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Тренажёр по ВПР

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«Тренажёр по ВПР»

Billy Green

Billy Green lives in London, the UK. He is a rap singer. He is one of the most famous rappers in the world. He gives A____ concerts all over the world because he is very popular and people want to listen to his songs. B____ come to his concerts and enjoy his music. Last week Billy Green C____ to Moscow to give a concert there. He spent only three days in Moscow so he D____ see all the sights of the city. Still, Billy Green liked Moscow very much. In his interview he said it was the E____ city he had ever visited. He wants to return to Moscow as a tourist one day and see all the beautiful places of the Russian capital.


A 1)  little 2)  few 3)  many 4)  much

B 1)  They 2)  Them 3)  Their 4)  Themselves

C 1)  go 2)  went 3)  has gone 4)  will go

D 1)  can 2)  can't 3)  could 4)  couldn't

E 1)  good 2)  better 3)  best 4)  most good


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