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Внеклассное мероприятие

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«Внеклассное мероприятие»

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему

«A travel to the land of Halloween»

Провела и подготовила: преподаватель английского языка Старостина А.Н.

Предмет: английский язык

Тема: «A travel to the land of Halloween»

Класс: 8

Цель: поддержание интереса к изучению английского языка на основе внеклассного мероприятия по теме «A travel to the land of Halloween»

Задачи мероприятия:

1. Развивать память и мышление обучающихся;

2. стимулирование интереса к предмету;

3. Развивать лексические навыки;

4. Воспитание любознательности и толерантности;

5.Приобщить обучающихся к культуре, традициям страны изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: мультимедийное оборудование, карточки с заданиями, жетоны «Лазурики», грамоты

Ход мероприятия.

1) Оргмомент

T: Good morning children. I’m glad to see you. Tell me, please, what date is it today? What day of the week is it today?

Watch the video. Look at the screen.

(Дети просматривают короткий видеофрагмент 1 на тему Halloween. На тексте песни и переводе внимание не акцентируется).

Т:After watching this video, how do you think, what is the topic of our lesson?

I hope you have already felt the atmosphere of Halloween. Do you like it?

Do you know anything about Halloween?

At this lesson you will know more information about Halloween. We will have a very interesting game “A travel to Halloween”.

(участвуют 2 команды по 7 человек, каждая команда зарабатывает баллы)

1. Translate the words, please.

(Учитель раздаёт карточки со словами)

1. pumpkin

2. jack-o’-lantern

3. bat

4. spider

5. witch

6. ghost

7. spirit

8. black cat

9. costume

10. monster

2. Choose the words on the right which complete the words on the left.

1. Heven a) фонарь из тыквы

2. spider b) тыква

3. witch c) свеча

4. bat d) привидение, призрак

5. skeleton e) колдунья, ведьма

6. ghost f) летучая мышь

7. jack-o'-lantern g) конфета, леденец

8. candle h) скелет

9. pumpkin i) смерть

10.death j) паук

11. candy k) небеса

3. The following task is to make up the sentences out of the words and then to put them in order according to the action.

1. Night tell a scary in story a low voice on Halloween People

2. Believe that day the souls return of the They dead to place where they lived

3. Pumpkins People their houses decorate with

4. 31 of October the British celebrate on the Halloween

5. Halloween’s the evening there are a lot of parties In

4. Now, we are going to have a trip to the magic world, to the town called Halloween. The ghosts and witches, who live there, are going to tell us about their home and themselves.

(Учитель раздаёт карточки с текстом песни “This is Halloween” из мультфильма “The Nightmare before Christmas”. В тексте пропущены некоторые слова. Задание учеников состоит в том, чтобы ,просмотрев видеофрагмент 2 , заполнить пропуски во время прослушивания песни. Пропущенные слова поданы в задании).

a) Fill in the blankets with the following words:

red, pumpkins, age, Halloween (*2), everybody, trick or treat, strange, will see, spiders, bed

This is Halloween

Boys and girls of every _________

Wouldn’t you like to see something _________?

Come with us and you _________

This, our town of _________!

This is Halloween, this is Halloween!

_________ scream in the dead of night.

This is Halloween, _________ make a scene!

_________ till the neighbors gonna die of fright!

It’s our town, everybody scream

In this town of _________.

I am the one hiding under your _________

Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing _________.

I am the one hiding under yours stairs

Fingers like snakes and _________ in my hair.

This is Halloween, this is Halloween

Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!

b) Listen to the music again

(Фрагмент проигрывается ещё раз, чтобы ученики еще раз смогли проверить слова)


T: Repeat after me. (учащиеся повторяют слова и движения за учителем)

Two little hands go clap, clap, and clap.

Two little feet go tap, tap, and tap.

One little body goes round and round.

One little child sits quietly down.

5. Now, we will not translate these words, but we will try to guess their meanings by the pictures. Match the words and the pictures.

1. Halloween

2. pumpkin

3. jack-o’-lantern

4. trick-or-treat

5. bat

6. spider

7. witch

8. ghost

9. spirit

10. black cat

11. costume

12. monster

6. Unscramble words.

The next task is to unscramble the words. The letters of the words were mixed. Put them in the right way.

S O T H G –

H C W T I –

E E A H W L N L O –

D Y A C N –

A S B T –

U I M N P P K –

M C E U S O T –

E D R S I P –

C A K B L C T A -

7. Crossword.

(презентация с вопросами и кроссвордом)

Now, let’s look at the crossword. You know already all the words needed, so, let’s fill it in!

Т: Did you like our lesson today?

When do we celebrate Halloween?

What are the main activities for Halloween?

What is the symbol of Halloween?

Bats and rats and witches' cats,

Skeletons in bowler hats.

Don't be scared! It's Halloween —

Spooks and spirits can be seen!

Boys and girls! “Halloween” is very important in the life of English people. Now you see Halloween is a nice and funny holiday. Everyone is happy. All your projects have shown it. I wish you to be happy with all my heart!
(подсчитываются баллы каждой команде. Победители награждаются памятными призами)


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