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Ауылшаруашылық мамандықтарына арналған «Ағылшын тілі» пәнінен әдістемелік нұсқаулық

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Беріліп отырған әдістемелік нұсқаулық ауыдшаруашылық мамандықтарына арналған. Нұсқаулық тек қана оқушының өз мамандығына деген көзқарасын қалыптастырып қоймай, сонымен қатар  шетел тіліне деген қызығушылығын да арттыра түседі. Әрбір мәтіннен  кейін мазмұнына сай жаттығулар мен сауалнамалар берілген.

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«Ауылшаруашылық мамандықтарына арналған «Ағылшын тілі» пәнінен әдістемелік нұсқаулық»

«БҚОӘББ Орал газ, мұнай және салалық технологиялар колледжі» МКҚК

Ауылшаруашылық мамандықтарына арналған «Ағылшын тілі» пәнінен әдістемелік нұсқаулық

Орал – 2013 жыл


Исатаева А.К.– «БҚОӘББ Орал газ, мұнай және салалық технологиялар колледжі» МКҚК шетел тілі пәнінің оқытушысы


Зубков В.С. – М. Өтемісов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан

мемлекеттік университетінің «Жалпы тіл

білімі және орыс филологиясы мен адарма

теориясы» кафедрасының лқытушысы,

фиоилогия магистрі

Мырзабаева А.Е. - «БҚО ББ Орал газ, мұнай және салалық технологиялар колледжінің» МКҚК шетел тілі пәнінің І санатты оқытушысы

Беріліп отырған әдістемелік нұсқаулық ауыдшаруашылық мамандықтарына арналған. Нұсқаулық тек қана оқушының өз мамандығына деген көзқарасын қалыптастырып қоймай, сонымен қатар шетел тіліне деген қызығушылығын да арттыра түседі. Әрбір мәтіннен кейін мазмұнына сай жаттығулар мен сауалнамалар берілген.

Нұсқаулықта беріліп отырған мәтіндер жаңа заман талабына сай биология, экология, ветеринария және т.б. ауылшаруашыдық мамандықтарын қамтитын ақпараттар кірістірілген.

Тілдер ПЦК отырысында қаралып, талқыланды.

Хаттама № ____ «___» _______________ 2013 ж.


«БҚОӘББ Орал газ, мұнай және салалық технологиялар колледжі» МКҚК әдістемелік кеңесі

Баспаға ұсынылды.

Хаттама № ____ «___» _______________ 2013 ж.


Алғысөз ………………………………………... 4



Әдебиеттер ……………………………………. 84

Алғы сөз

Ұсынылып отырған нұсқаулық шет тілі пәнінен ветеринария, медицина, биология, зоотетехнология және биотехнология мамандықтары бойынша оқып жатырған оқырмандарға арналған.

Нұсқаулықтың авторы жаңа заман талаптарына сай шет тілін оқытуға негізделген. Әрбір мәтін тапсырмаларымен оқушыларды қызықтыруды көздейді. Жалпыбиологиялық жағдайлардағы әр мәтінде лексикалық терминдер қарастырылған.

Шет тілін оқыту оқушылардың коммуникативтік қасиеттерін дамытуға да сүйенуі керек. Сол себептен әр тапсырма сайын Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading, Speaking тәрізді тараулары да қарастырылған.

Сонымен қатар автор оқуға деген интегралды және жеке принциптерді де қамтыған, яғни күрделендірілген түрде берілген қосымша тапсырмалар да бар, олар (*) жұлдызшамен көрсетілген.

Нұсқаулық 10 негізгі модулден тұрады. Өз бетімен оқу (Supplementary reading), сонымен қатар жұмыс барысында туындаған лексикалық немесе грамматикалық қиындықтарды шешуге бағыттылған анықтамалық материалдар берілген.

Әрбір модуль (Unit) келесі бөлімдерден тұрады:

  1. тақырыптық сөздіктермен тапсырмалары бар негізгі мәтін

  2. Жаңа сөздерді танып, бекітуге арналған (Vocabulary) лексикалық бөлімбар.

  3. Грамматикалық дағдыларды бекіту және грамматикаға үйрету мақсатындағы (Grammar) бөлімі.

  4. Оқудың әртүрлілігін қамтитын, қосымша тапсырмалары бар (Reading) бөлімі.

  5. Әр модулдің тақырыбына сай ақпараттарды толыстырып отыратын (It's interesting to know) бөлімі.

Ауызекі сөйлеуді дамытуға арналған (Speaking) бөлімі.

Исатаева А.Қ.

Тілдер ПЦК-сының оқытушысы



Introducing yourself, your family and pets.

Different kinds of animals. Town and country.


Verbs be and have (got) (Present Simple). There is/ are. General, alternative and tag questions. Prepositions of place. Gender, number and case of nouns. Imperative sentences. Personal and possessive prounouns.



My name is Linda Jackson. I am twenty years old. I am a medical student at Oxford University. I am from England.

My native village is called Jimpley Stroke. It is in the Avon Valley, ten miles away from Bath. The countryside is really beautiful there. There are vast green lands and green hills covered in beautiful wild flowers.

My family is not very large. We are five: my parents, my elder brother Robert, my younger sister Ann and myself. My parents come from quite large families (my mother is one of six children and my father is one of four), so my brother, my sister and myself have many aunts, uncles and cousins.

My father is a farmer. My elder brother is a veterinarian. He helps father with the animals. There is a horse, a cow, two pigs and four sheep on our farm.

Ann, my younger sister, is a schoolgirl. She is eight. She helps mother about the house and in the garden. She is a lover of outdoor life. There are some apple trees and a lot of flowers in our garden. Ann is interested in farming and wants to study agriculture at University. We are great pet lovers. We have three dogs two cats and a parrot. We are fond off them all. We are very happy family.



Many people have pets (domestic animals that live with people). The most common are dogs, cars, birds, fish, mice and rabbits. Some people have more exotic animals like frogs, snakes, turtles, lizards etc.

I have got a pet dog. Its name is Max. It is two years old. It is black and white. Its ears are long but its tail is short. It is very clever and friendly. I like to walk with my dog in the evening. We often play together. It is funny! I love my dog and, I think, it loves me too.


Elephants are big wild animals. The live in the jungle, An elephant has got large ears, a trunk and two tusks under its trunk. Elephant's trunks are very heavy. The elephant's teeth are its tusks.

Elephants have got families of 6 to 12 members. They are very clever animals.


There are seventeen different kinds of penguins in the world. Some live near the Antarctic, others live on some islands near South America, Southern Africa, Australia and New Zealand. They all belong to the bird family. They can swim very well, but they can't fly.

The Galapagos penguin is very small. It is about 45 cm tall, and weight about 2.5 kg. Its body is black and white with black wings or flippers. On its ,lack head there is a thin white line. Its beak is black, pink and yellow, The penguin's legs are very short.

There are now only about 1,000 pairs of Galapagos penguins in the world.


  1. – Hello. I am Ann Porter. What's your


    • My name is Pete Martyn

    • How do you spell it? M-A-R-T-I-N?

    • No, M-A-R-T-Y-N.

    • And how old are you, Pete?

    • I am seventeen. And you?

    • I am sixteen.

  1. – Is your family large?

    • No, not very. We are four: mother, father, sister and myself.

    • Is your sister a student?

    • No, she is not. She is a schoolgirl.

    • I see. And your parents? What do they do?

    • My father is a vet and my mother is a teacher.

  1. – Have you got any pets?

    • Yes. We have a dog and a cat. They are very nice indeed. And you?

    • I am sorry we have not. My mother is a allergic to cats and my father doesn't like dogs.

    • It is a pity. We are great pet lovers.

  2. - Look! What is that?

    • It is a butterfly.

    • Oh, is it? Its so beautiful!

    • Let's take a picture of it.

    • That's a good idea. Where's the camera?

    • Here it is.


Be/come from – шығу тегі

We are five – біздер бесеуміз

Countryside – ауылық жер

Greenland – шөбі мол жер

She is a lover of outdoor life – үй сыртында жұмыс жасағанды ұнатады

Domestic animals - үй жануарлары

Wild animals – жабайы жануарлар

Parrot – тотықұс

Turtle – теңіз тасбақасы

Lizard – кесіртке

Frog – бақа

Tooth – тіс,teeth – тістер

Mouse – тышқан, mice – тышқандар

Trunk – тұмсық

Tusk –

Heavy – ауыр

Flipper –

Wing – қанат

Pair – жұп

Ear – құлақ

Tail – құйрық

What do they do? – Олар не істеп жатыр?

To be allergic to – бір нәрсеген аллергиясы болу

To take a picture of – фотоға түсу



London is the capital of Great Britain. There are a lot of things to see and do in London.

The best way to see the sights of London is to take a guided bus tour. Red double-decker buses run regular intervals around the city. The best sights of your tour include Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament by the river Thames, Downing street, the official home of the Prime Minister; and the Tower of London with the most famous bridge across the Thames – Tower bridge.

Another way of seeing some of London's sights is by river. There are also guided walking tours during which you visit some museums and art galleries. Among other museums, there is Natural History Museum, which is interesting for adults and children alike. There are articles connected with the history of plants, animals, and minerals. It is also famous for its collection of the bones of dinosaurs.

London's parks are special. There are a number of them right in the centre of London. They are called the «lungs» of London as there are lot of trees, bushes and flowers there. There are also different kinds of water-birds in the lakes and rivers in these parks.


Woburn Safari Park in Bedfordshire in England is a very special zoo, where animals walk about free. From their own cars visitors can see lots of different wild animals. There are lions, tigers, giraffes, zebras, elephants, monkeys, camels, bears and rhinos. Visitors can touch and feed some of the animals such as the snakes and the elephants. There is also the Wild World Leisure Area, where you can watch sea lions perform tricks.


Wales is a land of beautiful landscapes, ancient historical castles, and wonderful scenery.

One fifth of the territory of Wales has National Park status. The National Parks attract thousands of lovers of nature.

Visit some of Wales' memorable gardens – the 18 th century formal garden at Erdigg, and the waterfalls and woodland walks at Bryn Bras Castle in the foothills of Snowdonia. In the Brecon Beacons National Park there are many underground caves with stalagmites and stalactites.

