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Артикли английского языка

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артикли английского языка

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«Артикли английского языка»


Употребляется при первом упоминании

I am a, You are a (ты,) He is a, She is a, It is a

I have a, I see a, This/That is a, There is a

1) He is a happy man. 2) She is an old lady. 3) It’s a little flat. 4) You are a Spanish businessman. 5) It isn’t a simple plan. 6) It isn’t an easy test. 7) This is a book. 8) It is my book. 9) I have a sister.10) My sister is a doctor. 11) I have no handbag. 12) She has got a ball.13) Her ball is red and yellow. 14) I can see pencils on your table.15) Give me a chair, please. 16) They have a dog and two cats. 17) Would you like an orange? 18) Mr. Smith is an artist. 19) This is a tree. 20) The tree is green. 21) We’ve got an idea. 22) We wrote a dictation yesterday. 23) The dictation was long. 24) You got a letter from your friend. 25) Give me that pencil, please. 26) When they were in Paris, they stayed at a hotel. 27) The hotel was nice. 28) I see a bottle on the table. 29) There was a park. 30) We have a big dog. 31) My friend has a very good computer.32) He is a student. 33) There is a very large piano in the hall. 34) There is a big box. 35) He is an engineer. 36) She is a housewife. 37) We can see four men. 38) The weather is fine today. 39) This boy is big. 40) This is a tree and that is not a tree. 41) It’s a bush.42) There is no bread on the plate. 43) My friends live in a small town. 44) There is a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom in it. 45) There are white curtains on the windows. 46) I can see a fine vase. 47) We have no wardrobe in our living room. 48) I’m a music teacher. 49) This is a lovely place. 50) There is a town across the river.

Артикль не нужен

если есть

притяжательное местоимение

указательное местоимение

существительное в притяжательном падеже


oтрицание “no”


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