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«Characteristics of an effective teacher» Преподаватель иностранного языка: Попова Юлия Алексеевна

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««Characteristics of an effective teacher» Преподаватель иностранного языка: Попова Юлия Алексеевна»

Министерство образования и науки Астраханской области

ГАПОУ АО «Астраханский социально-педагогический колледж»

Специальность 44.02.02 «Преподавание в начальных классах»

Внеаудиторнаясамостоятельнаяработа №1

По дисциплине: Английский язык

«Characteristics of an effective teacher»


Студентка группы 3 «АС»

_________Аширятова К.Р.


__________ Попова Ю. А.

Астрахань, 2024г

An effective teacher: what is he like?

An effective teacher is a specialist who has significant personal and professional achievements, who is able to productively use existing teaching/upbringing tools (traditional, non–traditional) or improve, create innovative means to achieve high results by students.

The professional standard of a teacher reflects the structure of his professional activity: education, upbringing and development of a child. In accordance with the strategy of modern education in a changing world, it is significantly filled with psychological and pedagogical competencies designed to help teachers solve new problems facing them. The standard sets out requirements for the personal qualities of a teacher, inseparable from his professional competencies, such as: willingness to teach all children without exception, regardless of their inclinations, abilities, developmental characteristics, and limited opportunities.

In many ways, the success of a student depends on the effectiveness of the teacher, which includes the following criteria: the achievements of the teacher (his qualifications), his skills (mastery and ability to use various techniques and pedagogical technologies), the effectiveness of teaching (student achievements). Students themselves play an important role in learning: they actively construct knowledge through social interaction with peers, they must have the desire to act in order to develop their own understanding of the subject, and the teacher provides an opportunity for learning. An effective teacher is primarily a competent teacher. A competent teacher is assisted by "three teacher assistants" - a head, a hand and a heart. The researchers determined that teachers make up to thirty extraordinary decisions every hour and do so in the presence of the class, when up to 1,500 interactions occur daily between the teacher and students. In light of this circumstance, Shulman came to the conclusion that only a doctor in the emergency department of a hospital during or after a natural disaster can face such a difficult situation. In such complex and uncertain situations, the ability to make competent decisions is just as risky and difficult in pedagogy as in any other field of professional activity.

An effective teacher achieves high quality work through his.


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