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Тренажёр по ВПР

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«Тренажёр по ВПР»

Betty Smith

Betty Smith is thirteen, and she is a schoolgirl. She lives in Bristol, the UK. She wants to be a ballerina. She A____ fond of dancing for a long time. She started attending dancing classes when she B____ only five years old. Every day she spends C____ time in the dancing class. It can be four or five hours because she has to do a lot of different tasks set by her teacher. She also listens to classical music every day. Her parents are proud of Betty. D____ go to every performance which Betty takes part in. Betty is the E____ student in her dancing class that is why she often takes part in different dancing competitions. She has won a lot of prizes already.


A 1) is 2) was 3) has been 4) will be

B 1) is 2) was 3) are 4) were

C 1) little 2) few 3) many 4) a lot of

D 1) they 2) them 3) their 4) themselves

E 1) good 2) better 3) best 4) most good


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