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Тренажёр по ВПР

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«Тренажёр по ВПР»

The Lion and the Elephant

Once upon a time there lived Lion. He was afraid of nothing but chickens. One day he A____ his friend Elephant about his fear. Elephant thought he had never heard a B____ joke than that one. He started making fun of Lion, "You are so big and you are afraid of small chickens!" While he C____ at the Lion, he saw a mosquito. Then another mosquito flew and then one more. Elephant started crying. It turned out that the Elephant D____ afraid of small mosquitoes. It helped both Lion and Elephant see these fears as others see C____. The animals realized that most of fears make no sense.


A 1)  tell 2)  told 3)  was told 4)  has told

B 1)  good 2)  better 3)  more good 4)  best

C 1)  laugh 2)  laughed 3)  was laughing 4)  has laughed

D 1)  are 2)  will be 3)  were 4)  was

E 1)  them 2)  themselves 3)  they 4)  their


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