Take an unforgettable trip on one of the «Great Little Trains» of Wales – narrow steam railways, originally used to transport goods.

An ideal way to explore the countryside and enjoy a real Welsh lifestyle is to stay at a Welsh farmhouse. Children can help the farmers take care of their animals, while parents enjoy peace and relaxation.

*. Match A with B to complete the pair

Example: tom-cat – pussy-cat


deer duck

drake cow

cock hen

bull mare

stallion sow

ram ewe

hog doe

* Complete the sentences with the names of animals' babies given in the box

Example: Bears, wolves and lions have cubs









. Pigs have …

2. Cows have …

3. Ducks have …

4. Cats have …

5. Horses have …

6. Sheep have …

7. Dogs have …

* How many names of animals can you find in this word puzzle?







* Chose any of two animals and write a short description. Use the propts.

Example: A giraffe has got a very long neck …

Elephant: very big body/big ears/thick legs/ small tail

Horse: long tail/big body/long legs/long neck

Bear: big body/thick neck/ small ears/ thick leg.


Fly, bee, giraffe, rabbit, worm, dolphin, shark, whale

Match the words in the box with the description given below

1. It lives in the hole in the ground and has long ears … .

2. It lives in a hive and makes honey … .

3. It has yellow fur and along neck … .

4. It is a large dangerous fish … .

5. It lives in the earth and we can use it when we go fishing … .

6. It is the largest kind of animal in the world … .

7. It is a large intelligent sea animal … .

8. It is an insect that spreads disease … .


*Give the plural of the following nouns:















*Use have or has

1. We… a lot of pets at home. 2. She … a lovely kitten. 3. They … a large family. 4. My friend … a new car. 5. This animal … four legs and a long tail. 6. I … two cousins, an aunt and an uncle.

*Use is or are, have or has

The camel

In some parts of the world there … large deserts. There … no trees and no water there. The only animal that can walk through the desert … the camel. The camel … very big. It … got one or two lumps on its back, short ears and a long tail. The camel's food … grass and branches of trees.

*Use is or are

1. There … a small garden in front of our house. 2. There … a lot of wild animals in the taiga. 3. There … five sheep and a cow on their farm. 4. There … a book and a notebook on the desk. 5. There … a computer, a TV set and a hi-fi in the room. 6. There … twenty four students in our group. 7. There … a lot of snow in winter. 8. There … some money in my bag.

*Answer the alternative questions:

Example: Are you a student or a teacher? – I am a student.

  1. Is your family large or small? …

  2. Have you got a dog or a cat? …

  3. Are you from Moscow or from another city? …

  4. Are you married or single? …

  5. Is your father a worker or an engineer? …

  6. Is Moscow a city or a town? …

  7. Is Wales a country or a village? …

*Complete the tag questions:

Example: Steve is a vet, isn't he?

They are not farmers, are they?

  1. Your friend is American, …?

  2. They are a happy family, …?

  3. You are not American, …?

  4. Your family is not large, …?

  5. Your friend is not married, …?

  6. Your cousin has a nice house, …?

  7. Tom is your cat , …?

  8. You have no birds, …?

* Use «I», «you», «he», «she», «am», «it», «we», or «they».

1. … is a doctor, and … am a vet.

2. This is our house. … is very nice and comfortable.

3. What's this? … is my cat, … is not very friendly.

4. How are …? - … am fine, thanks. And …?

5. Meet Tom and Betty … are my best friends.

6. … am a first year student. … am very happy.

7. my sister is a teacher. …is thirty years old.

8. … are very happy family.

* Use the right pronoun

1. … friend and I work together. … enjoy playing tennis.

2. They are from Canada, and … relatives still live there.

3. I like to spend … weekends with …family.

4. Look! This is … new house. Isn't it nice?

5. Whose dog is this? – It is … dog. He also has a cat and hamsters.

6. Ann and … mother are both teachers.

7. Michael is French and … wife is German.

8. … sister and I are American, but … grandparents are Greek.

9. Henry's mother is a nurse. … name is Lucy.

10. Alice and Bill are doctors, and … son is a medical student.

Study the prepositions of place

At (a point / place):

I met her at the bus stop. She lives at 43 Duke road. He's at work (not at home). They are at a party tonight. He works at a factory.

On (a surface):

The book is on the desk. We sat on the floor. The cat is on the chair; on the road; on a farm; on the river bank; on the coast.

In (an area or space):

Malawi is a country in Africa. She lives in Milan. He is in the kitchen. The key's in my pocket. Put it in the box. In the zoo; in the cage; in the stable; in the Russia; in the backyard; in the sea; in the river; in the sun; in the air; in the south; in the tree.

* Read the following and pay attention to the use of prepositions. Translate the text into Russian

A. 1. Tina has several pictures on the walls of her room, but she has not got any in the kitchen.

2. There is a lamp above her bed and a square carpet on the floor near it.

3. There is a clock and a tall plant in a pot on the bed-side table.

4. There are some books on a chair.

5. The family cat is sleeping in the armchair.

B. Majorca is an island off

* Use the right prepositions

1. Where is the horse? It is … the stable (конюшня). 2. In summer our cattle are … the grassland. 3. … the country where we live there are different kinds of birds. 4. Let's meet … the railway station at five o'clock. 5. The Browns have got different breeds (порода) of animals … the farm. 6. My father works … a biological factory. He is an expert in veterinary medicine. 7. London stands … the river Thames. There are various fish … the Black Sea. 9. My granny keeps her ducks and other domestic birds … the backyard, which is … the house. 10. Stop your car! There are frogs … the road. You cannot kill them. 11. Look! There is a wasp (оса) … your head. 12. Give me my bag, please, it's … the chair. 13. Put the cage with parrot … the tree. It's too hot … the sun. 14. We have a very nice garden … our house. 15. Harwich is a small port… the east coast of England.


  1. Read the poem and answer the questions that follow it.


I have a little turtle

Name of Myrtle.

I have an extra lizard

Name of Wizard.

I have two kinds of snake:

Bill and Blake.

I have a dandy hutch

Without the rabbit.

If you see any such,

Will you please grab it?


  1. What is Myrtle?

  2. Whose name is Wizard?

  3. What the names of snakes?

  4. Where does the rabbit live?

  5. What does the author ask you to do in order to help him?

  1. Read the text and do the assignments that follow it.


There are different kinds of animals in the world.

Farm animals include: sheep, pigs, cows, chickens and goats.

In the zoo or in the wild there are wild animals like bears, lions, tigers, elephants, monkeys, etc. Many people are interested in watching wild life.

There are different kinds of fish and shellfish in the seas and rivers. There are different kinds of birds all over the world. Among reptiles there are snakes, tortoises and turtles, crocodiles, etc. Among common insects there are flies, butterflies, ants, bees and mosquitoes.

Some animals, birds and insects are people's friends: they help people to survive. Some on the contrary are people's enemies, such as poisonous snakes and insects.

But all the animals have the right to live on our planet because they are living creatures.


  1. Give the English for:

Еркіндікте жүру (жабайы табиғатта), жабайы табиғатты бақылау, кең таралған жәндіктер, адамдарға тірі қалуға көмегін тигізеді, керісінше, адамдардың жауы, улы жыландар, өмір сүру құқы, тірі заттар.

  1. Give the Kazakh for:

Sheep, goats, shellfish, tortoise, turtle, ant, bee.

  1. Give the examples of animals that are a)

people's friends; б) people's enemies

3. Read the text and answer the questions given below.

  1. Where is Newcastle?

  2. Is it big or small?

  3. What buildings and industries does it have?

  4. What kind of people live there?

  5. Is the countryside beautiful near it?

  6. What is there near the city?


I come from Newcastle, a city in the northeast of England. Newcastle is on the bank of the River Tyne. It is quite big, with a population of about 200.000 people. There is a cathedral and a university. There are five bridges over the River Tyne, which link Newcastle to the next town, Gates head, where there is one of the biggest shopping centers in the world, the Metro Centre.

A few years ago, the main industries were shopping and coalmining, but now the chemical and soap industries are more important.

I moved from Newcastle ten years ago, but I often return. I miss the people, who are so warm and friendly, and I miss the wild, beautiful countryside near the city, where there are so many hills and streams.

People who are bon near the River Tyne have a special name. They are called «Geordies». I am very pleased to be a «Geordie»!

  1. Read the text and do the assignments that follow.


Some land is used for parks and gardens where we often grow trees and plants. They are living things with roots and leaves. First, you plant the tree or plant (you put them in the ground), then you must water them. Land in the country is often used for agriculture or farming. Some farms concentrate on dairy produce such as milk, butter and cheese. Other farms keep animals which are killed and sold for their meat, e.g. cows and lambs.

Some farms use the land to grow fruit (apples, pears, cherries, etc.) or vegetables (potatoes, carrots, cabbage, etc.). Some grow cereals: wheat, maize and barley. When they are ready, farmers pick the fruit and harvest the other crops. This period is called the harvest.

Are there any plants that attack other plants? The answer is «yes». There are many flowing plants that are parasites attacking crops and trees. These parasitic plants are members of various botanical families. Some of them attack only another plant's roots, others attacks only the stems. There are even trees that attack other trees in Brazil and Australia.


1. Which nouns on the right are used with the verbs on the left?

plant cows

water wheat

pick apples

grow plants

slaughter trees

  1. Are these statements true or false? If false, correct them.

a) plants need roots; b) the harvest is the period when you plant the crops; c) you must water the tree before you plant it; d) farmers keep animals to enjoy them; e) plants have no leaves; f) parasitic plants attack only the roots of other plants.

  1. Complete these sentences with the correct «general» word.

Example: apples, oranges, bananas are all types of fruit.

  1. potatoes, beans and carrots are types of … ; b)milk, butter and cheese are all …products. c) … is a general word for wheat, barley, etc; d)we use the word … as a general word for plants which are grown to be eaten; e)cows, sheep, pigs, are all farm … ; f) members of various botanical families that attack other plants are called … .


1. The panda bear is one of the rarest animals in the world. It lives in the jungles of China. It is a big animal up to two meters long. It has got a coat of long black and white fur. It eats bamboo, plants and sometimes fish. There are only 1,000 pandas in the wild now, and their number is becoming less every year. There are about 100 pandas more in zoos.

