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Hydrobiology - wintering eggs of aquatic organisms from the river. Kazanka Tatarstan (Ephippia, Statoblasts, Gemmuls)

Категория: Экология

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

  1. Russian-German Switzerland Lake Komsomolskoe
  2. Collection of material
  3. Eggs of aquatic organisms at the edge of the shore
  4. Home microscopy laboratory
  5. Generation change
  6. Winter eggs on the surface of the reservoir
  7. Winter eggs – «Ephippia»
  8. Ephippium of Daphnia magna
  9. Ephippium of Daphnia pulex
  10. Ephippium Daphnia pulex tenebrosa
  11. Ephippium of Daphnia longispina
  12. Ephippium of Daphnia cucullata
  13. Ephippium of Simicephallus expinosus
  14. Ephippium of Simicephallus sibiricus
  15. Ephippium of Ceriodaphnia rotunda
  16. Ephippium of   Ceriodaphnia   laticaudata*
  17. Ephippium of Moina micrura
  18. Ephippium Moina macrocopa
  19. Ephippium of sp. (Pleuroxus*)
  20. Ephippium of Cladocera sp1.
  21. Ephippium - Cladocera sp2.
  22. Ephippium of Cydorus sp.
  23. Ostracoda sp.
  24. Plutnatella fungosa statoblast
  25. Gemmuls of Spongilla lacustris
  26. Collection of material
  27. The etc.

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«Hydrobiology - wintering eggs of aquatic organisms from the river. Kazanka Tatarstan (Ephippia, Statoblasts, Gemmuls)»


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