллектуальная игра «I love English»

7 класс

Составил: учитель английского языка Клюев В.Н.


Good afternoon, dear boys and girls, I am happy to meet you. Today we have a competition between schoolchildren of the 7th form. The topic of our competition is: “I like English”.

Before we start, I want you to answer the question: Why do we learn English? Write down your answers in the blank.(оцениваются наиболее полные лексически и грамматически верные ответы, отражающие предмет вопроса)


Ok! Now I see that you really like English, and we are going to check your knowledge during our competition.

Now, let`s meet 2 teams. Come to the blackboard.

You need to meet us with your team. Think about it. (участники выходят на сцену с заранее подготовленной презентацией команды и отвечают о форме)

  • Who is the Capitan of your team? - I am. My name is ….

  • Who is the Capitan of your team? - I am. My name is ….

  • Now, _________,introduce your team.

  • Our team is_____________________________

  • Our motto is____________________________

  • Our emblem is ____________________________________

  • Now,_________, it`s your turn to introduce the team.

  • Our team is_____________________________

  • Our motto is____________________________

  • Our emblem is ____________________________________

Well done! Your presentations were great!

Oh, it’s time to start our great competition! I promise the tasks will be very interesting and exiting!

Task 1 . Give the rhyme (Подбери рифму) E.g. White- bright


You should write down words in the blanks.

1 team

2 team

1. a bear –

1. a dog –

2. a fox –

2. a cat –

3. a mouse –

3. a doll –

4. a star –

4. a cock –

5. porridge –

5. wild –

6. cheese –

6. drink –

7. long –

7. read –

Max. – 1 point for the right word.

Now let’s listen to your rhymes. Can you translate the words?

Task 2.Take out unnecessary word (“Исключи лишнее слово”)

You must take out unnecessary word and tell us why you did that.

1 team

2 team

1.Tiger, bear, wolf, ball, fox

1. Table, hare, sofa, armchair

2. Cat, dog, lion, pig, cow

2. Monkey, crocodile, horse, tulip, bear

3. Russia, Mary, America, Australia

3. Red, yellow, apple, blue, black

4. Winter, spring, cheese, summer, autumn

4. Jump, bridge, walk, ride, go

Max. - 8 points

Task 4. Make a sentence and translate it. (Составь предложение из рассыпанных частей и переведи его: части даны в конверте)


I’ve got two envelops for two teams. There are the parts of the sentences in each envelope. Make the sentences and translate them into Russian.

1 team

2 team

1 London Underground is one of the oldest in the world

1 There are a lot of bridges on the river Thames

2 The city of York has a beautiful old castle

2 The queen of Britain lives in a very beautiful palace

Max. – 4 points

Task 7.Task for сapitans. (Конкурс капитанов.)


Captains, come to the blackboard. Stand here. We are going to ask you some questions and you’ll tell us “Yes”, “No” or answer the questions. If you are right, you make a step. If you are wrong- stand still.

  1. Глагол “to be” – глагол-связка в простых предложениях. (yes)

  2. Время Present Simple выражает будущее действие. (no)

  3. С именами существительными во мн. числе используется определённый артикль “a”. (no)

  4. Предлог “ behind“ переводится на русский язык как “между” (no)

  5. В английском языке 26 букв. (yes)

  6. В английском языке 12 гласных букв. (no)

  7. Слово “nobody” переводится как “ ничто”. (no)

  8. Слово “double-decker” – это одноэтажный автобус. (no)

  9. Назови три степени сравнения прилагательного good. (good – better – the best)

  10. Назови три степени сравнения прилагательного bad. (bad – worse – the worst)

  11. Назови вторую форму глагола go. (went)

  12. Назови вторую форму глагола say. (said)

Max. – 1 point


The competition is coming to an end. I should say, all the competitors were great and each team will get an excellent mark for today and in addition a little tasty present. And the winners will get two excellent marks!

Now the jury is going to tell us the result. 

So the winner is the team ______________________ (награждение победителей)

Thank you for your attention. Hope to see you next time!


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