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Урок английского языка "Holidays and Traditions in the USA"

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Данный урок разработан для учащихся 10-12 лет.  Учащиеся познакомятся с праздниками США, особенностями их проведения через чтение текстов, выполнения заданийпо прочитанному. Работа проводится как в группах, так и индивидуально.На уроке ведется работа по развитию функциональной грамотности.

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«Урок английского языка "Holidays and Traditions in the USA"»

Урок английского языка в 6 классе

Тема «Holidays and traditions in the USA » Дата


  1. Познакомить с новой лексикой, практиковать в ее употреблении; познакомить с информацией о праздниках и традициях в США,

практиковать в чтении и аудировании текстов и выполнении разноуровневых заданий по прочитанному и прослушанному; тренировать в устной речи и чтении, работе в группах и индивидуально;

  1. Развивать навыки чтения, устной речи, память, мышление, функциональную грамотность;

  2. Воспитывать интерес к страноведению.

Тип урока – ознакомление с новым материалом

Методы – наглядно-иллюстративный, репродуктивный, элементы критического мышления

Формы – аудирование, фронтальная работа, групповая и индивидуальная работа

Ход урока.

  1. Орг. момент. Проверка д/з.

 Good morning, boys and girls.

Get ready for the lesson. Sit down, please. Let us begin our lesson.

 - Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? Is he/she ill?

 - What is the date? What day of the week is it today? What is the weather like today?

I am glad to see you. Today we will continue our work about the USA.

  1. Checking home task.

You have stripes with the questions and answers. Read them. Now I want you to read the questions and another student with the right answer should read that.

  1. What is the full name of the USA?

  2. What is the capital of the USA?

  3. What are the biggest cities?

  4. What is the famous place in New York?

  5. What is the 1st President name?

  6. What is on the tablet of the Statue of Liberty written?

  1. The full name is the United States of America.

  2. Washington, DC is the capital of the United States.

  3. New York, Washington, DC, Philadelphia, Chicago and Los Angeles are the biggest cities in the USA.

  4. The famous place in New York is the Statue of Liberty.

  5. The 1st President name is George Washington.

  6. The 4th of July, 1776.

Then one student should give the monologue.

  1. Warming up.

On the tablet of the Statue of Liberty you can see the date of the Independence Day.

You can see some phrases on the board. What are they?

The 25th of December

The 4th of July

The 14th of February

The 31st of October

The 16th of December

The 1st of January

Yes, you are right! They are the dates of holidays. So, you can guess the topic for the lesson? Today we will learn and speak about holidays and traditions in the USA.

Let’s match the dates with the names of holidays.


The Independence Day

St. Valentine’s Day

New Year


Today we are going to learn information about the holidays and traditions in the USA.

  1. New words introduction.

To celebrate

To decorate





to hang

roast turkey


to sign




  1. Reading the text, checking of its understanding

Work in groups.

We have four groups. Each group has one holiday. You need to read the text, translate it and do some tasks. Each person has the own task.

1st – to draw a picture of the holiday

2nd – to make a poster

3rd – to tell everyone about the holiday

After that other groups give their marks according to the criterias:

  1. Полнота раскрытия темы (название праздника, символы, деятельность людей)

  2. Правильность речи

  3. Активность всех участников группы


In America Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December. People decorate Christmas trees with coloured balls, ribbons and lights. On the top of the tree you can see a star or an angel. The main Christmas symbols are Santa Claus and Christmas tree. On Christmas people buy Christmas cards and presents. They send them to their relatives. On Christmas Eve people put their presents under the tree. Another Christmas custom is to hang a stocking. They eat Christmas pudding and roast turkey.

Thanksgiving Day.

In November there is a great holiday – Thanksgiving Day. Families come together for the day. They decorate the house with autumn’s fruits and flowers and eat traditional American food: roast turkey and pumpkin pie.

St. Valentine’s Day

The 14th of February is St. Valentine’s Day. People buy or make Valentine’s cards and send them to people they love. Sometimes they don’t sign their cards – you must guess who sent the cards to you. Boys and girls, husbands and wives, relatives and friends also give presents and sweets to each other.


Halloween is celebrated on the 31st of October. Halloween is time for fun. It is very dear to children and teenagers. They put on costumes of ghosts and witches. Small children go to “Trick or treat”, tell scary stories, and watch horror films. The traditional decoration is Jack-o-lantern. People cut holes in the pumpkin and put a candle inside it. Pumpkin pie is traditionally on the table.

Then groups share their ideas. Getting marks. Comments. Questions to each other.

  1. Let’s have a rest - Video – Halloween

  2. And one more holiday that took place last Sunday is Easter – Пасха.

I want you to listen to some information and fill in the gaps in your sheets.

Let’s check and translate.


Easter is celebrated in April or in March. Families cook cakes and decorate eggs. The symbol of the holiday is Easter Bunny. Children believe that Easter Bunny hide eggs and sweets. In the morning they look for them.


Easter is celebrated in ______ or in March. Families ___ cakes and decorate eggs. The symbol of the ________ is Easter Bunny. Children believe that Easter Bunny hide eggs and _______. In the morning ____ look for them.

Let’s check your work with the slide.

  1. Let’s try to become on the place of American children. Some of you have eggs under your chairs. Look for them!

There are some tasks on these eggs. Let’s do them.

The 1st egg –

What is different?

  1. Roast turkey, pudding, pumpkin pie, pancake

  2. Christmas, Nauryz, St.Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving Day

  3. Sleep, send cards, cook traditional food, buy presents

  4. Cards, presents, sweets, building

The 2nd egg – Do the test

  1. Halloween is time ___ fun.

  1. For b) in c) to

  1. Nauryz is in ____.

  1. June b) March c) February

  1. St. Valentine’s day is a day of ____.

  1. Summer b) games c) love

  1. People decorate Christmas trees ___ coloured balls.

  1. To b) in c) with

  1. On Thanksgiving Americans eat ___.

  1. Roast turkey b) pumpkin pie c) pancakes

The 3rd egg – True or False?

  1. Christmas is on December.

  2. Thanksgiving is in July.

  3. Easter is in May.

  4. St. Valentine’s Day is in February.

  5. Halloween is in October.

  1. Conclusion. Reflexia. Marks.

You work hard today. I think you have learnt some new. What was new for you?

People always wish their friends and relatives. Let’s do the same.

  1. I wish you success!

  2. I wish you happiness!

  3. I wish you the best!

  4. I wish you good health!

  5. I wish you love!

  6. Have a good time!

  7. Best of luck to you! 

  8. Wishing you friendship!

  9. I wish you successful life!

  10. Happy holidays!

  11. I wish you a wonderful life!

  12. Have a wonderful day!

Let’s make our ‘Wish tree’ full! Put your wishes on it!

Also, I want you to think of our lesson and decide your mood after that. Write your faces on the stickers and hang them around the tree.

Thank you!

Д/з – to choose one holiday and make a report

  • Extra task – to find one small poem for any holiday and learn it by heart

Учащиеся познакомятся с новой лексикой и информацией по теме урока, прочитают и прослушают тексты, выполнят различные задания по новому материалу в группах и индивидуально.


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