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Тренажёр по ВПР

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«Тренажёр по ВПР»

At the zoo

I like animals and I want to be a vet. I go to the zoo when I have some spare time to watch the behavior of A_________ favourite animal. It is a panda bear. It is one of the B_________ animals in the world. It C_________ in China in the jungle. It is a big animal up to two meters tall. It has got a coat of long black and white fur. It eats bamboo, plants and sometimes fish. It is very funny. My little sister Annie who is three years D_________ than I am, often goes to the zoo with me. She E_________ to be a vet, she'd like to be an actress.


A 1) mine 2) my 3) our 4) ours

B 1) rarer 2) less rare 3) rare 4) rarest

C 1) has lived 2) is living 3) lives 4) lived

D 1) younger 2) elder 3) young 4) youngest

E 1) wants 2) doesn't want 3) didn't want 4) wanted


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