2. The timber wolf belongs to the dog family. It has got long legs, a long tail and long, sharp teeth. It is grey, brown or black. The timber wolf is about 1.5 metres long, 76 cm tall and weighs 44 kilos. It lives in the USA, Canada, China, Russia and Greece, and it lives ten years. It eats animals of all sizes, such as rabbits, mice and deer.

3.Thistle(a wild plant with prickly leaves and yellow, white or purple flowers) is the national sigh of Scotland.

Shamrock (a plant that has three leaves on each stem, a type of clover) is the national sigh of Ireland.

Daffodils and leek are the national symbols of Wales.

4. In the Eastern Orenburg area which is a land of large steppes there is a large tree, standing in the middle of the steppe. It is like a mirage because there are no other trees or bushes for hundreds of kilometers around. The tree is not very tall, but it is very thick. Its strong branches form a crown which can shelter up to 500 people. Scientists say that the tree is over 500 years old.


For millions of years the island continent of Australia existed apart from rest of the world. Its native flora and fauna came to an evolutionary standstill or developed along highly selective lines. The results was the unique and varied wildlife which we know today.

Australia’s climate ranges from tropical zones in the far north to snow-capped mountains of the south, and from the lovely western shores on the Indian Ocean to the fertile eastern strip by the Pacific Ocean. In this vast land there are rain forests, deserts, grass lands, open forests and pastoral plains, and very area has wildlife to complement the particular environment and habitat. Australian animals are unique in the world, including those most primitive of all mammals, the egg-laying monotremes-Platypus and Echidna. The birds are as unusual and as fascinating as the animals. There are over 700 species, including over 50 varieties of colorful parrots. There are so many interesting and beautiful birds in Australia, that it is not possible to mention more than a few. But perhaps the most unique is the Superb Lyrebird of the south-eastern rain forests. This shy bird has no relatives in the world, and is known for its incredible repertoire of calls. Snakes are common throughout Australian and, although some are non-poisonous, it is always wise to avoid them. Other reptiles are fairly common in their own particular environment and lizards of all sizes are common but harmless.


to come to in evolutionary standstill - даму барысында тоқтап қалу

to develop only highly selective lines – ерекше даму

vary – ерекшелену

varied - өзге, ерекше

variety – ерекшелік

to range from … to … - екі түрлі болып ерекшелену

snow-capped – қармен жабылған

lonely shores – шөлейтті жағалаулар

fertile - өнімді

strip – жер сызығы

rain forest – тропикалық орман

pastoral plains – ауылдық жазықтықтар

habitat – отан (биол.)

to complement the particular environment – тіршілік орнын толықтыру

mammal – сүтқоректі

monotreme – жұмыртқа салушы жануарлар

to lay eggs – жұмыртқа салу

repertoire of calls – айқай-шу жиынтығы

poisonous – улы

non-poisonous – улы емес

it is wise – дұрыстау болар еді

avoid smb/smth – біреуден/бірдеңеден қашу

harmless – зиянсыз

to be common – жиі кездесетін

of all sizes – барлық өлшемдегі


1. What happened to Australia’s flora and fauna? Why did it happen?

2. Is Australian climate and land varied?

3. Are Australian animals unique? Name some of them.

4. How many species of birds are there in Australia? Name some of them.

5. How dangerous are Australian snakes?

6. What other reptiles are common there?


Of all animals the dog is the most companionable and the one best suited to share the life and home of its master or mistress as one of the family. This is not surprising, for the dog was probably the first animal to be domesticated by man. Throughout centuries men and dogs have walked together and shared the same food and fire; hunted side by side, and the dog guarded its master’s life and property.

On an Egyptian tomb fresco, there is a hunter with a hound at this side painted by unknown artist 3,400 years ago. In ancient inscriptions carved in stone about 6,000 years ago, we can read about the Pharaoh’s hounds chasing gazelles and dogs guarding flocks. To those ancient people, however, the dog was more than a household pet or assistant in the chase. Egyptians worshipped him as symbolic guide and protector in the realm of the dead. They gave their dog Anubis the body of a man and a doglike head. Ancient Egyptians even mummified dogs. Romans distinguished among house dogs, shepherds dogs, hunting dogs and fighting dogs. Little dogs such as Maltese and Pekingese are among oldest or breeds, and they lived in noble homes and royal palaces from the Mediterranean to the Orient. The dingo is the oldest living race of dog. It probably entered Australia with the first men who crossed a land bridge that once linked the island-continent to Asia.


1. Find in the text the English for:

бірге тұру, азықты бөлу, бір тамақты жеу, бірге аңшылыққа бару, өмірді және мүлікті қорғау, көне жазбалар, біреуге табыну, өліктер арасында, Жерорта теңізі, Шығыс.

  1. Give the Kazakh for:

Master, mistress, companionable, to be domesticated, a hunter, hounds, an assistant in the chase, to chase, to guard flocks, a household pet, a symbolic guide and protector, house dogs, shepherd dogs, hunting dogs, fighting dogs, a breed, a race of dog.


  1. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.


Teeth, wings, neck, mane, legs, hair, fur, feathers, heads, leaves, hoof, horns.

  1. Two … are better than one.

  2. Ann has the most beautiful … .

  3. Sharks have big sharp … .

  4. A giraffe has a very long … .

  5. Peacocks have long blue-green tail … .

  6. The long hair on the neck of a horse or lion is called … .

  7. The … of palm-trees are very big and ever-green.

  8. A … is the hard part of a house's foot.

  9. The … of a deer are very elegant.

  10. Eagle's … are very big and strong.

  11. Polar beer's … is as white as snow.

  12. An ostrich has very long … .


feet (3), eyes (3), nose (2), tail, ears (2), fur, toes (2), nails, thumb


In some ways the mole is like a rat, though its body is smaller, its … is much shorter, and its … is as soft as velvet. In one way, it is like a very little pig, for it has a sharp … ,which is very useful for digging. Its … are very small, and they are deeply hidden in its fur. Its … are of little use to it. But its ears are very keen indeed. It finds its way more with its … and … than with its … . The mole has strong front … to dig the earth with. These feet are very broad. There are five … on each, with strong … at the end. The hind … are very small, with five … and a small thumb on the inside.

  1. Say what kind of animals:

  1. have long legs, a long neck, a long tail, soft hair / fur etc.

Example: Deer have long legs.

  1. are beautiful, friendly, kind, savage, wild, dangerous, poisonous,

Example: cats are very beautiful but they are not very friendly.

  1. Say what these animals give us

E xample: Cows give us milk.

sheep, chickens, turkeys, goats, ducks, geese, pigs, horses, cows, ostriches.

  1. Answer the question: «Whose babies are these?» Make up sentences according to the Example: 1. A cub is a fox's baby.

  1. Cubs are bear's babies.

Cub, calf, kid, gosling, duckling, chicken, (chick), piglet, lamb, puppy.

5. Match collective nouns in A with the names of animals in B.

Example: a flock of birds


swarm wolves

pack sheep

herd bees

flock deer

pride cattle



1. Change the sentences as in the example

1. I'm older than him. - He's younger than me.

2. I'm taller than her. - …

3. He's bigger than me. - …

4. We 're younger than you. - …

5. Lions are faster than deer. - …

6. Elephants are heavier than bears. - …

7. Wolves are stronger than rabbits. …

8. Cats can see better than mice. - …

9. They have less free time than their colleagues. - …

10. Vets know more about animals than cooks. - …

  1. Put the adjectives in the superlative form.

  1. Insects make up (large) group of animals.

  2. The fair fly is (tiny) insect on Earth.

  3. The goliath beetle is (heavy) insect of all.

  4. The butterfly is (attractive) insect.

  5. (long) insect is a walking stick insect that can reach a length of 33 centimeters.

  6. (fast) insect is the dragonfly. It flies at 58 kilometers an hour.

  7. (dangerous) insect is the black widow spider.

  8. The Nile is (long) river in the world.

  9. Lake Superior in the USA is (big) freshwater lake in the world.

  10. Every year many people climb up Mount Everest, (high) mountain in the world.

3. Use the verbs in brackets in Future Simple

1. In five years I (speak) English well.

2. Next year we (travel) around Europe.

3. I (call) you tomorrow and we (go out) somewhere.

4. I some fifty years people (go) to the Moon for the weekend.

5. She hopes she (sleep) well tonight.

6. He thinks he (live) in the same city in ten year's time.

4. Use the verbs in brackets in Past Simple


On Christmas day, Fiona Riley (visit) her parents for lunch. When she (go) back home she (take) Lee, the family cat, with her. Lee (spend) some time at Fiona's house but she (not like) her new home and she (miss) her old family a lot.

One day, she (walk) out of Fiona's house and never (come) back. She (disappear)? No! She (travel) 60 miles and after 5 days she (appear) on her old family's doorstep! The family (be) very surprised.


A Lion was sleeping in the forest. A little Mouse (run) over him and (awake) him. The Lion was very angry, and he (lay) his paw upon the little Mouse. He (wanted) to kill it, but the Mouse go. He little Mouse (be) very thankful and (say): «Noble Lion, some day I will help you». The Lion (laugh) and (go) back to sleep.

Some days (pass). One day the Lion (fall) into a net. He (struggle), but the net (be) very strong, and he could not get free. The Lion (roar) with pain. The little Mouse (heard) his voice, and (run) to him. It (see) the Lion in the net and (want) to help him. It (work) with its sharp teeth for a long time. At last the brave little mouse (bite) the rope through and (see) the Lion free.

5.Open the brackets using Present, Past or Future Simple tenses

Paul Lewis (live) in the south of England. He (have) a brother John, who (live) on Barra, a small island near the west coast of Scotland.

One day a friend of John's (be) ill. Paul (say), I (come) as fast as I can. He (pack) his things, (take) the next train to Heathrow Airport and (fly) to Glasgow. There he (hire) a car and (drive) off to catch the boat for Barra. When he (land) on Barra, he (borrow) a horse and (ride) to John's home. John (be) much worse, so Paul (take) his brother's motorbike and (go) to call doctor.


  1. The koala, which is often mistakenly called a bear, is the faunal emblem of Queensland, one of the six Australia's states. It is a nocturnal tree dwelling

marsupial mammal, which feeds almost exclusively on the leaves of a few species of eucalypt.

