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Are you ready for an emergency?

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                               Түпқараған ауданы

                                                               Сайын Шапағатов ауылы

                                                               №1 мектеп-лицейі

                               8 ә сынып оқушысы

                       Бекмұрза Аида

                                                                  Жетекшісі: Ташманова Сания


Are you ready for an emergency?

Too much attention is drawn to global disasters such as tsunami and earthquakes these days as they used to be rather frequent at the beginning of a new millennium and were caused by the Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect. Even though the situation has changed significantly and such disasters occur rarely nowadays, the government`s  approach  towards then remains the same. Conversely, home emergency cases are considered to be even more dangerous, thus what really aggravates the situation is the government`s indifference towards them.

The recent scientific researches have shown that 6 times as many people die in their bathrooms slipping on a wet floor as in a plane crash or earthquake just due to the fact that they are careless and simply in aware of possible home risks. Moreover, a lot of people are killed with electricity while having a shower or hit on the head with a dry tree branch while gardening because they are safety-unconscious and don`t know how to prevent themselves  from potentially fatal situations at home.

Even though the basics of life safety are included into both school and university curriculum, they are generally aimed at headline-grabbing disasters protection. Furthermore, these lessons are mostly theoretical as the government refuses to fund these courses and support them by buying essential equipment for practical trainings. As a result, people are practically helpless and under protected, which causes a huge number of deaths.

However, if the government concentrated all possible recourses on both global and home disasters protection education anв more enlightment work was conducted, both urban and rural dwellers would be safety-conscious and careful. Moreover, if such work help regularly and was followed by practical lessons, less panic would occur during emergency situations and, as a result, more life’s would be rescued.

5 ways to ensure you are ready for an emergency

Preparing for an emergency is one of the most important things you can do. Luckily, taking just a few necessary precautions can have you successfully battling an emergency situation. Here’s 5 ways to ensure you’re ready for an emergency:

1. An emergency action plan is a plan you set in place between yourself and loved ones to ensure that everyone understands what to do in case of an emergency. You’ll work out how to contact each other and determine a meeting place for when disaster strikes. There’s a helpful form you can fill out, with card cutouts you can give to each member of your family.

2. Having a basic emergency kit ready will absolutely ensure you’re one step closer to being as prepared as possible for an emergency. These kits often contain at least two liters of water, food that won’t spoil, a manual can opener, and a first aid kit. Extra keys to your car or house and a small bit of cash are advised as well.

3. Natural disasters often cause widespread power outages in rural or semi-rural areas. In the event of a loss of power, you’ll need to ensure you still have a way to listen in for any emergency signals being broadcast. Having a battery-powered radio handy in such a situation ensures you’re ready and prepared when the power goes out. Emergency broadcasts often have instructions for citizens to follow or take heed of and the extra knowledge you garner from them may very well be the determining factor in whether or not you successfully deal with an emergency.

4. Understanding how your local community may respond to an emergency will ensure you’re prepared to work with those around you when faced with a disaster scenario. If you have kids, get in touch with their school so that you’re aware of how children are released during an emergency situation. Take note of the nearest police station or fire station to your home or other places you frequent. If you have neighbors you can trust, give them spare keys and provide them with a list of emergency phone numbers. For these neighbors, make sure you’re both aware of how to turn off each other’s utilities if necessary.

5. Once you’ve set yourself up with an emergency kit and a plan you’re satisfied with, it can be an easy thing to overlook the items that are not the absolute bare necessities. As things settle down after an emergency, you may realize something as simple as a deck of playing cards or a change of clothes ended up making the difference between being miserable and handling your emergency like a pro.

I think we should have all emergency supplies  during the disaster. I mean we must to be ready for all types of nature  accidents, catastrophes. We all hope that we won’t have to face an emergency like a major earthquake, flood, hurricane, or fire. But many people feel that it’s better to be safe than sorry. That’s why they’re storing things like food, water, and gasoline. They’re also making plans about where to go and how to reach their families in case a disaster makes it impossible for them to get home


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«Are you ready for an emergency?»

