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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 5-9 классов "Виртуальное путешествие в Лондон"

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Внеклассное мероприятие "Виртуальное путешествие в Лондон" содержит диалоги, построенные  с использованием речевых клише по т " На борту самолета. В гостинице. в ресторане. В магазине", а также описание достопримечательностей Лондона.

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1. Wash the hands

before coming to table.

2. Don’t eat too fast or

too slow

3. Sit straight

keep your elbows off the table.

4. Don’t eat

from the knife.

5. Never read

while eating.

6. It’s not polite to have a spoon in a tea cup

put your spoon on a saucer.

7. Avoid talking

when you have something in your mouth.

1. Wash the hands

before coming to table.

2. Don’t eat too fast or

too slow

3. Sit straight

keep your elbows off the table.

4. Don’t eat

from the knife.

5. Never read

while eating.

6. It’s not polite to have a spoon in a tea cup

put your spoon on a saucer.

7. Avoid talking

when you have something in your mouth.

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Facility for the disabled



No smoking

Meting point







Post office



First aids






Luggage lockers



Facility for the disabled



No smoking

Meting point







Post office



First aids






Luggage lockers

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«Virtual trip to London»

Teacher: Hello, everybody. I’m glad to see you. I think everybody is on time. Today some students and teachers are present at our party. We must greet them on behalf of our students. Would you do it, please.

Pupil 1: I’ m happy to greet you on behalf of our students. I hope you will be pleased with our party. We like English and try to study it as well as we can.

Teacher: Today we are going to have a virtual trip to London. We are going to speak about British traditions, meals, places of interests and about English character in general. Let’s dream a little. Some of our students have a chance to visit Great Britain as tourists of course. The go to London by plane. Now they are on board a plane. Let’s have a look at them. What do we see. The stewardess is talking to the passengers now.

On board a plane

Steward: Hello ladies and gentlemen. Fasten your seatbelts, please. The pilot is preparing to take off. Now we are in the air. You’ll be serving a light snacks and some drinks.

Pupil 1: Excuse me could you tell me where the toilet is?

Steward: Yes, it is at the back of the plane. You will see a sign “lavatory”. If the lavatory door says “vacant” you can go in. If it says “occupied” you need to wait because someone is in there.

Pupil 1: Thanks a lot.

Steward: You are welcome. Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to welcome you aboard British Airways. Flight 54, non-stop to Heathrow Airport in London. We are flying at an altitude of 11 thousand meters. Our flight will be approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes. If there is anything we can do to make your trip with us comfortable, please let us know. Otherwise sit and enjoy the flight.

Teacher: What do the passengers do during the flight.

Pupil 2: They read.

Pupil 3: Some of them sleep.

Pupil 4: Some passengers look out of the window or listen to music.

Pupil 5: Others watch TV, chat and tell each other interesting stories.

Steward: Ladies and gentlemen. The pilot is preparing for landing. We are about to touch down in London at the international airport of Heathrow. It’s 10 a.m. the temperature outside is 2 degrees above zero. The tourist group from Russia will be met by a guide. Thank you for flying British Airways. Bye! ( вышли из самолета)

Teacher: At last we are at the airport. This is a list of signs you may see at the airports of many countries. How many signs do you understand? Match the signs and the pictures.

1. Telephone 2. Elevator 3Facility for the disabled 4. Information 5. Café 6. No smoking 7 Meting point 8. Baggage claim 9. Restrooms 10. Exchange 11. Restaurant 12. Bus 13. Potters 14. Souvenirs 15. Post office 16. Check-room 17. Taxi 18. First aids 19. Entrance 20. Exit 21. Departures 22. Arrivals 23. Hairdresser 24. Luggage lockers

Teacher: you managed to cope with the task. This is our guide.

Guide: How do you do. Welcome to our country. Pleased to meet you, boys and girls. Let me introduce myself. My name is Helen. I’m your guide. I hope we’ll be friends.

Pupil 1: How do you do. I’m___.

Pupil 2: Hello! My name is ___.