55 str Chose adjectives for a good weather or bad weather. Use the dictionary to help you

Dreadful, lovely, beautiful, awful, nasty, marvelous, terrible, wonderful, miserable, fine

Mark sentences which are true with T and F if a sentence is false. If a sentence is false, write a true sentence about the weather conditions.

It often pours with rain in the desert.

It gets quite chilly in the desert in the evening.

Thunder makes a noise.

Lightning can kill people.

A shower is a gentle breeze.

A spell of hot weather may end in a thunderstorm.

If it is humid, the air will be very dry.

Below zero, water turns to ice.

Heavy rain means that it is pouring with rain.

When it is foggy, you need sunglasses.

Use the following prepositions in each space in the sentences below «in», «at», «by», «on».

He went to his work … car.

They went … a journey last month.

She arrived … Rome at midnight.

We arrived … the hotel early in the morning.

Do you like travelling… plane or … train?

Where did you live last year? - … Paris.

How did he travel last summer? - … his own car.


Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the use of tenses. Yje first is done for you.

If it rains, we'll get wet. – Если пойдет дождь, мы промокнем.

When the sun appears out of the clouds, it'll be very nice and warm.

If the coming winter is snowy, children will enjoy playing snowballs and making snowmen.

We'll take our umbrellas if the weathermen predict a rainy day.

As soon as it gets really cold, they'll put on warm coats.

If the summer is not very hot and dry, the farmers will harvest large crops.

Note the use of «at», «in», «to», and «for» in the following sentences. Then fill in the gaps with the right prepositions.

In 1271 Marco Polo left for Persia.

Some time later he arrived in China.

In about 1294 he went back to Persia.

He arrived at Tabrin in 1294 or 1295.

At the end of 1295 he came back tomVenice.

Last year I went … about twenty different countries. I came … England for the first time in 1998. We had rather a difficult journey this time. Our plane arrived … Manchester at 2.00 p.m., but our luggage got … Manchester three hours later. The car from the airport broke down, so we arrived … Manchester 7. 00 p.m. The next day we left … London, and arrived … . Heathrow airport without any problems, luckily.


Pigeon racing is becoming one of Britain's most popular sports. About a quarter of million people go in for it now, What is pigeon racing?

A lot of Englishmen keep pigeons in their gardens at weekend; those who wish to take part in pigeon racing, choose some distance from their home town. The birds are let free, and those that return to their home in the fastest time, win the race.

The reason for the growing popularity of the sport is that man can enjoy it in his own home.

Each November, usually on the first Sunday of the month, a lot of old cars take part in a rally from London to Brighton. This is an unusual rally: each car taking part in it must be at least 60 years old.

All who want to take part gather by the Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park in preparation for the start of the 53-mile trip. At 8 o'clock comes the «Off» signal and one by one the old cars go out of the Park.

The London to Brighton Rally is not a race. Cars must not move faster than 20 miles per hour. This celebration is the merriest motoring spectacle of the year and gives people a change to see some fine old cars.

Rowing has a long history in England. Rowing a boat with eight oars was first started in England in the 18th century. At that time the boats took part in procession on the River Thames.

In the 19th century people started to use the boats for Nowadays. The first boat race between Oxford and Cambridge took place in 1829.

Nearly every year there are boat races between these two old universities. It takes place in London on the Thames, during the spring vacation, at the end of March or the beginning of April.

On the day of Boat race the banks and bridges of the Thames are full of people who are wearing dark-blue ribbons, and pale-blue ones.

Both teams spend many month training for this great and very exciting event.


1.Chose a remark from List 1, then the correct response from List 2.

List 1 List 2

1)It's a dreadful morning, a)Yes, terrible, wasn’t it?

isn’t it?

2)I think it's clearing up. b)Yes, beautiful, isn’t it?

3)Yesterday was awful, c)Marvelous!

wasn’t it?

4)This sun makes d)Yes, it does, doesn't it?

a nice change, doesn't it?

5)Lovely day, isn’t it. e) Yes, terrible, isn’t it?

6) What a morning. f)Well, things are really

getting better



Food and diet. Feeding animals


Indefinite pronouns: some, any, no, much, many, little, few, a little, a few.

Modal verbs



Since the 1970's eating habits in Britain have undergone a change. People have been encouraged by doctors, health experts and government advertisements to eat less fat and more fibre. Experts believe that fat is one of the main causes of obesity and heart disease. 40 per cent of adults in Britain are overweight, and Britain has one of the highest death rates due to cardiovascular diseases in the world. High fibre foods and low fat foods can now be found in all shops and supermarkets.

British people have also become more aware of calories, the energy value of food. Some people count the number of calories they eat every day, so that they can try to take in fewer calories and lose weight. This is called a calorie-controlled diet. Manufacturers are increasingly producing special foods with fewer calories for slimmers. One of the fastest – growing sectors of the food market in Britain today is slimming foods.

Food manufacturers have started to help the general public to make more informed choices about what they eat. Most food packaging gives information about the content of the food, and the ingredients are listed by law. This complex information service has made British people more aware of what they are putting in their mouth.


1.Find the English for:

тамақтану дәстүрі, жоғары клетчаткасы бар өнімдер, құрамында майы аз тағамдар, денсаулық сақтау мамандары, жүрек аурулары жүйесі, бір нәрсені ерте түйсіну, тағам қуаттылығының құндылығы, арықтау мақсатында диетаға отыру, артық мөлшердегі тағамдарды шектейтін диета, тағамға аса түсініп қарау, заңмен шектеулі.

2. Answer the questions:

a) Who has encouraged people to eat less fat and more fibre?

b) What is one of the main causes of obesity and heart disease according to health experts?

c) Due to what does Britain have one of the highest death rates on the world?

d)What kinds of foods can be found in all shops in Britain now?

e)Why can we say that British people have become more aware of calories?

f) What are manufacturers doing to help people lose weight?

g) Can we say that British people are more aware of what they eat today?


Nutrition – тамақтану

To undergo a change – өзгерісті байқау

To be encouraged – сүйемелдеу

Obesity – шамадан тыс толықтық, семіздік

Obesic – өту толық

Overweight – артық салмақ

Adult – ересек адам

Death rate – өлім деңгейі

Due to – байланысты

Take in – қабылдау

To lose weight – салмақты жоғалту

Slim – сұңғақ

Slimmer – арықтау мақсатында диетаға отыру

1.Match the words in the box with their definitions given below

nutrition, supplement, feed, diet, vitamin, nutrient, meal

1… a natural substance found in food that is necessary for good health.

2… something that you add to your food to make it complete and well balanced.

3. … the kind of food that you eat each day.

4. … the process of giving or getting the right kind of food for health and growth.

5…food for animals.

6….chemical or food that provides what is needed for plants or animals

to live and grow.

7…. An occasion when you eat food, for example, breakfast or lunch.

2. Choose the right answer, a, b, or c to complete the sentences

1. Genetically modified food is …

a)very tasty b) healthy c) quite popular today

2. Sea food includes fish, shellfish and …

a)pork b) squid c) mango

3. Organic food is good for …

a)people b) animals c) people and animals alike

4. Fast food is very popular today because it is …

a)very convenient b) rather healthy c) extremely cheap

5. Many people prefer ready-made food because it is …

a)the easiest to prepare b) the tastiest c) the healthiest

6. Fruit and vegetables are good for our health

a)are very sweet b) contain a lot of vitamins

c) are genetically modified

7. Types of cat food include dry, canned and …

a)tinned food b)vegetarian c) natural food


1.Use «some, any, no»

1. I want to show you … pictures of my family.

2. We don't have … pets at home.

3. Are there … fruit-trees near your country house?

4. Jane has … brothers or sisters, but she has … cousins.

5. When I was walking through the wood yesterday, I picked up … wild flowers.

6. Do you have … milk? – No, we don't have … , go and buy … .

7. When we were travelling in Europe last summer, we visited… interesting places. … of them were really exciting!

8. Will you give me … money? – I am sorry, but I have … money in my bag.

9. I have … idea where the nearest metro station is. I am lost.

10. There is … fruit in the vase. Give me apple and … grapes, please.

11. Are there … birds in your garden?

12. There are … lovely hills near where my aunt lives.

2.Use «something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody»

1. I want to tell you … interesting.

2. It's so dark in the room. I can't see … .

3. When I opened the box, I saw that it was empty. There was … inside.

4. We had … to eat the whole day, so I am hungry.

5. Look! The house is very quiet. I think … lives there.

6. They need … to help them on the farm because they have a lot of animals there.

7. If … ring me up, please tell me.

8. The excursion was very dull, we didn't see … interesting.

9. Do you know … in this village.

10. There is … in the fridge. Go and buy … for dinner.

3. Put the verbs in the Present Perfect

Example: My brother has invented (invent) a new drink. Do you want to try?

1. My uncle (move) to a new house. He lives in Bridge Avenue now.

2. Jane (earn) a lot of money. She's going to spend it all on a car.

3. Paul (travel) all over the world. He speaks lots of languages.

4. We (try) everything on this menu. The pizza is our favourite thing here.

5. They (decide) to go and live in Australia.

6. I am really angry because somebody (open) my letter from John.

7. We (look) this word up in the dictionary but we still don't understand it.


1.Read the text and say whether these statements are true or false.

1.People must not eat red meat.

2. You may have problems with your heart if you eat a lot of veal.

3. White meat can cause lung diseases.

4. There will be fewer starving people if more people become vegetarians.

5. Children must have a balanced diet.

6. There are practically no vitamins in meat.

7. Many people think that meat is very delicious.

8. Both children and adults must have meat dishes every day.


1.The Earl of Sandwich lived in England in the 18th century. He was fond of playing cards. He didn't even want to stop playing long enough to eat a meal. So he invented a quick meal. He put some meat between two slices of bread; so he hold his meal in one hand and play cards with the other. Thus the Earl of Sandwich contributed the Sandwich to the world.

2. An American chef from Connecticut, Luis Lasseu, made and spld the first hamburgers in 1985. He called them so because sailors from Hamburg in Germany gave him the recipe. Kenneth Lasseu, Louis' son, still sells hamburgers in Connecticut.

3. In its home country of Germany, the hot dog was called the frankfurter. It was named after Frankfurt, a German city.

Frankfurters were first sold in the US in the 1860's. Americans called them «dachshund sausages». A dachshund is a dog from Germany with a very long body and short legs.

