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Практическая Цель :

Подготовить монологическое высказывание по теме.


  1. Обобщение и повторение лексики раздела

  2. Изучение преимуществ и недостатков работы на полставки

  3. Выполнение упражнений на отработку лексики

  4. Повторение грамматики: условные предложения 2-го типа.


  1. Развивающая: Развивать память, монологическую и диалогическую речь. Развивать навыки аудирования, беглого чтения; умения работать в парах и группах, умение отстаивать свою точку зрения.

  2. Образовательная: Познакомить с разными точками зрения на данную проблему; закрепить навыки словообразования.

  3. Воспитательная: Воспитывать бережное отношение, уважение к труду своему и родителей, воспитание толерантности. Помощь в выборе профессии.

Оснащение: компьютер, учебники, раздаточный материал

Ход урока:

  1. Teacher: Look at the list of the teenagers’ problems. Which of them do you think is the most important? Why?


-appearances and clothes

-relationships with friends, family

-participating in youth movements

-future career

-possibility of earning money

 T: What or Who can influence teenagers to choose the career? What jobs do people want to have? What jobs don’t they want to have? Can part-time jobs or odd ones help to find the right career path?

  1. T: What are we going to talk about?( Today we are going to talk about the possibility of earning money, a part-time job)

Why do teenagers want to have part-time jobs? What do they do with money? What odd jobs can they do?


T-Ss(1,2,3) –Let’s check your answers.

  1. Let’s do the exercise: Choose the correct answer:

  1. My friend is____hospitable/hospitability

  2. _____ is the best policy honest/honesty

  3. I was surprised by his responsible/responsibility

  4. She has a very original and _____ mind. creative/creativity

  5. The teacher expects ________from the class obedient/obidience

  6. 1)My _____is bigger than my appetite curious/curiosity

             7)A _____child doesn’t want to do household chores lazy/laziness

  1. T: what job would you like to have if you had a chance?(T-Ss)

T: In the newspapers or in the Internet people can find the advertisements with odd jobs. Look at them. Match the photo with the ad. What job would you choose?:

  1. WANTED!! People with green fingers to work in the garden every Sunday from 12:00 pm to 2:pm!!!

  2. WANTED!!Friendly English- speaking people to work as restaurant staff!!!!

  3. WANTED!! A person to be responsible for a child From 4 pm to 5:30 pm on Saturdays.

  4. WANTED!! An animal lover to walk with the friendliest dog every evening from Monday to Friday from 5 to 5;30 pm

T: Work in groups of four. Give your reasons.

T: Let’s check your answers.(T-Ss)

  1. T: Now let’s listen to the conversation of two friends who are talking about their experience; choose the right variant to the statements. Don’t worry if you are mistaken. We’ll help each other.

Ex.A1-A6  p.86(Тесты для подготовки к ГИА по английскому языку с Интернет-ресурсом. Под редакцией Марии Вербицкой, Малкома Манна, Сива Тейлора-Ноулза.)

Обучающиеся прослушивают материал дважды. Проверяют ответы с учителем.

T: Are they happy or satisfied ? Why? What job would you like to choose? Why? Why not?(T-Ss)

  1. T: Should teenagers do odd jobs? Let’s look at the Students’ books

p.146 Ex.57 Read these opinions and say with which opinions you agree .

(pair work; T-Ss)

  1. T:We’ve got the letter from the English pen-friend. Let’s read it.

You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Paul:

From:[email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Part-time jobs

..My friends and I are doing a project about jobs which teenagers have. It’s very interesting. I want to know your opinion. What part –time jobs can teenagers do in your country? Have you ever done any odd jobs? Should teenagers have a part-time job? Why?

As for my news, my Grandpa came to visit us…

Write a message to Paul and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100-120 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

VII.T: How many questions are there in the email? What would you say? How would you answer if you had such an experience? What tenses will you use?(T-Ss), discuss your answers with partners.

Look at the screen and complete the sentences.(pair work, T-Ss)

 Was it difficult or easy? What did we discuss today on the lesson? Do you remember the rules of writing email?

VIII.T: At home you should write the letter to a pen friend. Don’t forget the rules of writing the letter.

Questions for work in pairs:

Why do teenagers want to have part-time jobs?

 What do they do with money?

What odd jobs can they do?

Why do teenagers want to have part-time jobs?

 What do they do with money?

What odd jobs can they do?

Why do teenagers want to have part-time jobs?

 What do they do with money?

What odd jobs can they do?

Why do teenagers want to have part-time jobs?

 What do they do with money?

What odd jobs can they do?

Why do teenagers want to have part-time jobs?

 What do they do with money?

What odd jobs can they do?

Why do teenagers want to have part-time jobs?

 What do they do with money?

What odd jobs can they do?

Why do teenagers want to have part-time jobs?

 What do they do with money?

What odd jobs can they do?

Why do teenagers want to have part-time jobs?

 What do they do with money?

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