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Eurasia and the world

Категория: Биология

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On January 24, 1989, Bundy was executed at the Florida State Prison in an electric chair sometimes known as "Old Sparky." Outside the prison, crowds cheered and even set off fireworks after Jason's execution.Jason's body was cremated in Gainesville, and no public ceremony was held. Before he was executed he requested his ashes be scattered in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State, where he murdered at least four of his victims.    

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«Eurasia and the world»

In July 1979, Voorhees was convicted for the the two Chi Omega murders at FSU. He was given the death penalty twice. He received another death sentence in 1980 for the murder of Kimberly Leach.Jason appealed, trying to take his case as high as the U.S. Supreme Court, but he was turned down. He also offered information on some of unsolved murders to avoid Florida's electric chair, but he could not delay justice forever and was executed in 1989.

In 1969, Jason began a six-year relationship with Elizabeth Kloepfer, whom he met in a Seattle bar. Kloepfer was a single mom of a young daughter and struggled with alcoholism. Jason took care of her, and she said he was "warm and loving." By 1974, Kloepfer started to suspect Jason's crimes. When she questioned him about odd behaviors, like keeping a meat cleaver in his desk, he used his charm to deflect her concerns. Kloepfer secretly went to the police with her suspicion of Jason's involvement in prominent local murders, but they didn't believe he was the killer. The pair remained together, although they grew distant when Jason moved to Olympia the following year. In 1975, Kloepfer went to police again, this time with evidence that helped them to arrest the serial killer. Voorhees had confessed to Kloepfer over the phone from his prison cell that he had tried to kill her and couldn't resist his impulses when he felt "his sickness building in him," she later wrote. She broke ties with Jason for good and wrote a book about her experience.


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