Dachshund sausages first became popular in New York, especially at baseball games where they were sold by men who kept them warm in hot –water tanks. People got the sausages on buns.

One day a newspaper cartoonist named Tad Dorgan went to a baseball game. When he saw the men with the dachshund sausages, he got an idea for a cartoon. The next day his cartoon appeared in the newspaper - there was a bun with a dachshund inside. As Dorgan didn't know how to spell dachshund, under the cartoon he wrote: «Get your hot dogs!»

4.Today the British drink more tea than any other nation – an average of 4 kilos a head annually, or 1650 cups of tea a year.

The British first heard of tea in 1598, and first tasted it in about 1650. For nearly two centuries all tea was imported from China, until in 1828, a tea plant was found growing naturally in India.

Today London's tea markets deal in tea from India, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), and Africa more than from China.



Animals and humans. Zoos and National Parks.


Modal verbs. Reported speech. Perfect tenses.



The London Zoo is one of the oldest zoos in the world. It was established in 1828 by the Zoological Society of London. The London Zoo, in Regent Park, has many famous buildings, such as the aviary, which was designed by Lord Snowdon.

Today the Zoo contains more than 8,000 animals. As well as keeping and breeding many different animals and birds it studies wild animals and the things that have an effect on the way they live. Being an important scientific centre for the study of animals, the London Zoo breeds animals that are in danger of disappearing in native environments.


Establish – негіздеу

Aviary – құсшы

Breed – (bred, bred) – көбейту

Stork – ләйлек

Ostrich – түйеқұс


1.Complete the dialogues with these words and expressions: think, don't agree, my opinion, right, personally.

William: What do you … about zoos?

Linda: In … , they are a good thing. I am for them.

William: Well, I … . I am against them. I don't like to see animals in cages. … I think zoos are bad for the animals and bad for us.

Linda: That’s not … . They are not bad for the animals. Animals are aggressive. We have to put them in cages.

William: I…. I …animals like chimps and elephants cannot live a happy life in a cage.

Linda: That's not … . First, elephants don't live in cages and, secondly, why don't they escape all the time?

2. Match the words to the park symbols.




1.swimming 6. Hunting

2. Picnic areas 7. backpacking

3. fishing 8. Boat ramps

4. pets 9. cycling

5. Climbing 10. Skiing


12. Scenic drives

13. horseback riding

14. boating.

3.Complete the sentences with one of the words given in the box

Skin, hole, web, claws, flock, trap, hive, lead, net, kennel

  1. There were so many mice in the house that we bad to buy a mouse … .

  2. We collect honey from our bee … .

  3. There is a rabbit … in the corner of the field.

  4. Martin was wearing imitation snake … boots.

  5. Be careful! Our flat has very sharp … !

  6. As my dog is very big and disobedient, I keep it on … .

  7. Our dog never got used to sleeping in its … .

  8. We had to sleep under a … not to be bitten by mosquitos.

  9. A dirty black lamb was following the … , baaing quietly.

  10. An enormous black spider was spinning its … across the window.

4.Use the right preposition given in the box (you may use some prepositions more than once). Translate the sentences into Kazakh.

1. Cats are easy to look …, but also need a company of people.

2. If you really care … your pet, you must do as much as possible to make it happy.

3. What kind of pets are you interested … ?

4.Don't be afraid … the dog, he is rather kind.

5. What are you worried …? – My pet bird has fallen ill.

6. In some countries there are special hotels for dogs and cats where the pets are taken care … by experts in veterinary medicine.

7. Do you believe … love at first sight?

8. This animal belongs … a very rare species, you should not kill it.

5. Use Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect or Past Perfect.

One day in 1963, a dolphin named Elvar and famous astronomer Carl Sagan, (play) a little game. The astronomer (visit) an institute which (look) into the way dolphins communicate with each other. Sagan (stand) on the edge of one of the tanks where several of these friendly highly intelligent creatures (swim). Elvar just (swim) up alongside him and (turn) on his back.

The dolphin (want) Sagan to scratch his stomach again, as the astronomer (do) twice before. Elvar (look) up at Sagan, waiting. Then, after a minute or so, the dolphin (jump) out of the water and (make) a sound just like the word «more»! The astonished astronomer (go) to the director of the institute and (tell) him about the incident. «Oh, yes. That's one of the words he knows,» the director (say), showing no surprise at all.

Dolphins have bigger brains in proportion to their body size than humans have, and it (be) known for a long time that they can make a number of sounds. What is more, these sounds (seem) to have different functions. Such as warning each other of danger.


1.There is no knowing where or when man's friend, the dog, was first domesticated. It was certainly many thousands of years ago, and the experts agree that the dog was probably a member of the wolf tribe.

2.The original goldfish were natives of China and are members of the carp family. They first arrived in Britain about 1691.

3. The guinea pig is a native of South America. It was domesticated by the Indians long before the Spanish Conquest and brought to England in the middle of the 18th century.

4. The kiwi is the national bird of New Zealand – and sometimes New Zealanders themselves are known as «Kiwis». The kiwi is the smallest member of the genus Apteryx which also includes ostriches and it gets its name from its shrill call which sounds very much like this – kee-wee kee-wee. Although kiwis have wings, they are flightless birds.

5. Scientists have known for many years that chimpanzees are one of the most intelligent animals. They have been taught to use simple tools such as the brush, cup, hammer and spoon.

In recent experiments with chimpanzees, scientists have taught them sign language. One young chimp learned 40 different signs for specific subjects and understood some language concepts such as adjective, adverb and verb.

Another experiment showed that a chimpanzee, can form a kind of sentence – once he lesrns a number of words. Using special markets, a chimp was able to form a simple sentences such as «Me want a banana now, please».

Some chimpanzees have even learned how to use money.


An Australian scientist has discovered that one of the most beautiful fish in the world is also one of the most beautiful fish in the world is also one of the deadliest. The Angel Fish sends light from the sun into the eyes of other fish. It's more dangerous to other fish than a shark. Like the shark, The Angel fish is much older than most creatures in the sea. It has been in the waters of the world for million years.



The natural world. Animals and plants.


Prepositions. Revision of tenses.


There are different kinds of animals in the world. About 95 % of them are invertebrate, that is so say they do not have internal skeletons with backbones. Many invertebrates have shells, others have external skeletons. So these invertebrates are soft inside and hard outside. Invertebrates include insects, which make 80 per cent of all the animals in the world.

We know of about one million different kinds of insects, and scientists think there may be the same number still waiting to be discovered.

About 5 % of the world's animals are vertebrates. Vertebrates are soft outside and hard inside. They have internal skeletons with backbones. The main groups of vertebrates are fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

Fish, which love in water, are the largest group. Examples of two kinds of fish are trout and sharks. But not all vertebrates that live in water are fish. Whales, for instance, are mammals, although they look very like fish.

Amphibians live between land and water. A frog is a typical amphibian.

Reptiles, for example snake, are cold-blooded animals, which live on land. For a hundred and sixty million years large reptiles, dinosaurs, were the most animals on the earth.

Birds like reptiles in many ways but they are warm-blooded. They are the only vertebrates, which can fly, except for bats. Although they look rather like birds, bats are actually mammals. There are big differences between different kinds of birds. Compare an eagle with a duck, for example.

Mammals are warm-blooded like birds, but unlike birds, mammals do not lay eggs; they grow their babies inside them, and when the babies are born their mothers feed them on milk.

















Vertebrate – омыртқалы

Invertebrate –омыртқасыз

Internal -ішкі

External - сыртқы

Backbone – омыртқа

Skeleton - қаңқа

Shell- раковина








Reptile-бауырымен жорғалаушы









To lay eggs-жұмыртқа салу

To grow babies-балаларын өсіру

To feed on milk-сүтімен қоректендіру



A mammal is an endothermic, «warm-blooded», animal whose body is «heated from inside» and stays much the same temperature, no matter how hot or cold the surroundings.

When a mammal's body breaks down food and oxygen in order to build new tissue and to supply energy, heat is produced. Hair, which grows out of the mammal's skin, and fat, which lies under it, help insulate the mammal's body against heat loss.

If the mammal becomes too hot, it cools itself by sleeking down its hair, sweating, panting or moving to a cool place. If the mammal becomes too cold, goosebumps pull its hair erect, it shivers to make extra body heat, and moves to a warmer place.

Monotremes have a normal body temperature of 30°C. Marsupials average 35°C, while human body temperature is normally 37°C.

Dessert mammals often have big ears and rangy bodies. The large skin area loses heat fast.

Mammals which live in cold places have compact bodies and thick fur. Insulating fat beneath their skins can be used by the body as a food source in very cold weather.

Some animals, like small bats and echidnas, survive cold by going into a short –term resting state called torpor, or a longer «sleep» called hibernation.


  1. Why is a mammal an endothermic animal?

  2. How is heat produced in the mammals body?

  3. What does the mammal do if it's too hot too cold?

  4. Is the body temperature of monotremes different from that of marsupials?

  5. Why do dessert animal often have rangy bodies?

  6. What kind of bodies do mammals living in cold places have?

  7. Why do they insulate fat beneath their skins?

  8. How do some animals survive cold?



heat – жылу, жылыту

heat loss – жылуды жоғалту, тоңып қалу

cool – суыту

to break down food – асты қорыту

oxygen – оттегі

tissue – ұлпа

To supply energy – энергия (қуат) беру

Skin – тері

Insulate – қорғау

Insulating – қорғаныс

Sleek - жалау

Sweet – терлеу

Pant – ауыр демалу

Goosebumps – «қаз» терісі

To pull smth. erect – жоғары көтеру

Shiver – қалшылдау

Monotremes – жұмыртқалаушылар

Marsupials – қалталылар

Rangy – ұзынаяқты

Source – көзі

Survive – бір оқиғаны бастан кешіру

Short-term – аз уақытта

Echidna – ехидна

Resting state – тыныштық күйі

Torpor – ұйқы

Hibernation – қысқы ұйқы

* Match the animals with their young (babies)

Frog lamb

Goat puppy

Sheep kid

Lion calf

Dog tadpole

Cow cub

Hen kitten

Duck piglet

Cat foal

Horse joey

Kangaroo duckling

Pig chick

* Translate the following words into Kazakh. Then distribute the words among the titles

A. Names of trees;

B. Names of flowers;

Oak, rose, willow, daffodil, forget-me-not, elm, violet, lilac, daisy, orchid, buttercup, bluebell, fir, carnation, pine, poppy, dandelion, lily, birch, maple.