Түпқараған ауданы

Сайын Шапағатов ауылы

№1 мектеп-лицейі

8 ә сынып оқушысы

Бекмұрза Аида

Жетекшісі: Ташманова Сания

Are you ready for an emergency?

Too much attention is drawn to global disasters such as tsunami and earthquakes these days as they used to be rather frequent at the beginning of a new millennium and were caused by the Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect. Even though the situation has changed significantly and such disasters occur rarely nowadays, the government`s approach towards then remains the same. Conversely, home emergency cases are considered to be even more dangerous, thus what really aggravates the situation is the government`s indifference towards them.

The recent scientific researches have shown that 6 times as many people die in their bathrooms slipping on a wet floor as in a plane crash or earthquake just due to the fact that they are careless and simply in aware of possible home risks. Moreover, a lot of people are killed with electricity while having a shower or hit on the head with a dry tree branch while gardening because they are safety-unconscious and don`t know how to prevent themselves from potentially fatal situations at home.

Even though the basics of life safety are included into both school and university curriculum, they are generally aimed at headline-grabbing disasters protection. Furthermore, these lessons are mostly theoretical as the government refuses to fund these courses and support them by buying essential equipment for practical trainings. As a result, people are practically helpless and under protected, which causes a huge number of deaths.

However, if the government concentrated all possible recourses on both global and home disasters protection education anв more enlightment work was conducted, both urban and rural dwellers would be safety-conscious and careful. Moreover, if such work help regularly and was followed by practical lessons, less panic would occur during emergency situations and, as a result, more life’s would be rescued.

5 ways to ensure you are ready for an emergency

Preparing for an emergency is one of the most important things you can do. Luckily, taking just a few necessary precautions can have you successfully battling an emergency situation. Here’s 5 ways to ensure you’re ready for an emergency:

1. An emergency action plan is a plan you set in place between yourself and loved ones to ensure that everyone understands what to do in case of an emergency. You’ll work out how to contact each other and determine a meeting place for when disaster strikes. There’s a helpful form you can fill out, with card cutouts you can give to each member of your family.

2. Having a basic emergency kit ready will absolutely ensure you’re one step closer to being as prepared as possible for an emergency. These kits often contain at least two liters of water, food that won’t spoil, a manual can opener, and a first aid kit. Extra keys to your car or house and a small bit of cash are advised as well.

3. Natural disasters often cause widespread power outages in rural or semi-rural areas. In the event of a loss of power, you’ll need to ensure you still have a way to listen in for any emergency signals being broadcast. Having a battery-powered radio handy in such a situation ensures you’re ready and prepared when the power goes out. Emergency broadcasts often have instructions for citizens to follow or take heed of and the extra knowledge you garner from them may very well be the determining factor in whether or not you successfully deal with an emergency.

4. Understanding how your local community may respond to an emergency will ensure you’re prepared to work with those around you when faced with a disaster scenario. If you have kids, get in touch with their school so that you’re aware of how children are released during an emergency situation. Take note of the nearest police station or fire station to your home or other places you frequent. If you have neighbors you can trust, give them spare keys and provide them with a list of emergency phone numbers. For these neighbors, make sure you’re both aware of how to turn off each other’s utilities if necessary.

5. Once you’ve set yourself up with an emergency kit and a plan you’re satisfied with, it can be an easy thing to overlook the items that are not the absolute bare necessities. As things settle down after an emergency, you may realize something as simple as a deck of playing cards or a change of clothes ended up making the difference between being miserable and handling your emergency like a pro.

I think we should have all emergency supplies  during the disaster. I mean we must to be ready for all types of nature  accidents, catastrophes. We all hope that we won’t have to face an emergency like a major earthquake, flood, hurricane, or fire. But many people feel that it’s better to be safe than sorry. That’s why they’re storing things like food, water, and gasoline. They’re also making plans about where to go and how to reach their families in case a disaster makes it impossible for them to get home


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