Pupil 3: Hi! I’m ____ .

Pupil 4: Hello! My name is ___. It’s very kind of you to meet us at the airport.

Pupil 5: Hi! I’m ____ . We are grateful to you.

Guide: Don’t mention it. It was a pleasure. There is a bus waiting for us.

(сели в автобус)

Guide: We welcome you to London. London is one of the oldest cities in the world. It was founded more than thousand years old. About 8 million people live there. It is a huge port, a science city, the seat of the government. London is situated on the banks of the river Thames. London consists of 4 parts: the City, the East End, the West End, and the Westminster. In the City the streets and pavements are narrow and on weekdays the traffic is heavy, because the City is a commercial and financial centre of London and London’s important firms and banks are located there. About half a million people work in the City. But at weekends the City is almost dead. Now very few people live there. The Wes End is situated in the western part of London. Here the visitors can find the most attractive buildings, theatres, cinemas, museums and picture galleries. The Westminster with government buildings is the next part of London. There tourists can see the Westminster Palace, Westminster Abbey. The East End is the poorest part inhabited by factory works. London’s most famous sights are the Tower of London, the Westminster Palace, Westminster Abbey, Trafalgar Square and others. We are going to visit them right now.

Pupil 6: The Westminster Palace usually known as the Houses of Parliament occupies a magnificent building. King Edward the Confessor (Исповедник) built a palace in the 11th century. His successors made the palace their own residence. Gradually the Westminster palace became the centre of the government. At first Parliament was organized to help the monarch rule the country. The monarch called representatives of different groups of people together; so the House of Lords represented the church and aristocracy and the House of Commons represented the rich landowners. In the course of time, power gradually passed from the monarch to Parliament. According to the old tradition the queen opens the new session of Parliament each autumn by reading the Queen’s speech in the House of Commons. Another tradition is that the Queen is not allowed to enter the House of Commons. It reminds everybody that the monarch must not to try to govern the country.

In 1834 the old Palace of Westminster was destroyed by fire. After the fire it was rebuilt on its historic place. There are 2 towers in the Westminster palace: the Victoria Tower and the Clock Tower. The British flag, called the Union Jack, flying from the Victoria Tower shows that Parliament is in session. In the Clock Tower we can see Big Ben – the biggest clock of London.

Pupil 7: Now we are in the tower of London. It is the oldest building dating from the Norman Conquest. From the 11th century the tower has served many purposes – a fortress, a Royal Palace, a prison, a treasury and an arsenal. The oldest part - the White Tower was built by William the Conqueror in 1078. The name had originated in the reign of King Henry III who ordered the Tower to be whitewashed. Today the White Tower houses the unique collection of arms and armour. For several centuries the tower of London has been the main arsenal in the kingdom from which the royal armies and fleet were equipped. At the same time like other royal palaces it houses the king’s personal armours and weapons. In a specially constructed room we can see the most valuable collection of jewels. According to the tradition the Tower is guided by Yeoman Warders (стражники) or Beefeaters who wear colourful Tudor uniform. A lot of ravens live in the tower of London.

Pupil 8: Buckingham Palace is the symbol of the monarchy. It has been the home for 7 generations of British Queens and Kings. It is the Official residence of the Queen. It was built in the 18th century. The first queen to live there was Queen Victoria. The Royal family appear on the central balcony on special occasions. The Royal flag flying over Buckingham Palace is the sign that the Queen is in her residence. Londoners and numerous tourists enjoy watching the Changing of the Guards (смена караула) in front of the palace which lasts 30 minutes.

Pupil 9: Westminster Abbey is a magnificent church where British Monarchs are crowned. Many great Englishmen are buried there: scientists Newton, Darwin, writers Burns, Thackeray, statesman Chamberlain.

Pupil 10: St. Paul’s Cathedral is an architectural masterpiece created by Sir Christopher Wren. Sir Christopher Wren was the most famous of all English architects. It took Sir Christopher Wren 35 years to construct it. The magnificent interior of the cathedral contains a lot of fine paintings, sculptures and works of art.