* Fill in the gaps in the text below with one of the words given in the box. Some words can be used more than once.

Milk, blood, temperature, skin, brain, mammal(s),

internal , flight


A … is an animal which has a backbone and whose well-developed … is protested by a skull. Its heart has chambers which separate fresh from used … . Using the heart generated in its body, a mammal keeps its … temperature much the same no matter what the … of its surroundings. The hair which grows from a mammal's … acts as insulation to help this. All … have mammary glands, which in female mammals develop- so that they can feed their young ones on … . Mammals have four limbs, which may be adapted for swimming or, in bats, for … .

* Read the text and translate


A bird's eggs is one of nature's most beautiful and marvelous structures. If incubated for 36 days, this egg will hatch into a chick which, after another 50 days of parental care, will fly from the nest.

Soon after hatching, the down-covered young of some groups of birds can leave the nest, eat if they are shown food and follow a parent. These precocious chicks are called precocial young. The young of other groups of birds, especially the passerines, fed by adults, until their feathers are grown, and are referred to as altricial young.

Incubation of eggs may not begin until the clutch is complete, ensuring the eggs hatch together. Where several females lay in one nest, the first laid eggs take longer to hatch than the last-laid. Chirping from inside the eggs may help chicks synchronise their entry into the world.

* Complete each of the spaces with the names of animals from the box to complete these well-known similes

a fox, a mule, a bat, an owl, a mouse, a peacock, a bee

1) as blind as…; 2) as busy as…;3) as quite as…;4) as cunning as…;5) as stubborn as…;6) as wise as…;7) as proud as…;

* Match each of these groups of nouns (a-d) to an animal from the box

horse, bird, cat, fish

    1. feathers, beak, wings: …

    2. gills, scales, fin: …

    3. whiskers, paws, fur: …

    4. hooves, tail, mane: …


  1. Every animal is known by two sorts of names.

The scientific name, which is made from Latin or Greek scientific name places the animal in a genus with other animals, closely related to it. The second word is the animal's species.

The common name varies from country to country according to the language spoken. The common name of a species uses capital letters, e.g. Red Kangaroo. However, the common name of a group of animals, such as kangaroos, takes a lower-case letter.

  1. In the country town of Gundagai, there is a statue which was built to commemorate a dog – a dog which sat waiting for his owner to return to the spot where he'd left him. The poor dog died, waiting for his master. This story illustrates how loyal dogs are.

  2. Unlike domestic dogs, the female Dingo has only one breeding cycle per-year, and Dingo's teeth and skull differ from those of domestic dogs. Its most likely ancestor is the Indian Plains Wolf.

Dingos live in a well-defined home range, which may be shared with others. Individuals hunt small game on their own, but join to take larger prey. A group may consist of a breeding pair and younger animals. Dingos interbreed with domestic dogs.

  1. Worldwide, there are about 8,800 species of living birds. Over 760 species of birds have been recorded from Australia and the oceans nearby.

A bird's plumage may account for up to 15% of its total weight, its skeleton only 5%

Most birds have 1,500 to 3, 000 feathers. A swan has up to 25, 216. The protein of which feathers are made is also found in lizard skin.

The fastest flying birds can reach speeds in excess of 20 meters per second. Small birds on migration may cover 1, 000 kilometers non-stop in 24 hours.

* Find the insects hidden in the words.

Example: phantom (ant).

  1. bugle

  2. romantic

  3. slice

  4. Palouse

  5. Frisbee

  6. mannoth

  7. approach



A mammal learns about its surroundings by using its eyes to see, its ears to hear, its nose to smell, its tongue to taste and its skin to feel.

The information received interacts in the animal's brain with signals from its body. Then the mammal acts in a way that makes it feel better or avoids danger. For example, if a kangaroo feels hungry, it sights, smells and tastes grass, then eats. If it seems or smells a predator such as a Dingo, it hops away. Behavior is the name given to all the actions carried out by animal. Instinctive behavior is carried out by al similar animals in the same situation. Any Koala will instinctively climb a tree to escape danger.

Learned behavior is carried out because the animal is copying another animal's actions, or because it has discovered by trial and error that the action succeeds. A young hyena will learn, to hunt from watching its mother hunt, and to attack prey from playing with its litter-mates.

Mammals can overcome instinctive reactions in order to survive. A kangaroo may learn to come close to humans where it is regularly, though it may remain wary elsewhere.


Surroundings – қоршаған ортасы

Interact - өзара әрекеттесу

Avoid – қашқақтау

Predator – жыртқыш

By trial and error – қателер мен байқап қарау әдісімен

Succeed – сәттілікке жету, сәттілік

Overcome - жеңу

Survive – тірі қалу

Wary – сақ


  1. How do mammals learn about their surroundings?

  2. In what way do they behave after they received the information?

  3. What is difference between instinctive behavior and learned behavior?


1. Match A and B to form groups of synonyms


nervous quiet

calm happy

horrified miserable

cheerful depressed

unhappy worried

sad terrified

amazed surprised


1. Although cats’ eyes have the same parts as humans and other animals, they differ from all other animals’ in several ways, enabling cats to have the best night vision of all domestic animals. Their pupils (көзігің қарашығы) are oblong instead of round, which enables them to dilate widely in low light. In bright light cat’s pupils become very thin slit, protecting their eyes, which are sensitive to light.

Cats’ hearing is at least three times more acute than humans’ and they are able to hear high-pitched sounds much better than people.

Cats’ sense of smell is very acute because the olfactory (smell-sensing) areas of their brains are highly developed.


If you own one or more animals, you are concerned with their health and welfare. Your personal commitment and knowledge of the basics – good housing, nutrition, sanitation and preventive medicine – are the most important first steps.

Housing is important to provide animals protection from the elements and predators. Basic nutrition needs remain the same for all animals energy foods, protein, vitamins, minerals and lots of clean fresh water. Clean cages, barns, aquariums and other animal facilities are important for preventing the entry of disease. Grooming is a good preventive tool – to keep animals clean and free of external parasites. Preventive medicine is the final link in the circle of good animal health and includes vaccinations and internal and external parasite control.


To be concerned with – біреуді қамқорлау

Welfare – сәттілік

Commitment – міндеттілік

Sanitation – санитарлық жағдайдың жақсаруы

Facilities – құрылғы

Grooming – малды күту, қырқу

Prevent – болдырмау

Preventive – профилактикалық



Vet: Now, will you hold Henry still while I examine him …

Fine … Now you say he's been missing for over a week?

Man: That's right.

Vet: And he hasn't eaten anything during that time?

Man: Well, he probably has, but I haven't actually fed him.

Vet: Hmm. I see

Man: Do you know what is the wrong with him?

Vet: Well, he' s not starving, I am sure. I can only guess, but by looking at his fur I'd say he was suffering some kind of virus.


1. Match each of these people with the correct definition below.

Patient, psychiatrist, casualty, surgeon, nurse, general practitioner, medical student, veterinarian

  1. An ordinary doctor.

  2. Someone who looks after sick people in hospital.

  3. Person who helps people with mental problems.

  4. Someone who operates on sick people

  5. Person who studies to be a doctor

  6. An animal doctor

  7. Sick person receiving treatment

  8. Person badly injured in an accident, fire war.

2 . Put one of the following prepositions in each space in the sentences below.

From, on, with, in, to, for, of

  1. He was operated … yesterday.

  2. She was taken … hospital

  3. He suffered … bad headaches

  4. I have a pain … my back.

  5. What's wrong … you?

  6. He died … cancer.

  7. The child felt worse so they sent … a doctor.

  1. Match the diseases with their symptoms.

1) flu а) burning pain after eating

2) temperature pneumonia b) rush starting on body

slightly raised

3) an ulcer c) headache, fever, cough,


4) chickenpox d) swollen, painful, joints,


5) rheumatism e) dry cough, high fever,

chest pain

  1. Complete the following table















  1. Use «ache» or «pain» in the following sentences

  1. I've got a terrible tooth … . I must go to my dentist.

  2. The patient told the doctor that he a bad … in his left leg.

  3. The bright light gave him a lot of … in the eyes.

  4. Overeating can cause a stomach … .

  5. That terrible noise leg to a splitting head … .

  6. When you've got an ear …6 you must not treat it with a hot – water bottle.

  1. Match the organ in A with its functions in B.


a) the liver; b) the kidneys; c) the abomasums; d) the intestine; e) the heart; f) the gallbladder; g) the lungs.


1. A vital organ which enables the body to obtain oxygen from the air we breathe, and to eliminate carbon dioxide.

2. Its main functions are to regulate the amount of water and salt within the
body, maintain the proper acid-base balance in the body, and to eliminate waste products from the blood.

  1. Match the organs of the bull in then picture (1-14) (a-n)


  1. liver; b) lung; c) omasum; e) gallbladder; f)

kidneys; g)small intestines; h) colon; i) testis; j) winery bladder; k) rectum; l) cecum; m) duodenum; n) pancreas;

EXAMPLE: 3 – omasum (кітапша)



Respiratory diseases are very important in dogs and cats. They account for a large percentage of illnesses and include diseases which are affect the nose and throat, the trachea and lungs.

Clinical sciences are similar in dog or cat respiratory diseases. One of the most reliable signs is cough. When severity of the disease process increases, labored breathing (ауыр демелыс) develops.

Upper respiratory disease complex is a viral disease which causes big problems in young kittens. The openings of the nose become blocked and the kitten will not eat if it can't smell. Viral infections of the nose and throat also occur in the dog, but they are mild.

Dogs can contract kennel cough (иттердің жөтелі) which is usually called by combined viral and bacterial infections. It often develops after animal has been boarded at a commercial kennel facility.

Trauma to the nose, throat or trachea can cause serious problems in dogs and cats. Trauma to the nose usually results in nose-bleeds. Excessive pulling on a leash can produce a fracture of the larynx in the throat, and this can cause life threatening away obstruction.

