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Тест по проверке использования форм глаголов в Present Simple и Present Continuous.

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Тест составлен для проверки навыков владения учениками форм прошедшего простого и прошедшего продолженного времени.

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«Тест по проверке использования форм глаголов в Present Simple и Present Continuous.»

I. Complete the sentences. Use the Past simple of the verbs in brackets.

1. My friend_______ (go) to the cinema yesterday.

2. He __________ (not like) badminton, so he ________ (play) voleyball.

3. He _______ (break) the window when he _______ (be) 5.

4. My mum ______ (be) very angry because we _______ (come) home very late.

5. She ______ (tell) me the problem with her homework and I _______ (help) her.

6. They ________ (not visit) the museum of the town, they ________ (go) to the funfair.

7. _____ they ______ (visit) their grandparents yesterday?

8. When ____ you _____ (be) when the accident happened?

II. Complete the sentences: Use did, didn’t, was, wasn’t, were, weren’t.

1. ____ he having a shower when the phone rang? No, I ____

2. ____ she visit the Eiffel Tower while she ____living in Paris? Yes, she ____

3. ____ you tidying up when your friend got home? Yes, I____

4. ____ they cooking when you phoned? Yes, they __________

5. ____we driving when it began to rain? No, we __________

III. Complete the sentences. Use the Past simple and the Past continuous tenses.

1) They ____ (walk) along the street when they ____ (see) the dog.

2) When Peter ____ (get) up yesterday it ____. ( rain).

3) While Elisa ____ (cross) the street, she ____ (fall) down.

4) It ____ (get) dark when I ____ (arrive) home.

5) My mum ____ (listen) to the radio while my father ____ (play) cards with a friend.

V. Complete the text. Use the Past simple and the Past continuous tenses.

It _____1 (be) a rainy day of November. We ____2 (come) from school at 2 o’clock.

We _____3 (not be) very hungry but we ____4 (be) cold. While we ____5 (walk) with my umbrella, we ____6 (find) a coin. It ____7 (not be) a normal coin, it ____8 (be) a strange coin. We _____9 (not continue) walking. We _____10 (be) a bit nervous. What should we do? Maybe, we _____11 to (have) put the coin where we _____12 (find) it. We ____13 (do) this. We ______14 (walk) on the street, when a tall man _____15 (ask) us for the coin. We _____16 (tell) him that the coin ____17 (be) at the beginning of the street. We ____18 (know) what ____19 (happen), so we _____20 (continue) walking.

VI. Complete the sentences with the words much, many, few, little

  1. Jane has got ___ free time. She is very busy.

  2. Do you know ___words in English?

  3. He didn't eat ___meat.

  4. There is ___butter in the fridge.

  5. How ___lessons do you have on Mondays?

  6. I cannot see ___stars in the sky tonight.

  7. Do you have ___friends in France?

  8. There weren’t ____ people in the cinema. Only___ children.


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