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Safety rules during blizzards. listening. Form 9 Unit 6

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Form 9. Unit 6. Lesson 4. ex. 6b (задание к прослушиванию текста в учебнике Лапицкой Л.М., 2018 г)


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«Safety rules during blizzards. listening. Form 9 Unit 6»

The best advice is, of course, to always check weather forecasts and extreme weather warnings. You shouldn’t travel either by car or on foot during a blizzard, because it can be very dangerous. You might get frostbite or hypothermia, which means that your body temperature will be very low. The second tip is to be prepared: you should collect and always have a safety kit for winter travelling – a good sleeping bag, extra layers of warm clothes, warm footwear, gloves and a winter hat, extra food, water, a torch, a signal light, matches. Get a full fuel tank before travelling. If you are stranded travelling by car, stay inside and run the car for ten minutes each hour. You must make sure the snow does not block the exhaust each time you start the car. This helps to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Do various exercises to keep you warm, drink water to stay hydrated. Keep your seatbelt on and turn on the hazard lights to help people see you or find you. Going outside wear layers of warm and wind-proof clothes and have a fully charged mobile phone. If you are caught outside when going on foot, cover all open body parts and immediately go inside a building. If you cannot get inside immediately, call for help and make a fire to help you keep warm and draw attention. These tips may help to save your life.

The best advice is, of course, to always 1_____ weather forecasts and extreme weather warnings. You shouldn’t travel either by car or on foot during a 2_______, because it can be very dangerous. You might get frostbite or hypothermia, which means that your body 3_______ will be very low. The second tip is to be prepared: you should collect and always have a 4______ for winter travelling – a good sleeping bag, extra layers of warm clothes, warm footwear, 5‑______ and a winter hat, extra food, water, a torch, a signal light, matches. Get a full fuel tank before travelling. If you are stranded travelling by car, stay inside and run the car for 6_________ each hour. You must make sure the snow does not block the exhaust each time you start the car. This helps to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Do various 7_____ to keep you warm, drink water to stay hydrated. Keep your seatbelt on and turn on the hazard lights to help people see you or find you. Going outside wear layers of warm and wind-proof clothes and have a fully charged 8_________. If you are caught outside when going on foot, 9______ all open body parts and immediately go inside a building. If you cannot get inside immediately, call for help and make a fire to help you keep warm and 10______. These tips may help to save your life.

The best advice is, of course, to always 1_____ weather forecasts and extreme weather warnings. You shouldn’t travel either by car or on foot during a 2_______, because it can be very dangerous. You might get frostbite or hypothermia, which means that your body 3_______ will be very low. The second tip is to be prepared: you should collect and always have a 4______ for winter travelling – a good sleeping bag, extra layers of warm clothes, warm footwear, 5‑______ and a winter hat, extra food, water, a torch, a signal light, matches. Get a full fuel tank before travelling. If you are stranded travelling by car, stay inside and run the car for 6_________ each hour. You must make sure the snow does not block the exhaust each time you start the car. This helps to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Do various 7_____ to keep you warm, drink water to stay hydrated. Keep your seatbelt on and turn on the hazard lights to help people see you or find you. Going outside wear layers of warm and wind-proof clothes and have a fully charged 8_________. If you are caught outside when going on foot, 9______ all open body parts and immediately go inside a building. If you cannot get inside immediately, call for help and make a fire to help you keep warm and 10______. These tips may help to save your life.

The best advice is, of course, to always 1_____ weather forecasts and extreme weather warnings. You shouldn’t travel either by car or on foot during a 2_______, because it can be very dangerous. You might get frostbite or hypothermia, which means that your body 3_______ will be very low. The second tip is to be prepared: you should collect and always have a 4______ for winter travelling – a good sleeping bag, extra layers of warm clothes, warm footwear, 5‑______ and a winter hat, extra food, water, a torch, a signal light, matches. Get a full fuel tank before travelling. If you are stranded travelling by car, stay inside and run the car for 6_________ each hour. You must make sure the snow does not block the exhaust each time you start the car. This helps to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Do various 7_____ to keep you warm, drink water to stay hydrated. Keep your seatbelt on and turn on the hazard lights to help people see you or find you. Going outside wear layers of warm and wind-proof clothes and have a fully charged 8_________. If you are caught outside when going on foot, 9______ all open body parts and immediately go inside a building. If you cannot get inside immediately, call for help and make a fire to help you keep warm and 10______. These tips may help to save your life.

The best advice is, of course, to always 1_____ weather forecasts and extreme weather warnings. You shouldn’t travel either by car or on foot during a 2_______, because it can be very dangerous. You might get frostbite or hypothermia, which means that your body 3_______ will be very low. The second tip is to be prepared: you should collect and always have a 4______ for winter travelling – a good sleeping bag, extra layers of warm clothes, warm footwear, 5‑______ and a winter hat, extra food, water, a torch, a signal light, matches. Get a full fuel tank before travelling. If you are stranded travelling by car, stay inside and run the car for 6_________ each hour. You must make sure the snow does not block the exhaust each time you start the car. This helps to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Do various 7_____ to keep you warm, drink water to stay hydrated. Keep your seatbelt on and turn on the hazard lights to help people see you or find you. Going outside wear layers of warm and wind-proof clothes and have a fully charged 8_________. If you are caught outside when going on foot, 9______ all open body parts and immediately go inside a building. If you cannot get inside immediately, call for help and make a fire to help you keep warm and 10______. These tips may help to save your life.

The best advice is, of course, to always 1_____ weather forecasts and extreme weather warnings. You shouldn’t travel either by car or on foot during a 2_______, because it can be very dangerous. You might get frostbite or hypothermia, which means that your body 3_______ will be very low. The second tip is to be prepared: you should collect and always have a 4______ for winter travelling – a good sleeping bag, extra layers of warm clothes, warm footwear, 5‑______ and a winter hat, extra food, water, a torch, a signal light, matches. Get a full fuel tank before travelling. If you are stranded travelling by car, stay inside and run the car for 6_________ each hour. You must make sure the snow does not block the exhaust each time you start the car. This helps to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Do various 7_____ to keep you warm, drink water to stay hydrated. Keep your seatbelt on and turn on the hazard lights to help people see you or find you. Going outside wear layers of warm and wind-proof clothes and have a fully charged 8_________. If you are caught outside when going on foot, 9______ all open body parts and immediately go inside a building. If you cannot get inside immediately, call for help and make a fire to help you keep warm and 10______. These tips may help to save your life.

The best advice is, of course, to always 1_____ weather forecasts and extreme weather warnings. You shouldn’t travel either by car or on foot during a 2_______, because it can be very dangerous. You might get frostbite or hypothermia, which means that your body 3_______ will be very low. The second tip is to be prepared: you should collect and always have a 4______ for winter travelling – a good sleeping bag, extra layers of warm clothes, warm footwear, 5‑______ and a winter hat, extra food, water, a torch, a signal light, matches. Get a full fuel tank before travelling. If you are stranded travelling by car, stay inside and run the car for 6_________ each hour. You must make sure the snow does not block the exhaust each time you start the car. This helps to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Do various 7_____ to keep you warm, drink water to stay hydrated. Keep your seatbelt on and turn on the hazard lights to help people see you or find you. Going outside wear layers of warm and wind-proof clothes and have a fully charged 8_________. If you are caught outside when going on foot, 9______ all open body parts and immediately go inside a building. If you cannot get inside immediately, call for help and make a fire to help you keep warm and 10______. These tips may help to save your life.


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