Dogs can get several chest diseases, and probably the most well-known is canine distemper. It causes a mild viral pneumonia, but secondary bacterial pneumonias often develop.

Primary bacterial pneumonias also occur in dogs and are diagnosed by bacteriologic techniques and X-rays. Fungal infections of the lungs and chest occur and be difficult to treat.

Cats also can acquire many lung and chest diseases. Following an upper respiratory infection, cats can develop a bacterial infection of the chest called pyothorax. Large amounts of inflammatory fluid accumulate in the chest and cause severe breathing problems. Often this disease can be caused by wounds suffered in can fights, so the disease is more common in non-neutered male cats.

      • Give Kazakh variants of the following words and phrases.

Respiratory diseases, trachea and lungs, viral disease, trauma, fracture of the larynx, distemper, X-rays, pyothorax, non-neutered male cats.

      • Read the text and do the assignments that follow it.


There is no factor that will prevent disease coming on to or spreading within a farm.

Disease usually occurs because a number of factors are working against the animal, for example the weather, its nutrition of the number stock in one building. All livestock units should formulate a comprehensive policy to prevent disease.

All new stock should be inspected to ensure they are healthy. Some general signs of health are applicable to most animals: bright alert eyes, clean tail, groomed coat, even breathing, no sign of discharge from the nose, no coughing and healthy appetite. All new stock must be vaccinated against any known on-farm diseases.

The environment in which the animal lives probably has the greatest influence on the continuing good health of the animal. The more intensive the livestock system, the more attention must be paid to hygiene.

The animal's own dung is a constant source of infection, so one of the animal's major requirements is a clean lying area. Many livestock buildings and pens require regular cleaning and disinfection.

The spread of and the severity of a disease can be reduced by the use of drugs. The best examples of these are antibiotics, insecticides and wormers.

Regular visits from the veterinary surgeon can go a long way in preventing disease. Regular visits every three or four months, when the veterinary surgeon and the stockperson can get together to look at and talk about the health of the unit, can help build up a health profile of the farm. This information can be useful when trying to identify or locate the cause of a problem.


  1. Answer the questions:

  1. Why is it important to work out a comprehensive programme to prevent disease?

  2. What are some general signs of healthy animals?

  3. Why is hygiene so important in intensive e livestock systems?

  4. It is necessary to use drugs to prevent disease?

  5. How often should the veterinary surgeon visit the farm?

  1. In one sentence formulate the main idea of the text.

3 Speak on the problems connected with prevention of diseases which have not been discussed in the article.


  1. Read the information about AIDS and do the assignments that follow


AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Aids is caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).

People can not «catch» AIDS, but they may become infected with HIV. Anybody can become infected, but only if they do specific things that allow the virus to get right into their bloodstream.

When a person is infected with HIV, the virus can attack their immune system that usually defends them against illnesses. But some people who are infected with the virus may remain fit and well for many years. However, even though an infection person may be well, they are able to pass the infection on to others.

Some people who are infected with HIV may become seriously ill. As the virus attacks the immune system, this system breaks down, and the body is unable to fight off some infections and cancers. When someone with HIV infection develops one of these conditions they are said to have AIDS.

  1. Read and retell the jokes


George Brown did not feel well, so he went to see a doctor. The doctor looked him up and down, and said nothing. The patient wanted to know what was wrong with him. But the doctor continued to look him up and down without saying anything. At last patient asked the doctor, «What do you think is wrong with me?» The doctor said, «I don’t know. I’m trying to understand what kind of illness you can pay for. »


A doctor, whose medical skill was much better than his handwriting, sent an invitation to a patient who was his friend to spend an evening with him. He said there would be music and other things.

The friend did not come and did not send any explanation. When they met the following day, the doctor asked whether he had received the note.

«Yes, thank you,» replied the other. «I took it to the chemist, he made up medicine and I feel much better already.»


John Poisoner, a young student, had all the questions correctly.

Professor Siringe looked at the young man. He liked the answers and thought that the young student would be a fine a doctor, however the examination was not over yet.

«Here is an easy question for you, » said the professor, giving the student a friendly look. «What’s the dosage to be used in the case you've just described.? The medicine that you suggested is the best you could think of; what I want to know now is the dosage.»

«A tablespoonful,» replied the student in a strong voice.

«Thank you!» said the examiner whose face had turned red. «Thank you,» repeated the professor, and the young man got up to leave the room. But also John Poisoner was making for the door, he suddenly realized what a mistake he had made. He turned round and said: «I’m sorry, sir, the dosage is six drops only.» «Too late, » answered the professor, «the patient you treated is dead»


Стр 182


  1. Match each of these people with the correct definition below

patient, psychiatrist, casualty, surgeon, nurse, general practitioner, medical student, veterinarian

  1. An ordinary doctor

  2. Someone who looks after sick people in hospital.

  3. Person who helps people with mental problems.

  4. Someone who operates on sick people.

  5. Person who studies to be a doctor.

  6. An animal doctor.

  7. Sick person receiving treatment.

  8. Person badly injured in an accident, fire war.


Britain has been one of the leading countries in the field of animal welfare. For example, the world's first animal protection organization, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), was founded in England in 1823. That traditional concern for animals is being rediscovered with a new moral and political strength.

The idea that animals should be treated humanely is not quite unique to the Western World. Western World. In Hinduism and Buddhism there is a very strong tradition of avoiding any sort violence against any living being, which includes plant life as well as animal life.

The animal welfare movement was born as part of the humanitarian movements in England in the 19th century, which was equally concerned for the rights of children. It was members of the RSPCA who founded the first society for the prevention of cruelty to children in England.


  1. Match the professions with their definitions.


  1. ecologist a) a scientist

who studies

living things

  1. biologist b) someone who studies

physics as their job

  1. physicist c) someone whose job is

to look after a forest

  1. chemist d) someone who looks

after a garden

  1. gardener e) a scientist who studies


  1. forester f) a scientist who studies

the environment

  1. climatologist g)a scientist who studies

the changes

in the world climate

  1. Match the words in the words in the box with their definitions that follow.

pollution, devastation, campaign, environment, ecology

  1. The natural world, including the land water, air, plants and animals.

  2. The study of the natural world and the way plants, animals, and humans live together and effect each other.

  3. The process of damaging the air, water, or land with chemicals or other substances.

  4. Damage or destruction affecting a large area or a lot of people and animals.

  5. A series of actions intended to produce political or social change.

  1. Use the words from the box in the sentences below

pollute, protect, treat, save, damage, ban

  1. Industrial development is causing widespread … to the environment.

  2. Plants and power stations … the air in the surrounding area.

  3. The aim of this organization is to … the animal from cruel treatment.

  4. Pet owners should … their pets with care and love.

  5. The Government had to … the cruel killing of animals in slaughterhouses.

  6. The aim of the environmentalists is to … our planet from dying.


  1. Use the right article


BBC wildlife is Britain’s only colour monthly magazine designed … people who are interested … wildlife and its conservation. It is read … 400,000 people every month. The magazine publishes beautiful photographs, informative articles and political aspects … nature and our relationship with it.

Every issue include two new sections: one … scientific discoveries and one for conservation and the environment; reviews … books, cinema, TV and radio; listing … natural history programmes … BBC and ITV, etc. It also runs different contests … both adults and children, including the BBC Wikdlife Award for Nature Writing and the International Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.

Though most … the readers… the magazine live … Britain, there are subscribes … 84 other countries.


1.An usual intelligent crab that lives in tidal waters in Kenya has been found to have the first «navigation system» ever known in crustacean. Thalamita crenata memorises landmarks and uses them to find its way back to its burrow.

2. In the US, there are animal cemeteries, and it’s possible to buy «biodegradable» (i.e. cardboard) caskets so that your pet hamster can be buried in style.

3. A rich Londoner discovered that her poodle was diabetic. She paid for daily injections for 16 years in order to keep it alive and when it died, had a memorial erected to it at London's Battersea Dog's Home.

4. An increase in the otter population in England and Wales has led to a rise in the number of otter road death. Wildlife experts report that in recent years the number of adult male otters killed in traffic accidents in Wales has increased five-fold.

Endangered Species

Elephants: 1,300,000 in Africa in 1979; 650,000 in 1991.

Blue whales: Once numbered 300,000. Now maybe 200.

Snow leopard: Although this has been declared a protected species, it is still being hunted in Central Asia for its beautiful skin.

Giant panda: Less than 1,000 remain in their natural habitat in the mountainous regions of China. They are still hunted for their fur and meat.

Koalas: The first Australian animal to be protected by law. However, their habitat is being destroyed and the eucalyptus trees they need for food are being cut down.


1. Complete the tables below












2. What is the odd word out?

a) name, call, classify, found.

b) organ, part, place, segment.

c) botanist, surgeon, biologist, naturalist.

d) artificial, synthetic, genuine, false.

e) combine, separate, mix, blend.

f) protein, cell, nucleus, circle.

g) amoebae, worms, fungi, bacteria.

h) water, oil, gas, coal.

3. Give the plural of the following nouns:

gene amoeba bacterium

datum type species

moss fungus


Use the right prepositions


The zebra spends most … its life eating. Its diet consists mainly … grasses and leaves, because other larger grazers, such as buffalo, have first pick … the richest grazing areas. Fortunately, the zebra's anatomy is specially adopted to get the greatest benefit … the least nutrition's vegetation. The animal's elongated digestive system provides a large surface area, which is further aided … bacteria … the stomach. Like many grazing animals … dry areas, the zebra must have regular access … water … the period … seasonal rains, there is plenty … water, and the zebra does not have to travel far. However, when the rains stop, zebras form huge herds in the search… fresh grazing. Such groups are usually very noisy, as the zebras keep contact … their family members.


1.Food addictive are substances added intentionally to foodstuffs to perform certain technological functions, for example to colour, to sweeten or to preserve. Food additives are authorized at EU level for all the 15 Member States. The Community legislation on food additives is based on the principle that only those additives that are explicitly authorized may be used. Most food additives may only be used in limited quantities in certain foodstuffs. Prior to their authorization, food additives are evaluated for their safety by the Scientific Committee on Food, an expert panel that advices the European Commission in questions relating to food.