Pupil 11: Trafalgar Square was built at the beginning of the 19 century to commemorate the battle of Trafalgar. Admiral Nelson’s statue stands on the top of a column in the middle of Trafalgar Square. The large square is a traditional place for people to meet. Behind Nelson’s Column is located the National Gallery. It contains the finest collection of pictures in the world. There are more then 850 masterpieces of all European schools of painting.

Pupil 12: The British Museum was set up in 1753. It has many departments covering a vast variety of subjects. It includes the National Library which houses more than 6 million of books. It also includes the National Museum of archaeology and ethnography. Their exhibitions contain unique masterpieces: paintings, ancient sculptures, ancient books.

Pupil 13: Whitehall is not a hall. It is a street where British government buildings are located. Very often British government is called Whitehall. In the centre of the roadway stands the monument to the fallen in the two world wars. Wreaths of red poppies are a tribute to the unknown soldiers.

Pupil 14: The most famous house in London is undoubtedly No. 10 Downing Street. It is a little street on the west side of Whitehall. It is the official residence of the prime Minister.

Pupil 15: Fleet Street is one of the central streets in the British capital where offices of many English newspapers and magazines are situated.

Pupil 16: Not far from the Tower of London is Tower Bridge. It was built across the Thames in 1894. It was designed in such a way that it could be used equally by road traffic and by ships going up the river Thames.

Guide: Now we stop here in front of the West Hotel. Let’s get off the bus. Your rooms have already been reserved.

In the Hotel Hall. Reception

Receptionist: Morning

Pupil1: Morning. We’ve got a reservation for our tourist group from Russia. My name is ____.

Receptionist: Just a minute, please. Yes, you’ve got a reservation. It’s for 5 persons. It is for a fortnight. Two double rooms and a single room. Correct?

Pupil 2: Not quite. We would like one double room and 3 single rooms.

Receptionist: Sorry. One double room and 3 single rooms. Number 4, 5 and 6.

Pupil 3: Where are the rooms.

Receptionist: On the second floor. Please sign the register. Jim, will you take the suitcases to the second floor.

Jim: Yes, Madam. (Sir)

Pupil 4: How much are the rooms?

Receptionist: 24 pounds, please.

Pupil 5: Here you are. We’ d like a telephone.

Receptionist: Every room has a telephone and a shower. Here are the keys. Jim, take our guests to their rooms 4, 5 and 6.

Jim: This way, please.

Teacher: It’s time to have lunch. Our tourists are gathering in the hall. They are going to have dinner. So they should revise table manners. Here are some rules: When refusing a dish say “No, thank you”, when accepting a dish say “Yes, please” If you sneeze or cough while you are at the table turn your head away from the table and cover your mouth. Before you leave the table thank the person who was kind to prepare your food.

Put your napkin on your lap. Keep it there during the meal and use it to wipe your hands and mouth whenever it is necessary. Ask people around to pass things that are out of your reach and thank them. Don’t stuff your mouth full of food .

What are other rules? I’d like to ask our students about table manners. Match two parts of the rules of table manners.

1. Wash the hands / before coming to table.

2. Don’t eat too fast or/ too slow

3. Sit straight/ keep your elbows off the table.

4. Don’t eat/ from the knife.

5. Never read/ while eating.

5. It’s not polite to have a spoon in a tea cup/ put your spoon on a saucer.

6. Avoid talking / when you have something in your mouth.

At the restaurant

Waiter: Welcome to our restaurant. What would you like?

Pupil 1: A: I'd like some water, please.

Waiter: Sparkling or still?

Pupil: Still, please.

Waiter: What would you like for the main course?

Pupil 1: I'd like some fish, please.

Waiter: Steamed, fried or grilled?

Pupil 1: Grilled, please. And I’d like some bread.

Waiter: White or brown?

Pupil 1: Brown, please.

Waiter: Would you like some dessert?

Pupil 1: Just a cup of coffee.

Waiter: What would you like?

Pupil 2: I'd like some water, please.

