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ВПР английский язык 7 класс

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«ВПР английский язык 7 класс»

1. Тип 1 № 2526 

Перед Вами 5 предложений A−E с пропусками и варианты слов или словосочетаний для заполнения этих пропусков, обозначенные цифрами 1−3. Внимательно прочитайте их.

Вы услышите диалог. Для каждого предложения A−E выберите слово или словосочетание, соответствующее содержанию диалога. К каждому пропуску подходит только одно слово или словосочетание. Вы услышите запись дважды. При повторном прослушивании проверьте себя. У Вас есть 45 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с предложениями.



А. The shop finishes working at _________.

1)  6:45 am; 2)  7 pm; 3)  7:15 am


B. The lady buys _________.

1)  tomatoes; 2)  a cucumber; 3)  a cabbage


C. The lady should pay _________.

1)  $1.16; 2)  $1.60; 3)  $2


D. There is a good café _________ the park.

1)  near; 2)  across; 3)  around


E. The shop assistant recommends _________ in the café.

1)  starters; 2)  drinks; 3)  desserts


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2. Тип 2 № 16 

Прочитайте текст вслух. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и полторы минуты, чтобы прочитать текст вслух.


A recent study shows that some male cockatoos create their own musical tools for drumming. The drumming and rhythm seem to be an extra component made to impress the ladies. Each bird has its own distinct style. Other animals (e.g. frogs and birds) use drumming and music to communicate as well, but cockatoos can drum at a steady rhythm, with a totally unique style, for up to half an hour  — which takes quite a bit of practice.

Moreover, plenty of animals use tools, but far fewer make those tools themselves.

Among humans, a regular beat is associated with group-based activity, especially dancing. As for the cockatoos, drumming with a regular beat is a done solo.

3. Тип 3 № 2482 

Выберите фотографию и опишите человека на ней. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и не более двух минут для ответа. У вас должен получиться связный рассказ (7–8 предложений).


План ответа поможет вам:

— the place;

— the action;

— the person’s appearance;

— whether you like the picture or not;

— why.

Start with: “I’d like to describe picture one (two, three). The picture shows …”

4. Тип 4 № 2501 

Установите соответствие между текстами A−E и их темами, выбрав тему 1−6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.


This text deals with …

1)  transport;

2)  food;

3)  a museum;

4)  spending free time;

5)  history;

6)  famous people.


A)  It's impossible to get bored in London. If you like to listen to jazz musicians, you can hear some of the best ones at Ronnie Scott's Club in Fifth Street. For ballet, go to the Sadler's wells Theatre in Rosebery Avenue or to the Royal Opera House. To get cheap tickets, you should buy them an hour or two before the performance begins.

B)  Madame Tussaud's in London is one of its most visited places. It is located in Marylebone Road and it is famous for its figures of people made of wax. You can see famous people from the past and some of the celebrities of our times. There is also the Chamber of Horrors there where you can see some of the famous London criminals of the past.

C)  London's famous red buses and the underground called The Tube are already a cultural experience. Still, if you don't want to use London buses or underground, you may try London taxis called black cabs. The drivers are usually friendly and helpful and they know London very well indeed. You can also take a boat trip to Hampton Court.

D)  London is not a cheap city, but it doesn't mean you will have to spend much money on food there. There are a lot of fish and chips shops in London, where the meals are delicious and inexpensive. A lot of Londoners and visitors to the city love pies and delicious chocolate cakes from local bakeries. In London you can also find takeaways and pubs.

E)  London is a very old city. It grew up around the first point where the Roman invaders found the Thames narrow enough to build a bridge. They founded a Celtic settlement then known as Londinium and later they turned it into a large port and important trading centre with a long wall of stone and brick. London grew and became a great city we can see today.


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5. Тип 5 № 2542 

Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав её из четырёх предложенных вариантов.

The Golden Touch

Once upon a time there lived a rich man. He had a lot of money and a big house but he wanted to be even A_________ than he already was. One day the man B_________ a fairy. The fairy needed help and he helped her. When she asked him what she C_________ do for him, he asked for a very unusual thing. He wanted his hand to have a golden touch. "Everything that you touch D_________ into gold," the fairy said and flew away. The man tried his new magical power and was happy. He went home. As his young daughter saw that he E_________ home, she ran to her father. He took her in his arms and his golden touch turned the girl into gold. You see, it's wrong to wish to have too much.


A 1) rich 2) richer 3) more rich 4) richest

B 1) met 2) was meeting 3) has met 4) will meet

C 1) can 2) can't 3) could 4) couldn't

D 1) turn 2) turned 3) has turned 4) will turn

E 1) comes 2) was coming 3) is coming 4) came







6. Тип 6 № 2509 

Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из списка. Два слова в списке лишние.

An Important Match

Gustavo is taking part in the important match today. He is really good at soccer. Gustavo's brother Martin taught him to play soccer when he was 4 years old. He (1)___________ Gustavo would be a champion one day. They have practiced a lot since then.

The match starts. The fans are ready for an (2)___________ game. Gustavo plays the forward position and is always trying to score a goal. Gustavo always feels (3)___________ when he plays soccer and tonight he is playing even better than usual. He steals the ball from the other team and runs with it as fast as he (4)___________. In a moment Gustavo kicks the ball with his lucky left foot and it flies through the sky into the goal. Gustavo feels like he is the king of the soccer field; this goal has made him really (5)___________.


1)  Сan; 2)  Excited; 3)  Famous; 4)  Interesting; 5)  May; 6)  Said; 7)  Spoke.


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