2.Insects are the most successful the planet. Their remarkable survival rate is often due to cunning disguises (айла) which make them invisible to predators. A famous example of this was the discovery of an unusual black moth in the industrial city of Manchester in 1848. It came from a species which had until then always been grey in colour. Careful research that the moth had undergone transformation in response to the blackening of its smoke-polluted environment. Within 50 years all such moth in Manchester were black.

3. Chinese and Canadian scientists working in the Gobi Desert have discovered a series of 80-million year-old dinosaur colonies – including one with a dozen 150-centimetrelong babies, and another with 5 tiny embryos. These perfectly preserved skeletons are now helping experts study physical differences displayed by dinosaurs within a single species. Because all the babies are of the same species, they must have a common gene pool. Detailed examination is revealing marked differences between individual colony members, with some of them having broader or larger faces than others.

4. While Dr. Gideon Mantell, a medical practitioner and amateur paleontologist living at Lewes in Sussex, was attending a patient in the spring of 1822, his wife wandered along the road and spotted some curious fossil teeth embedded in stones intended for road-mending. Her husband immediately recognized them as belonging to some unknown herbivorous animal and published an illustration of them in 1822. Unfortunately, the great paleontologist and anatomist George Cuvier in Paris considered them to be from a rhinoceros and the bones which Mantell subsequently found in the quarry from which the stone had come to be from a hippopotamus. Mantel persisted and in 1825 published an account of the new reptile Iguanodon. He later sold the teeth to the British Museum.



Past Simple

Past Participle





пайда болу




ұйқыдын тұру


was, were






дүниеге келу

Жиі қолданылатын предлогтар, союзные слова


about - туралы; шамамен

above демеулік шылау– жоғары

above үстеу – жоғарыда, үстінде

above all – ең алдымен, ең әуелі,

according to – бойынша

accordingly – сәйкесінше

across – арқылы

after демеулік шылау – артынан, кейін

after шылау - бір нәрседен кейін

after үстеу соң, соңынан

after all – ақыр аяғында

аgain – қайтадан, жаңадан

аgainst – қарсы, қарама-қарсы

almost – дерлік

along – бойлай, жағалай

also – сондай-ақ, сонымен қатар

although (though) – бірақ, дегенмен

altogether – жалпы айтқанда

always – әрқашан

among – арасында

and – және

and/or – немесе екеуі бірге

and so on – тағысын тағылар

and the like – сол сияұтылар

anyhow – қандай жағдай болса да

apart from үстеу - бөлек

around демеулік шылау - айнала

as демеулік шылау - ретінде

as шылауөйткені

as … as – дәл сондай

as against – салыстырғанда

as compared (with, to) салыстырғанда

as far as – қаншалықты

as far back – әлі

as for / as to/ as regard to – жайында

as high as – шейін

as if / as though – сияқты еді

as long as – солай болғандықтан

as a matter of fact – шындығында

as a rule – қағида бойынша, әдеттегідей

as soon as - ғана

as such – сияқты

as well as – сол сияқты

as yet – осы күнге дейін

aside from – өзге

at демеулік шылау (орын) – ішінде, жанында

at демеулік шылау (уақыт көрсеткіштерінде


at all - жалпы

at a glance - бірден

at any rate – қандай жағдай болса да

at best – әрі кетсе

at all events - қандай жағдай болса да

at first – алдымен

at hand – жақын

at last – ақырында

at once – дереу

at present – қазіргі уақытта

at random – жорамалдап, еркінше

at no time – ешқашан

at times – кейде


back – артқа

back and forth – теңселіп жүру

badly – аса, күшпен

because шылау себебі

because of демеулік шылау – салдарынан

before демеулік шылау дейін, шейін

before шылау алдымен

before үстеу бұрынырырақ

before long – тез арада

behind – соңынан

below – төменде

beside – қасында

besides – өзге

between – арасында

beyond – жырақта, алыста

beyond doubt/beyond question – әлбетте

both and … - сол сияқты

but шылау – бірақ

but демеулік шылау - басқа

but for – егер де

by – көмегімен

by демеулік шылау (уақыт) – дейін

by демеулік шылау (орын)- қасында

by chance – кездейсоқ

by far – айтарлықтай

by and by – аз-аздап

by all means – барлық жағдайда

by means (of)көмегімен

by no means – қандай жағдай болмасын

by then – сол кезге дейін

by turns – кезекпен

by the way – демекші, айтпақшы


consequently – солай болғандықтан

contrary to – бір нәрсеге немесе біреуге қарсы

сlose to – жақын, айналасында

closely – тығыз, жақын


depending on (upon)бір нәрсеге байланысты

despite of – қарамастан

directly – тұп-тура6 тікелей

down (to) төмен

due to – артынан, салдарынан

during – бір нәрсе істеу барысында


either … or – әлде ... немесе

else – енді, әлі

elsewhere – басқа жерде

enough – жеткілікті

even – түгіл, тіпті

even if – түгіл болса да

ever – қашан болса да

ever since – содан бері

except (excepting) қоспағанда

e.g. – мысалы

etc. – тағысын тағылар


far – анағұрлым, едәуір

far more – анағұрлым көп

far less – анағұрлым аз

farther (further) ары

few – аз

a few – бірнеше

first – алғашқы рет, алғашында

first of all – алдымен

following – соңынан

for демеулік шылау - ішінде

for шылау себебі, өйткені

for all that – бәріне қарамастан

for certain – сөзсіз, шүбәсіз

for good / for ever – біржола, мәңгі-бақи

for example/ for instance – мысалы

for granted – дәлелсіз

for lack of – бір нәрсенің жоғынан

for the present – осы жолы

for the rest – қалғаны

for the sake (of) үшін

for the time being – әзірше

for want (of) жетіспегендіктен

formerly – бұрында

from - -дан, -ден, -нан, -нен, -тан, -тен

from time to time – мезгіл-мезгіл

further – одан әрі

furthermore – сонымен қатар


generally – жалпы, әдетте

(а) great deal/great many – көп

greatly – өте


hardly – әрең, зорға

hardly at all – жалпы әрең

hardly ever – cирек, ешқашан дерлік

hence – демек, осы жерден

here – бұл жерде, мұнда

highly – аса, өте

how – қалай

however – алайда

how far – қаншалықты, қаншама

how long – қаншалықты ұзақ

how many/how much – неше/қанша


if – егер, егер де

i.e. - яғни

in демеулік шылау (орын)- ішінде

in демеулік шылау (уақыт)-арқылы

in case – егер бір нәрсе бола қалса

in the course – барысында, кезінде

in due course / in due time – өз уақытында

in fact – іс жүзінде

in favour – пайдасына

in front (of) – алдында, қарсы

in general – жалпы

in order (to/that) – үшін

in particular – әсіресе

in place (of) – орнына

in question – қарастырылып отырған

in respect (of/to) – қатысты

in all respects – барлық жағынан да

in no respect – қандай жағдай болса да

in spite (of) - ... қарамастан

in terms (of) – негізінде

in time – уақытында

in no time – тез, шапшаң

in turn – өз кезегінде

in view (of) - болғандықтан

indeed – шын мәнінде, іс жүзінде

inside – ішінде

instead (of) - орнына

into – ішке қарай


just – жаңа ғана

just as – сол сияқты

just so – дәл солай

just then – сол кезде

just the same – бәрі бір


lately – жуырда, жақында

like демеулік шылау – сияқты

likely – мүмкін

likewise – cол сияқты

little by little – жайлап, ақырындап

long before – көп бұрын

low – төмен


meanwhile – тап сол кезде

merely – ғана, тек

more or less – азды көпті

moreover – одан да

mostly – көбіне

much the same – соған жақын


namely – атап айтқанда

near – жақын

nearly – дерлік

neither … nor – да ... да

neither (of) біреуі де емес

nevertheless – әйткенмен

no longer – екіншіәрі, ендігәрі

no matter – маңызы жоқ, оқасы жоқ

not at all – ешбір

not only … but also – тек ... емес ... сонымен қатар

not so … as – сондай ... емес

nothing but – дым, бөлек

notwithstanding – қарамастан

not yet – әлі де

not until – ғана, тек, ... ерте емес

now – қазір, сөйтіп

now that шылау – енді, қазір

now and again – кейде

now and then – мезгіл-мезгіл


of - -дан, -ден, -нан, -нен, -тан, -тен

of(етістіктен кейін) – туралы

of course – сөзсіз, әрине

off – аулақ, әрмен

often – жиі

on демеулік шылау – үстінде

on үстеу – ары

on the contrary – керісінше

on the one hand – бір жағынан

on the other hand – екінші жағынан

on the part (of) – шеттен

on the whole – бүтіндей, тұтастай

once үстеу – бір жолы

once шылау егерде

once again – тағы бір рет

once and again – бір мәрте емес

once more – тағы да

or – немесе

one more – тағы бір

or else – әлде

otherwise – әйтпесе, басқаша

out of - -дан, -ден, -нан, -нен, -тан, -тен, іштен

outside – сырттан

over – жоғарыда, арқылы

owing (to) – бола, салдарынан, арқасында


per - - ға, - ге, - қа, -ке, артында

per until – бірлікке

per se – өз бетімен

presently – қазіргі уақытта

previously – бұрында, алдын-ала

primarily – ең бастысы

prior (to) – дейін

properly – жақсы

provided (that) – осындай жағдай болғанда


quite – әбден, толық

quite a number – көп

quite so – тек қана солай


rather (+ сын есім немесе үстеу)әжептәуір, жеткілікті

rather than – деп, үшін

rather … than – неғұрлым ... тезірек

readily – оңай

recently – жуырда

relative (to) – қатысты, байланысты

relatively – салыстырмалы, сәйкесінше

remarkably – бірыңғай, өңкей

repeatedly – қайталап

respectively – бойынша

roughly – шамамен, жобалап


muscular organ where the process of digesting swallowed food begins.

  1. It is a small sac which sits just beneath the liver and its only role is to concentrate gall and then release it when food is passing through the small intestine.

  2. It is a powerful pump that beats continuously during life to circulate the blood throughout the body.

  3. It is the largest and one of the most vital organs which receives a dual blood supply.



  1. «10 консультации по английскому языку» - Виктор Миловодов

  2. Мектептегі шетел тілі №5 2006ж

  3. Мектептегі шетел тілі № 10 2007ж

  4. Сборник текстов по английскому языку 1997ж – Парахина я б



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