Waiter: Sparkling or still?

Pupil: Still, please.

Waiter: What would you like for the main course?

Pupil: I'd like some meat, please.

Waiter: Rare, medium or well done?

Pupil: Well done meat with steamed vegetables ,please. And I’d like some bread.

Waiter: White or brown?

Pupil: Brown, please

Waiter: Would you like some dessert?

Pupil: Some milk shake.

B: What would you like?

A: I'd like some juice, please.

B: Orange or apple?

A: Still, please.

B: What would you like for the main course?

A: I'd like some eggs, please.

B:Fried, boiled or scrambled?

A: Scrambled and roast pork with gravy, please. And I’d like some bread.

B: White or brown?

A: Brown, please

B: Would you like some dessert?

A: Just some ice-cream.

Waiter: What would you like?

Pupil 3: We’d like to try some traditional British dishes. Do you have any?

Waiter: We have a wide range of traditional British dishes on the menu.

Pupil 3: What would you recommend?

Waiter: I’d recommend haggis

Pupil 3: What is it?

Waiter: It is a sheep’s stomach stuffed with heart, lungs and liver. It is our customers’ favourite.

Pupil 3: Haggis for three.

Waiter: What else would you like?

Pupil 3: I’d like some baked potatoes and some bread.

Waiter: White or brown?

Pupil 3: Brown, please

Waiter: Would you like some dessert?

Pupil 3: Just some apple pie.

Waiter: 3 sparkling water, grilled fish, well done meat with steamed vegetables, haggis for three, apple pie for 3 , 2 ice cream and a cup of coffee.

Guide 2: My dear friends, you have some free time. You can go shopping and buy some souvenirs.

Pupil 4: We’d like to, but we have no idea where to go shopping.

Pupil 5: We would like to buy something at reduced prices because we are on a really tight budget.

Guide 2: The best place for you to go shopping is Camden Town in north-west of London. There is a huge variety of colouful indoor and outdoor flea markets, clothes stalls, music stalls and street vendors. There is nothing you can’t find at Camden Market. You can buy everything from clothes to unique items, all at bargain prices. You can buy beautiful embroidered handbags, modern jeans, rare books, leather purses and lovely accessories such as silk scarves, silver jewellery and traditional handicrafts. I’m sure you’ll find there everything you want.

Remember I’ll be waiting for you at the airport in 2 hours

In the shop

Assistant: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, please. Do you have small dark blue polka dot Indian silk scarves. I can’t find one.

Assistant: Let me see. They are in fashion so it is in great demand at the moment.

Customer: Oh dear. I wanted to buy it for my friend’s birthday.

Assistant: I’m afraid it is out of stock.

Customer: Have you got a yellow and brown checked Chinese silk one instead then.

Assistant: Yes, we have.

Customer: OK, I’ll take this one. It will suit her. (быть к лицу)

Customer: Do you have a small Indian silver necklace. (колье) I wanted to buy it for myself as a birthday present.

Assistant: Will you try this one, please

Customer: It doesn’t go with my T-shirt.

Assistant: Would you like anything else. We have a lot of jewellery for sale. Try this silver ring, please.

Customer: It’ s lovely, but have you got it in a smaller size?

Assistant: Yes, we have. I can also offer you a pair of earrings at a reasonable prize.

Customer: OK, I’ll take them.

Assistant: How would you like to pay: by cheque or by credit card.

Customer: Is it possible to pay in cash.

Assistant: Sure. That’s 30 pounds

Customer: Here you are

Assistant: Thank you very much.

Our trip has come to the end.


Просмотр содержимого презентации
«A Virtual Trip to London»

A Virtual Trip to London

A Virtual Trip to London

View of the City of London from the Thames  The City of London is the historical, geographical and administrative center of London.

View of the City of London from the Thames The City of London is the historical, geographical and administrative center of London.

Banks and Office Buildings in the City of London. The today’s City remains a business center housing a lot of banks & other offices, but it is also one of the main attractions for tourists.

