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Урок в 5 классе по теме "Спорт"

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Открытый урок для 5 класса тема "Спорт".По зарубежному УМК "In Touch"

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«Урок в 5 классе по теме "Спорт"»

Lesson 15( in touch 1)

Sport. A great basketball player.

Aims: -revision the structures of Present Simple questions and short answers;

  • use of time expressions with in, on, at, every.

Equipment: Teacher’s book, work book, class cassette, cards with new words, tape recorder.

  • Greeting. Good morning pupils. Sit down, please. What’s the weather like today? What day is it today?

  • Now,let’s sing the song about Dilly and Bugsy. Very good, thank you.

  • Let’s check up your hometask(ex.5,6 W.B)

  • Now, look at the picture of Miles Brandon. Describe him and name his sport( basketball). And now listen to the dialogue, and we’ll read and translate this test.

  • Tell me please about Maria Sanches and Miles Brandon. Please close your books.

  • Listen to the interview with Miles and say about Miles and his family. That’s right, very good.

  • Look at the board Ex.2,p44 P.b

( I have written: I live in Arizona)Will you write on the board the negative form? (One pupil writes on the board)

I don’t live in Arizona.

Let’s put the yes/|no question to this sentence.

Do you live in Arizona?

  • Now look at these sentences and try to tell the ruler how the question form is made with do.

  • Work in pairs. Make questions and answers from the table (on page 44 P.book). You can use other people and places.

Example: Does your brother live in England?

Very, good. that’s right.

  • Look at ex.3 p.44. Find the answers to from the text.(work in pairs) Give short answers to all the questions. You have 2 minutes for it. O.k, check up.

  • Exercise 4a page 45. Read through the table, then look back at the text about Miles to find an example of a time expressions. (Rule)

  • Exercise 4b page 45. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the gaps. Then we’ll check the answers. Let’s read this dialogue in pairs. Brilliant! Thank you.

  • Look at exercise 5a. Let’s read the sentences in the box and contrast the new question form.

When does he practice?

With the question forms in ex,2. (Demonstrate that the position of does he is the same in both)

  • Work in pairs. Ex.5в. Complete the questions and answer. You have 5minutes. Let’s check up.

  • Ex.6a. Now, you have few minutes to read through the exercise. Please listen to the cassette and correct information.

  • Ex.6b. Work in pairs. Complete the dialogue by adding the appropriate questions. Then, we’ll read aloud in pairs.

  • That’s right. And now open your diaries and write your homework.

Exercise 1,2 W.B and as in ex. 6b- make up your own dialogue.

Your marks for this lesson...

The lesson is over, goodbye.


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