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ВПР английский язык 7 класс

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«ВПР английский язык 7 класс»

1. Тип 1 № 2504 

Перед Вами 5 предложений A−E с пропусками и варианты слов или словосочетаний для заполнения этих пропусков, обозначенные цифрами 1−3. Внимательно прочитайте их.

Вы услышите диалог. Для каждого предложения A−E выберите слово или словосочетание, соответствующее содержанию диалога. К каждому пропуску подходит только одно слово или словосочетание. Вы услышите запись дважды. При повторном прослушивании проверьте себя. У Вас есть 45 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с предложениями.



А. Justin visited the Museum of _________ at the weekend.

1)  History; 2)  Geography; 3)  Science


B. Uncle Sam is _________ in the photo.

1)  next to the map; 2)  behind the chair; 3)  near the chair


C. Betty is Justin's _________.

1)  daughter; 2)  sister; 3)  cousin


D. Betty is _________ years old now.

1)  4; 2)  14; 3)  10


E. You can buy _________ at the café in the Museum.

1)  a sandwich; 2)  a salad; 3)  a dessert


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2. Тип 2 № 14 

Прочитайте текст вслух. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и полторы минуты, чтобы прочитать текст вслух.


Modern cell phones are capable of much more than just sending and receiving phone calls. Mobile phones used in today's world allow users to send and receive text messages, emails, photos and videos as well as access the internet, play games, listen to music, use GPS and more. The cell phone has become an important communication tool that is used by people all over the world to keep in contact with each other at any time.

Despite all the positive benefits of cell phones, there are also some negative side effects which include the danger of cell phones being used while driving, students cheating on tests by using their cell phone to access information. Cell phones are often banned in classrooms due to the distractions they can cause.

3. Тип 3 № 2601 

Выберите фотографию и опишите человека на ней. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и не более двух минут для ответа. У вас должен получиться связный рассказ (7–8 предложений).


План ответа поможет вам:

— the place;

— the action;

— the person’s appearance;

— whether you like the picture or not;

— why.

Start with: “I’d like to describe picture one (two, three). The picture shows …”

4. Тип 4 № 2577 

Установите соответствие между текстами A−E и их темами, выбрав тему 1−6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.


This text deals with …

1)  A book

2)  A holiday

3)  A place of interest

4)  Traditional footwear

5)  A famous person

6)  The weather


A)  Lapti are old style shoes of the Russian farmers. Until the beginning of the 20th century lapti were worn in every Russian village, but nowadays one can hardly find anyone wearing them except for special occasions, like celebrations or costume shows. Lapti didn't last long, and broke in a week or two. They broke even faster in spring or autumn because of the rainy


B)  Princess Diana was a member ofthe British royal family. She was also called Lady Di. Princess Diana was seen as the real-life heroine of a fairytale. Her fantastic style and beauty attracted people. She was a leader of fashion. Lady Di became the most popular member of the royal family. She was known as the queen of hearts who truly cared about people.

C)  Father's Day is celebrated throughout the world. It is popular in the United States. It is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. Most people spend the day with their dad. They often give presents and a card, or cook their dad a meal. Typical Father's Day gifts include ties, clothes, electronics, and tools. Around S1 billion is spent each year on Father's Day gifts.

D)  The Gallery of Costume in Manchester has one of the largest collections of clothing and fashion accessories in Britain. The collection has clothes from the 17th century to the present day. Many of the clothes represent high fashion of the day. You can also see the uniform of working people, such as the traditional footwear and clothes of Lancashire workers.

E)  A new story by a famous writer Laura Green is worth reading. It is called" A Secret Holiday." It tells about a brave boy who decided to change his life. When he starts writing a plan, interesting things begin to happen around him. The story will be interesting for teenagers who like good humour and mysteries. You will also enjoy the original colourful pictures.


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5. Тип 5 № 2524 

Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав её из четырёх предложенных вариантов.

History of London

The history of London goes back thousands of years. In those ancient times the first inhabitants, Celtic tribes, made A_________ homes on the river Thames. Next B_________ Germanic tribes  — the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes. In 43 AD the Romans invaded Britain. They C_________ a bridge across the Thames. D_________ they decided it was a good place to build a port. Around 50 AD the Romans founded a town by the bridge. Its name is derived from the Celtic word "Londinios," which E_________the place of the brave. So, London was born.


A 1) theirs 2) they 3) their 4) them

B 1) comes 2) came 3) was coming 4) have come

C 1) build 2) were building 3) built 4) have built

D 1) Later 2) Late 3) Last 4) Latest

E 1) mean 2) has meant 3) means 4) is meaning







6. Тип 6 № 2497 

Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из списка. Два слова в списке лишние.

A trip to Barcelona

Linda and her family were going from New York to visit their relatives in Spain. They landed in Barcelona, got their suitcases and walked through the airport. Everyone (1)___________ Spanish and Linda really liked the sound of this language. They (2)___________ a taxi and went to their relatives' house in Barcelona. That was a very long way, and Linda was (3)___________ and wanted to sleep. She greeted her aunt, uncle and cousin Nora and went to bed. She really (4)___________ some rest. When Linda woke up in the morning, Nora came to her room and invited her to walk around the city. Linda was (5)___________! She had been dreaming about walking in Barcelona for a long time. She had studied all the city sights in the guide book, and that was a great moment when she would see them with her own eyes.


1)  Boring; 2)  Excited; 3)  Needed; 4)  Spoke; 5)  Tired; 6)  Told; 7)  Took.


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