Banks and Office Buildings in the City of London. The today’s City remains a business center housing a lot of banks & other offices, but it is also one of the main attractions for tourists.

The City of London streets after the working hours are over. After 6 p.m. and at weekends the streets of the City of London are practically empty.

The City of London streets after the working hours are over. After 6 p.m. and at weekends the streets of the City of London are practically empty.

The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the United Kingdom Parliament. As it has two chambers – the House of Lords and the House of Commons one building is called “the Houses”.

The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the United Kingdom Parliament. As it has two chambers – the House of Lords and the House of Commons one building is called “the Houses”.

Big Ben, View from Parliament Square  The famous Clock Tower called Big Ben is the most famous symbol of GB.

Big Ben, View from Parliament Square The famous Clock Tower called Big Ben is the most famous symbol of GB.

The Victoria Tower  The farthest end from Westminster Bridge is the Victoria Tower that today houses the House of Lords

The Victoria Tower The farthest end from Westminster Bridge is the Victoria Tower that today houses the House of Lords

Entrance to the Houses of Parliament for curious tourists  After standing in line for some time curious tourists can get inside the Houses of Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Entrance to the Houses of Parliament for curious tourists After standing in line for some time curious tourists can get inside the Houses of Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The House of Commons  (the bottom Chamber)

The House of Commons (the bottom Chamber)

The House of Lords Chamber

The House of Lords Chamber

The Queen’s Throne in the Houses of Parliament  That’s where Her Majesty the Queen sits when she comes to open the session of Parliament.

The Queen’s Throne in the Houses of Parliament That’s where Her Majesty the Queen sits when she comes to open the session of Parliament.

Westminster Palace and Westminster Bridge (view from the Thames)

Westminster Palace and Westminster Bridge (view from the Thames)

The Tower of London

The Tower of London

The ceremony of the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace

The ceremony of the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey, a large, mainly Gothic church, is located in Westminster, London, just to the west of the Palace of Westminster.

Westminster Abbey, a large, mainly Gothic church, is located in Westminster, London, just to the west of the Palace of Westminster.

Saint Paul’s Cathedral  Up till now Saint Paul’s Cathedral is one of the greatest churches in England and in the world.

Saint Paul’s Cathedral Up till now Saint Paul’s Cathedral is one of the greatest churches in England and in the world.

Portrait of  Sir Christopher Wren

Portrait of Sir Christopher Wren

Saint Paul’s Cathedral is one of the most famous cathedrals in the world. When in London the tourists look forward to seeing its beauty.

Saint Paul’s Cathedral is one of the most famous cathedrals in the world. When in London the tourists look forward to seeing its beauty.

Trafalgar Square is the largest square in London, a public space and a tourist attraction in central London. It has been a central meeting place since the Middle Ages.

Trafalgar Square is the largest square in London, a public space and a tourist attraction in central London. It has been a central meeting place since the Middle Ages.

Right in the centre of the Square there stands the Nelson Column 44 meters high.  Monument to Admiral Nelson on top the column.

Right in the centre of the Square there stands the Nelson Column 44 meters high. Monument to Admiral Nelson on top the column.

The British Museum .

The British Museum .

Whitehall & Big Ben,  View from Trafalgar Square  To get to the Houses of Parliament from Trafalgar Square we should walk along Whitehall. It’s not a hall or a building –

Whitehall & Big Ben, View from Trafalgar Square To get to the Houses of Parliament from Trafalgar Square we should walk along Whitehall. It’s not a hall or a building –

Map of Whitehall showing the major UK Government buildings.

Map of Whitehall showing the major UK Government buildings.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown and US President Barack Obama in the Pillared Room, 2009. Almost 300 years old, the building contains about 100 rooms

Prime Minister Gordon Brown and US President Barack Obama in the Pillared Room, 2009. Almost 300 years old, the building contains about 100 rooms

10, Downing Street, Westminster is one of the most famous addresses in the United Kingdom and the world.

10, Downing Street, Westminster is one of the most famous addresses in the United Kingdom and the world.

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge


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